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From: The Soul Beat <soulbeat@comminit.com>
Date: 4 January 2012 17:14
Subject: The Soul Beat Extra: Community Radio - January 4 2012
To: mediamentor@gmail.com
Soul Beat Extra: Community Radio
January 2011
For people using community radio for social change...
Welcome to the first Soul Beat Extra: Community Radio in 2012! The SB
Extra: Community Radio updates you on community radio related programme
experiences, evaluations, research, awards, trainings, and resource
materials recently placed on the Soul Beat Africa website and within the
Community Radio themesite.
SB Extra: Community Radio complements The Soul Beat newsletter through a
specific focus on Community Radio and is sent out bi-monthly.
If you know someone who would be interested in receiving this free
e-publication, please forward this edition to them. They can "subscribe" by
subscribing to The Soul Beat (through the registration process) and
indicate an interest in radio. See
http://www.comminit.com/africa/user/register or send an email to
soulbeat@comminit.com with a subject of "subscribe community radio".
If you would like your organisation's communication work, research and
resource documents, or trainings and events to be featured on the Soul Beat
Africa website and in The Soul Beat newsletters, please contact
For further information on Community Radio in Africa visit Soul Beat
Community Radio theme site -
1. BarzaRadio
Launched in October 2011, BarzaRadio is an online social network designed
especially for African radio broadcasters, which seeks to increase the
extent to which rural radio helps African small-scale farmers meet their
food security, farming, and livelihood goals. Users can connect and share
farming and broadcasting-related content, resources, and expertise, as well
as work together to co-develop programmes. The project is an initiative of
Farm Radio International, with support from the Technical Centre for
Agricultural and Rural Cooperation ACP-EU (CTA) and the International
Development Research Centre (IDRC), in collaboration with Digital4Good...
2. Responsible Media Coverage of Elections: A Training Guide
This guide, published by Radio for Peace Building Africa in 2011, is
designed for journalists covering elections on the African continent,
particularly in situations of extreme tension or post-conflict
reconstruction. It was produced to encourage good journalistic practices
before, during, and after elections in order to manage conflict that can
arise during this transitional period. The guide gathers both theoretical
aspects and more pragmatic elements, providing journalists with essential
tools to cover elections responsibly...
3. Medias & Bonne Gouvernance en Afrique: Concept et Cas Pratiques
This book, published in French by the United Nations Educational,
Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in 2010, presents an overview
of case studies on media and good governance. The book contains articles by
intellectuals and journalists from eight African countries: Benin, Burundi,
Cameroon, Cote d'Ivoire, Gabon, Mali, Senegal, and Togo...
4. Under the Mango Tree Radio Project - Uganda
Combining recorded community-based discussions with national radio
broadcasts, Under the Mango Tree communicates information about health
problems and solutions in Uganda. The radio programme is part of the AFFORD
Initiative "that uses innovative marketing approaches to improve Ugandans'
health." Under the Mango Tree addresses AFFORD's focus health topics:
HIV/AIDS, malaria, and reproductive and child health. To produce the show,
community members gather in an outdoor public site. With the help of a
moderator and health professional, the community discusses issues around
one of AFFORD's supported topics. The live sessions are recorded and edited
into 30 minute radio segments...
5. Trois Toutes Communication Campaign - Senegal
Launched in 2010, the Trois Toutes Communication Campaign in Senegal is
built on the premise that long lasting insecticidal mosquito nets (LLINs)
are effective in preventing malaria if they are used consistently, by
everyone in the household, all year long, every night. Part of the NetWorks
programme led by Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Center for
Communication Programs (JHUCCP), the campaign seeks to go beyond protecting
only the most vulnerable populations and focuses on the need for consistent
LLIN use. The Trois Toutes are the "three all's": toute la famille, toute
l'annee, toutes les nuits (the whole family, every night, all year long).
The campaign uses radio, television, and home visits by community
volunteers to communicate with communities...
