Saturday, 19 December 2009

[creative-radio] AMARC Asia Pacific Regional Conference VOICES FOR A SUSTAINABLE AND SOUND FUTURE

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Date: 2009/12/19
Subject: [Amarc-info] AMARC Asia Pacific Regional Conference

Press Release:

AMARC Asia Pacific Regional Conference
February 20-23, 2010
Bangalore, India

December 18, 2009, Kathmandu. The second Asia Pacific Regional Conference
and Assembly to be held in Bangalore, India from 20-23 February, 2010 is
generating widespread interest and momentum across the community radio
sector of the region as well as internationally. More than one hundred
community radio activists, academics, representatives of governments &
donor organisations, as well as grass roots level broadcasters have
registered to participate. In order to accommodate the growing interest,
deadline for registration has been extended up to the end of December
2009. Online registration is available at:

One of the main objectives of the Regional Conference is to discuss and
consolidate the strategic direction to be taken by the community radio
sector in the region. The conference will hold a number of parallel
training workshops covering content creation for social issues and
introduction to technologies. To view the latest draft agenda please visit AMARC will
welcome proposals for workshops, paper presentations, and exhibitions.

The venue of the Regional Conference is United Theological College (UTC),
located at 63, Millers Road, Benson Town, Bangalore - 560046, India. The
contact details are: Phone: +91-80-23333438/23330502, Fax: +91-80-3330015,
Email:, and website:

The AMARC Asia Pacific Regional Conference will be preceded by Women
Making Airwaves for Peace (WMAP) seminar to be held from 13 – 18 February
- a joint initiative of Women's International Network of AMARC and ISIS
Manila. Similarly, the Community Media Capacity Development workshop will
be organized in collaboration of the Commonwealth of Learning from 17-19
February 2010. The Community Radio Forum of India will hold a discussion
on the state of community broadcasting in India and the general assembly
of the Forum on the 19th of February. For logistical information
pertaining to the regional conference as well as to participate in the
events preceding the conference, please contact Conference Coordinator
Prativa Chhetri at

About AMARC:
The World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters (AMARC) is a global
non-governmental organization serving the community radio movement
worldwide. Its goal is to support and advocate for the development of
community and participatory radio on the principles of solidarity and
international cooperation. Created in 1983, AMARC now has nearly 4000
members in 115 countries. Its international office is located in Montreal,
Canada, and has regional offices in Africa, Europe, Latin America and

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Creative-Radio is an independent forum for people active in or interested in the use of radio in development, in particular promoting public health, improved education, protection of the environment, improved livelihoods, good governance and conflict mitigation. Since it started in 1996, Creative-Radio has been in the forefront of radio's resurgence as a tool for social change and peace-building, and it helps promote best practice in these areas.

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[creative-radio] African Networks Share Knowledge to Increase Community Radio Social Impact in Africa

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From: <>
Date: 2009/12/19
Subject: [Amarc-info] AMARC CR Networks Workshop - Atelier réseaux radios

La version en français suit...

African Networks Share Knowledge to Increase Community Radio Social Impact
in Africa

Accra, Ghana, December 18, 2009. AMARC Africa Board and network and
coommunity radio representatives from eleven countries of Western Eastern
and Southern Africa met in Accra, Ghana, to improve knowledge sharing on
best practices in order to develop integrated sustainability models for
Country Community Radio Networks and to increase the social impact of
community radio in alleviating poverty and promoting democracy and
achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

The AMARC Africa Knowledge Sharing Workshop of Community Radio Networks in
Africa held from 16-18 December in Accra, Ghana. The workshop is part of
the strategic action plan defined by AMARC Africa members in the 4th Pan
African Conference in Abidjan, Côte d'ivoire April 2009 and was hosted by
the Ghana community Radio Network (GCRN) and counted on the financial
support of OSIWA and other AMARC partners.

