Tuesday, 18 November 2008

[creative-radio] Digest Number 2499

There are 5 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. Buy Nothing Day, 11/25/2008, 12:00 am
From: creative-radio@yahoogroups.com

2. SRI LANKA: Head of a Tamil radio station held in Colombo under anti-
From: George Lessard

3. Call for Applications - UN Democracy Fund
From: tamara aqrabawe

4a. 10 Years of Community Radio in Austria study: English summary now av
From: Salvatore Scifo

5. Kursus Jurnalisme Sastrawi XVI--Pantau
From: Siti Nurrofiqoh

1. Buy Nothing Day, 11/25/2008, 12:00 am
Posted by: "creative-radio@yahoogroups.com" creative-radio@yahoogroups.com
Date: Mon Nov 17, 2008 10:01 pm ((PST))

Reminder from: creative-radio Yahoo! Group

Buy Nothing Day
Tuesday November 25, 2008
All Day
(This event repeats every year.)
(The next reminder for this event will be sent in 4 days, 23 hours, 58 minutes.)

For 24 hours on Buy Nothing Day, November 25, we remember that no one was born to shop,
we pause, make a small choice to participate by not participating, and
we regain some calm. What will you do to tell Nike, McDonald's, Walmart
and the rest that enough is enough? Why not run with some ideas dreamt
up by the more than 3,500 jammers who took part in last year's biggest
ever Buy Nothing Day? Set up credit card cut ups, don white coats and
vaccinate against affluenza, give out free samples of nothing - anything
to show that the best things in life are free. You can find more ideas
and tools i

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Messages in this topic (1)
2. SRI LANKA: Head of a Tamil radio station held in Colombo under anti-
Posted by: "George Lessard" media@web.net themediamentor
Date: Tue Nov 18, 2008 12:35 am ((PST))

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: [rsfasie] SRI LANKA: Head of a Tamil radio station held in
Colombo under anti-terror law (Eng+Fr)
From: "RSF ASIA" <asie@rsf.org>
Date: Mon, November 17, 2008 12:39
To: asie2@rsf.org

Reporters Without Borders/Reporters sans frontières

17 November 2008

Head of a Tamil radio station held in Colombo under anti-terror law

Reporters Without Borders today urged the Sri
Lankan authorities to release the manager of a
Tamil radio A. R. V. Loshan, who was arrested at
his home in the capital Colombo on 15 November.

The senior radio presenter and current manager of
FM Vettri was picked up by Terrorist
Investigation Department (TID) agents.

The worldwide press freedom organisation said
that TID allegations against him of having "links
with terrorists" and "aiding terrorist
activities" should be based on evidence and not
on simple conjecture.

"The growing number of arrests by the authorities
of Tamil journalists under the anti-terror law
gives currency to the common rumor that many of
them are Tamil Tiger agents, but also undermines
the anti-terror law itself", the organisation

A colleague of the journalist told Reporters
Without Borders that his mother had been allowed
to visit him. He is in good health and hopes to
be quickly released.

Police questioned another journalist on Vettri FM
before arresting the director. The 32-year-old
with more than 10 years radio experience has
worked for five years for the station, which is
owned by the ABC press group.

Reporters Without Borders pointed out that two
other Tamil journalists - J. S. Tissainayagam and
Vettivel Jasikaran - are already being held under
the anti-terror law. The fiancée of the second of
them, Valarmathi Jasikaran, has also been
imprisoned in Colombo in very harsh conditions.


Un directeur de radio tamoul détenu à Colombo

Reporters sans frontières demande aux autorités
sri lankaises de libérer le journaliste A. R. V.
Loshan, interpellé dans la nuit du 15 novembre à
son domicile de Colombo. L'organisation estime
que les allégations de "liens avec des
terroristes" et d'"aide à des activités
terroristes" proférées par le Département des
enquêtes terroristes (TID) doivent reposer sur
des preuves et non pas de simples supputations.

"En procédant de plus en plus régulièrement à des
arrestations de journalistes tamouls en vertu de
la loi antiterroriste, les autorités accréditent
la rumeur populaire selon laquelle de nombreux
journalistes tamouls sont des agents des Tigres
tamouls, mais risquent également de dénaturer la
nature même de la loi antiterroriste", a affirmé

Dans la nuit du 14 au 15 novembre, des agents du
TID ont interpellé A. R. V. Loshan, célèbre
présentateur de radio tamoul et actuel directeur
de la station privée Vettri FM, à son domicile de
Colombo. Selon un proche du journaliste interrogé
par Reporters sans frontières, sa mère a été
autorisée à lui rendre visite. Il se porte bien
et espère être libéré au plus vite.