6. "Vrai Djo" ("Real Man") PSA Campaign - DRC
This behaviour communication change (BCC) campaign uses public service
announcements (PSAs) in an effort to engage men as positive actors in the
fight against sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) in the Democratic
Republic of Congo (DRC). Asking, "Est-il un vrai djo?" (Is he a real man?),
the campaign promotes positive male role models. Developed by the Search
for Common Ground (SFCG) in the DRC, it is based on the idea that society
presents many opportunities for men - as fathers, boyfriends, employers, or
husbands - to treat a woman badly or with respect. SFCG created 5 short
films and 3 audio spots which air on radio and television throughout the
7. School Parliament Program Angola
Launched in 2009, Search for Common Ground (SFCG) is working to foster a
culture of democracy and civic engagement in Angola by involving youth in a
School Parliament Program. The civic education programme includes face to
face activities, dialogues, and debates among students and with government
leaders, as well as community radio and television broadcasts. SFCG is
working with 50 secondary school students drawn from the 10 municipalities
that make up Luanda province. The weekly radio programme Baza Madie
provides information on democracy, governance, and participation to a
broader youth audience beyond the student participants in Luanda...
8. Mieraf (New Beginning) Radio Drama - Ethopia
Broadcasting from June 2010, Mieraf (New Beginning in Amharic) is a serial
radio drama designed to promote the importance of health extension workers
and encourage people to use their services, while also raising awareness of
health issues, including maternal and child health, use of family planning,
malaria prevention, HIV/AIDS prevention, and hygiene and sanitation.
Produced by the Population Media Center, the drama airs twice weekly and is
followed by discussion and interactions with health extension workers...
Soul Beat Africa has recently launched a new thematic focus area on
Democracy and Governance in Africa
The themesite has a special focus area on Media and Democracy and
Governance. To view this section go "Recently Shared by Priority Theme" on
the homepage or click here
9. Akahise Kadasorongoye: Transitional Justice Radio Project - Burundi
Launched in October 2011 by Radio La Benevolencija, the Akahise
Kadasorongoye (An Unfinished Past) project is working through and with
media to facilitate debates about Burundi's Truth and Reconciliation
Commission, as well as work to help encourage the population to reflect on
the country's history. Through a series of radio documentaries, newspaper
articles, and publications, La Benevolencija seeks to present different
versions of history, without claiming to present a complete and final
picture. As part of the project, La Benevolencija will train and facilitate
a network of radio journalists to report on and encourage dialogue about
the reconciliation process...
10. Liberia Community Radio Case Study: The Sustainability Myth
This document published in 2009 summarises the findings of Search for
Common Ground (SFGC) research into community radio station sustainability
and the role of communities in five Liberian towns. According to the
document, despite the proliferation of community radio stations in Liberia,
their potential to create participatory democracy has not been utilised
fully as a partner in the development process. The research found that all
interviewed stations had achieved some level of sustainability, which was
most effectively attained by building community ownership...
11. Benin Integrated Family Health Project - Benin
Working since 2006 in the department of Zou-Collines, the Integrated Family
Health Project, also known by its French acronym PISAF, focuses on maternal
and neonatal health, child health, malaria, family planning, and HIV/AIDS.
PISAF's three main objectives are to create a supportive implementation
environment, increase access to quality services and products, and increase
demand for health services, products, and preventive measures. As part of
the project activities, PISAF signed ten partnership contracts with local
radio stations, and 15 hosts from radio stations received training on
designing, editing, and broadcasting radio messages...
For more information on Community Radio, see:
Community Radio Theme Site
See also:
Edutainment Theme Site
If you have received this from another source, and would like to subscribe
to The Soul Beat and SBA Extra: Community Radio, please visit
http://www.comminit.com/africa/user/register or email soulbeat@comminit.com
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Creative-Radio is an independent forum for people active in or interested in the use of radio in development, in particular promoting public health, improved education, protection of the environment, improved livelihoods, good governance and conflict mitigation. Since it started in 1996, Creative-Radio has been in the forefront of radio's resurgence as a tool for social change and peace-building, and it helps promote best practice in these areas.
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