Un autre journaliste de Vettri FM a été interrogé
par la police avant l'arrestation de A. R. V.
Loshan. Ce dernier a travaillé pendant cinq ans
pour la station en tamoul du groupe ABC. Agé de
32 ans, il est journaliste radio depuis plus de
dix ans.

Reporters sans frontières rappelle que deux
autres journalistes tamouls sont détenus en vertu
de la loi antiterroriste, J. S. Tissainayagam et
Vettivel Jasikaran. La fiancée de ce dernier,
Valarmathi Jasikaran, est également emprisonnée
dans des conditions très difficiles à Colombo.
Vincent Brossel
Asia - Pacific Desk
Reporters Sans Frontières
47 rue Vivienne
75002 Paris
33 1 44 83 84 70
33 1 45 23 11 51 (fax)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Messages in this topic (1)
3. Call for Applications - UN Democracy Fund
Posted by: "tamara aqrabawe" aqrabawe@yahoo.com.au aqrabawe
Date: Tue Nov 18, 2008 6:01 am ((PST))

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Volunteer MENA 1 <v-middleeast@mamacash.nl>
Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2008 2:52:38 PM
Subject: FW: Call for Applications - UN Democracy Fund



UNDEF Third Round of Funding
The Third Round of Funding for the United Nations Democracy Fund - UNDEF - will be conducted from 10 November to 31 December 2008.
Applications for UNDEF funding can be made online through a link from the UNDEF website that will be open from 10 November. Applications must be written in English or French, the two working languages of the United Nations. Applications can only be made through the UNDEF online facility. Applications sent by E-mail, fax or post will NOT be accepted.
Applicants should be aware that UNDEF funding rounds are highly competitive. In the Second Round there were more than 1800 applications while only 83 projects were funded. Accordingly, the quality of the application will be an important attribute. Applicants are therefore advised to read very carefully the Project Proposal Guidelines on the UNDEF website. Applications can be saved in the system and should be submitted only when applicants are confident that all the relevant information has been provided.
Finally, UNDEF is a democracy fund, not a development fund or a human rights fund. Project proposals that strengthen the voice of civil society in the various democratic processes will be more likely to gain acceptance than project proposals less directly related to democracy promotion. It is anticipated that the vast majority of applicants and short-listed project proposals will emanate from civil society organisations.


Messages in this topic (1)
4a. 10 Years of Community Radio in Austria study: English summary now av
Posted by: "Salvatore Scifo" salvatore.scifo@communitymedia.eu salvatorescifo
Date: Tue Nov 18, 2008 6:08 am ((PST))

---- Apologies for cross-posting ---

Dear All,
following up on my previous message, attached below, I am pleased to
inform you that the summarised version of the study

10 Years of Community Radio in Austria.
An Explorative Study of Open Access, Pluralism and Social Cohesion
by Judith Purkarthofer, Petra Pfisterer and Brigitta Busch (University
of Vienna) is now available in English and can be downloaded from

The findings will be also presented at the forthcoming ECREA conference, to be held on 25-28 November in Barcelona, in the session 'Community Radio, Participation, People and Practice'
(Radio Research Section, 27/11/2008 | 11:00am | Room 131).
Further info at


This paper presents the results of a qualitative research project which was initiated by the Austrian Federation of Free Radios (VFRÖ) and financed by the Austrian Regulatory Authority for Broadcasting and
Telecommunications (RTR). The research started in spring 2007 and aimed at compiling and describing the effects of Austrian Free Radio on plurality and social cohesion. It was also conducted as a pilot study for further, more comprehensive radio research.

Twenty-two group interviews with staff and volunteers focused mainly on the production side of Free Radio. Additionally, multimodal material such as websites, flyers, schedules, broadcasts, network drawings, guest books, e-mails, photos etc. completed the set of data used for the analyses.

Here, an overview of only the most important findings shall be
introduced and presented. We invite those who are interested in a more
detailed report and read german to take a look at the extensive study
published by RTR in 2008. <http://www.rtr.at/de/komp/SchriftenreiheNr32008>

Best Wishes,


Salvatore Scifo
Editor, communitymedia.eu

connecting community media research>teaching>policy>practice in Europe

Two new studies, included in the volume
'Non Commercial Broadcasting in Austria and Europe' (Nichtkommerzieller Rundfunk in Österreich und Europa) have been published by the Austrian National Regulator RTR (Rundfunk & Telekom Regulierungs) and presented on 13 October 2008 in Vienna.

The first one, 'Ten Years of Free Radios in Austria: Open access,
diversity of opinion and social cohesion' (10 Jahre Freies Radio in
Österreich: Offener Zugang, Meinungsvielfalt und soziale Kohäsion), has been written by Brigitta Busch, Petra Pfisterer and Judith Purkarthofer from the Center for Intercultural Studies, University of Vienna.

The second study, Community Media in Europe: Legal and economic contexts of the third broadcast sector in 5 countries (Community Medien in Europa: Rechtliche und wirtschaftliche Rahmenbedingungen des dritten Rundfunksektors in 5 Ländern), has been written by Otto Tremetzberger and Helmut Peissl, respectively Chairman and Deputy Secretary of the Austrian Free Radio Federation (Verband Freie Radios Österreich).

The full version of both studies is currently available only in German
and can be downloaded from the RTR's website at

Messages in this topic (4)
5. Kursus Jurnalisme Sastrawi XVI--Pantau
Posted by: "Siti Nurrofiqoh" fiqohpantau@yahoo.co.id fiqohpantau
Date: Tue Nov 18, 2008 6:20 am ((PST))

Kursus Jurnalisme Sastrawi XVI

Jakarta, 7-16 Januari 2009

Hari ini
hampir tak ada warga yang mendapatkan breaking news dari suratkabar.
Mereka mendapatkannya dari televisi, radio, SMS, telepon atau internet.
Tantangan baru muncul: bagaimana cara menulis panjang? Bukankah
relevansi suratkabar makin terletak pada kemampuannya menyajikan

Tawaran ini di New York dijawab Tom Wolfe pada 1973. Wolfe mengenalkan sebuah genre baru saat itu: New Journalism.
Ia mengawinkan disiplin keras dalam jurnalisme dengan daya pikat
sastra. Ibarat novel tapi faktual. Genre ini mensyaratkan liputan
dalam, namun memikat. Genre ini kemudian dikenal dengan nama narative
reporting atau literary journalism. Menurut Nieman Reports, sejak
1980an, suratkabar-suratkabar di Amerika banyak memakai elemennya
ketika kecepatan televisi memaksa tampil dengan laporan mendalam.

Jakarta, genre ini diperkenalkan lewat sebuah kursus pada Juli 2001.
Mula-mula hanya dua kali namun permintaan tetap datang.
Angkatan-angkatan baru pun dibuat setiap satu semester. Peserta datang
dari berbagai kota, dari Banda Aceh hingga Jayapura, dari Pontianak
hingga Kuching, dari Ende hingga Kupang. Alumninya, kini mulai
bermunculan. Ada yang menulis buku. Ada yang jadi pemimpin redaksi. Ada
yang sekolah lanjut.

Kursus ini dibuat dua minggu. Peserta
adalah orang yang biasa menulis untuk media. Setidaknya berpengalaman
sekitar lima tahun. Peserta maksimal 16 orang agar pengampu punya
perhatian memadai buat semua peserta. Calon peserta diharapkan mengirim
biodata dan contoh tulisan agar pengampu mengetahui kemampuan dasar
peserta lebih awal. Biaya pendaftaran Rp 3 juta. Biaya tersebut sudah
termasuk buku dan materi kursus non buku sekitar 200 halaman serta
coffe break dan makan siang.


Janet Steele --
Profesor dari George Washington University, spesialisasi sejarah media,
mengajar mata kuliah narrative journalism. Menulis buku The Sun Shines
for All: Journalism and Ideology in the Life of Charles A. Dana dan
Wars Within: The Story of Tempo, an Independent Magazine in Soeharto’s Indonesia, yang ahlibahahaskan oleh Arif Zulkifli dan diterbitkan oleh P.T. Dian Rakyat tahun 2007.  Juga menulis tentang jurnalisme di Timor Leste dan Malaysia. 

Andreas Harsono
-- Wartawan feature service Pantau, anggota International Consortium of
Investigative Journalists, mendapatkan Nieman Fellowship di Universitas
Harvard. Menyunting buku Jurnalisme Sastrawi: Antologi Liputan Mendalam
dan Memikat. Kini menyelesaikan buku From Sabang
to Merauke: Debunking the Myth of Indonesian Nationalism, membahas
hubungan media dengan kekerasan etnik, agama dan nasionalisme di
Indonesia dan Timor Lorosae.


MINGGU PERTAMA oleh Janet Steele

Rabu, 7 January 2009 pukul 10:00-12:00
â€" Pembukaan: perkenalan, membicarakan silabus dan membagi tugas.
Diskusi tentang kemungkinan jurnalisme sastrawi untuk keperluan
suratkabar, lebih praktis, serta sejarah dan perbedaan antara "new,"
“literary" dan "narrative" journalism.

Bacaan: “The Girl of
the Year” oleh Tom Wolfe;  “Dua Jam Bersama Hasan Tiro” oleh Arif
Zulkifli;  “A Boy Who Was Like a Flower” oleh Anthony Shadid, “For Now,
Indonesian Fishermen Are Forced to Abandon the Sea Officials Must Move
Quickly to Revive Industry, Advocates Say” oleh Ellen Nakashima,
“Soldiers Face Neglect, Frustration At Army’s Top Medical Facility”
oleh Dana Priest dan Anne Hull, “Violence Change Fortunes Of Storied
Baghdad Street” oleh Sudarsan Raghavan.

Rabu, 7 Januari 2009 pukul 13:00-15:00
-- Diskusi lanjutan tentang definisi jurnalisme sastrawi, dari Tom
Wolfe hingga Mark Kramer, dan pengaruhnya pada perkembangan suratkabar
mainstream di Amerika Serikat.

untuk hari Kamis:  Menulis tentang sebuah peristiwa yang disaksikan. 
Mulai dengan adegan, tanpa "penjelasan." bersadarkan karya Tom Wolfe
"The Girl of the Year." Topiknya bisa apa saja tapi yang bisa memikat
pembaca untuk membaca narasi itu. Mohon tak membuat lebih panjang dari
dua halaman, dua spasi  agar semua peserta bisa mendapat bagian
membacakan karyanya.

Kamis, 8 Januari
2009 pukul 10:00-12:00 -- Diskusi tentang pekerjaan rumah.

“Sebuah Kegilaan di Simpang Kraft” oleh Chik Rini; sebagian dari buku
“In Cold Blood” karya Truman Capote dan kliping dari harian The New York Times pada 1959 “Wealthy Family, 3 of Family Slain.”

Kamis, 8 Januari 2009 pukul 13:00-15:00
-- Diskusi tentang immersion reporting berdasarkan karya Truman Capote
“In Cold Blood” serta membandingkannya dengan “Sebuah Kegilaan di
Simpang Kraft.”

Tugas untuk hari Jumat: Tulislah sebuah narasi
dengan gaya orang pertama (“saya” atau “aku” atau “abdi” atau “gua”
atau lainnya) untuk menggambarkan sebuah adegan. Gunakan model “Buru,
Menziarahi Negeri penghabisan” oleh Amarzan Loebis, dimana Amarzan
memasukkan dirinya dalam laporannya. Bahan ini akan dibacakan di depan
kelas. Panjang maksimal dua halaman, dua spasi.

Jumat, 9 Januari 2009 pukul 10:00-12:00 -- Diskusi tentang pekerjaan rumah yang dibuat berdasarkan “Buru, Menziarahi Negeri penghabisan” serta persoalan kata “saya.”

“Tikungan Terakhir” (laporan kematian wartawan Rudi Singgih) oleh Agus
Sopian; “It’s an Honor” oleh Jimmy Breslin, “Buru, Menziarahi Negeri
penghabisan” oleh Amarzan Loebis.


Jumat, 9 Januari 2009 pukul 13:00-15:00
-- Diskusi tentang persoalan struktur narasi, dan bagaimana
memanfaatkan narasi dalam berita hangat (breaking news) dengan contoh
“Tikungan Terakhir” oleh Agus Sopian dan “It’s an Honor” oleh Jimmy
Breslin. Penutupan serta tanya jawab dan penyerahan sertifikat.

MINGGU KEDUA oleh Andreas Harsono

Senin, 12 Januari 2009 pukul 10:00-12:00 -- Diskusi tentang
dasar-dasar dan etika jurnalisme. Pedomannya, The Elements of Journalism karya Bill Kovach dan Tom Rosenstiel. [Andreas Harsono]  

Bacaan: Buku
Sembilan Elemen Jurnalisme terjemahan karya Kovach dan Rosenstiel
disediakan dalam paket. Ada resensinya oleh Andreas Harsono. “Media
Bias in Covering the Tsunami in Aceh” karya Andreas Harsono.

Senin, 12 Januari 2009 pukul 13:00-15:00 â€" Diskusi soal jurnalisme sastrawi, membedakan mana yang fakta dan mana yang fiksi, tujuh pertimbangan dalam genre ini.

Bacaan: “Kegusaran Tom Wolfe” oleh Septiawan Santana Kurnia; “Ibarat Kawan Lama
Datang Bercerita” oleh Andreas Harsono dalam buku Jurnalisme Sastrawi;
laporan-laporan dalam Nieman Narrative Journalism Conference.

untuk hari Rabu: Perhatikan sesuatu di lingkungan Anda. Bikin deskripsi
dengan padat. Manfaatkan penciuman, pendengaran, warna, gerakan,
kasar-halus, kontras (lucu, aneh, menarik) dan sebagainya. Hindarkan
klise macam “nyiur melambai” atau “angin sepoi-sepoi.” Bikin deskripsi
yang akan merampas perhatian pembaca! Maksimal satu halaman. Bacalah
”Reporting in the key to good journalism” oleh Steven A. Holmes.

Rabu, 14 Januari 2009 pukul 10:00-12:00
â€" Diskusi lanjutan soal jurnalisme dan masalahnya dengan
nasionalisme-agama-etnik-ideologi-gender. Contoh-contoh dari Indonesia.

Bacaan tambahan: “The Ethnic Origins of Religious Conflict in
North Maluku Province, 1999-2000” oleh Chris Wilson; “Panasnya
Pontianak, Panasnya Politik” oleh Andreas Harsono dan Douglas Kammen;
"Fire Without Smoke and other phantoms of Ambon's violence" oleh
Patricia Spyer.

Rabu, 14 Januari 2009 pukul 13:00-15:00 â€" Diskusi struktur narasi dengan contoh “Hiroshima” karya John Hersey.

“Hiroshima” oleh John Hersey; “Menyusuri Jejak John ‘Hiroshima’ Hersey” oleh Bimo Nugroho.

untuk hari Jumat: Carilah seseorang yang menarik serta wawancarailah
dia. Gunakan wawancara itu guna membuat deskripsi dan dialog. Pilih
kalimat-kalimat yang bernas, memikat, indah, kuat serta menyentak.
Maksimal satu halaman. Pikirkan dampak dari setiap kalimat dalam
mengikat emosi pembaca.

Jumat, 16 Januari 2009 pukul 10:00-12:00
â€" Satu isu namun muncul dalam empat pendekatan. Isunya Aceh. Munculnya,
empat naskah, empat gaya, empat struktur. Juga akan mendiskusikan
pekerjaan rumah.

Bacaan: “Kejarlah Daku Kau Kusekolahkan” karya Alfian Hamzah; “Republik Indonesia Kilometer Nol” karya Andreas Harsono; “Sebuah Kegilaan di Simpang Kraft” karya Chik Rini.

Jumat, 16 Januari 2009 pukul 13:00-15:00 -- Diskusi tentang sumber anonim
dan teknik interview. Berlatih interview dengan bantuan video dan layar televisi.

Bacaan: “Tujuh Kriteria Sumber Anonim”; “Ten Tips for Better Interviews;” “Interviewing Sources” oleh Isabel Wilkerson.

Informasi hubungi:

Siti Nurrofiqoh


Jl. Raya Kebayoran Lama No 18 CD

Jakarta Selatan 12220

Telp/Fax. 021 722-1031/021-7221055

Mobile. 081382460455

Email: siti_pantau@yahoo.com

Website. www.pantau.or.id


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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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