The participatory workshop permitted to share knowledge on the specific
challenges of national networks, on the diversity of national contexts, on
their forces and weaknesses and to define key areas for action by AMARC
Africa as they are key components of the African community radio network.
The recommendations of the workshop come to reinforce the reconstruction
of AMARC Africa and its action plan including the preparation for the
AMARC10 global Conference of Community Radio Broadcasters to be held in
Argentina, November 8-13, 2010.

The participants met with community radio stakeholders and Ghana
authorities, thus having a better insight of the work accomplished by the
GCRN, following the 10th anniversary of Radio Ada, the first Ghana
community radio. They also expressed their solidarity for the challenges
ahead to the expansion of the community radio sector.

The participants issued the Accra declaration calling governments of
Africa to work towards the licensing of community broadcasting in their
countries. The AMARC Africa Board and the delegates expressed their
concern, meeting in West Africa, for the lack of Independent Community
Radio in the largest democracy in Africa, Nigeria. AMARC Africa calls upon
the Presidency and the state to recognize the basic human rights to
freedom of expression and to fulfil the promise to establish community
radios in Nigeria. Read the Accra Declaration at:

Stablished in 1997, AMARC-Africa is the African regional section of AMARC.
It groups more than 400 direct members radios and federations from all the
continent. The main global impact of AMARC since its creation in 1983, has
been to accompany and support the establishment of a world wide community
radio sector that has democratized the media sector. Through service to
members, networking and project implementation, the World Association of
Community Radio Broadcasters AMARC, brings together a network of more than
4,000 community radios, Federations and community media stakeholders in
more than 115 countries.

Les réseaux africains partagent experiences pour renforcer l'impact social
des radios communautaires en Afrique

Accra, Ghana, le 18 décembre 2009. Le conseil d'administration de l'AMARC
Afrique et les représentants de réseaux et radios communautaires de 11
pays de l'Afrique de lOuest, de l'Afrique de l'Est et du Sud, se sont
Ghana afin d'améliorer le partage de connaissances, sur les meilleures
pratiques pour développer des modèles de pérénnisation intégrés pour des
réseaux nationaux de radios communautaires renforcer l'impact social de la
radio communautaire dans l'élimination de la pauvrété, la promotion de la
démocratie et l'atteinte des objectifs de développement du millenaire..

L'atelier de partage des connaissances des réseaux de radios
communautaires de l'Afrique s'est tenu du 16 au 18 décembre à Accra, au
Ghana. Organisé dans le cadre du plan d'action défini par les membres de
l'AMARC Afrique lors de 4ème conference panafricaine à Abidjan, Côte
d'ivoire en avril 2009, l'atelier a été organise avec le réseau des radios
communautaires du Ghana (GCRN) et avec le soutien financier d'OSIWA et
d'autres partenaires de l'AMARC.

L'atelier participatif a permis le partage de connaissances sur les enjeux
spécifiques des réseaux nationaux, sur la diversité de contextes dans
lesquels ils évoluent, sur leurs forces et leurs faiblesses les réseaux,
et dans la définition des orientations pour le travail de l'AMARC Afrique
car ils sont des composants clés du réseau africain de radios
communautaires. Les recommandations de l'atelier sont venus renforcer le
processus de reconstruction de l'AMARC Afrique et enrichir son plan
d'action incluant la préparation de la Conférence mondial de
radiodiffuseurs communautaires AMARC10 en Argentine en novembre 2010.

Les participants ont rencontré des alliés des radios communautaires et des
autorités du Ghana, ce qui leur a permis de mieux comprendre le travail
accompli par le GCRN, à la suite du 10ème anniversaire de Radio Ada, la
première radio communautaire du Ghana. Ils ont également exprimé leur
solidarité devant les enjexu posés au développement du secteur de la
radiodifusion communautaire au Ghana.

Les participants on produit la declaration d'Accra, faisant un appel aux
gouvernements de l'Afrique à octroyer des licenses pour la radiodiffusion
communautaire dans leurs pays. Le conseil de l'AMARC Afrique et les
délégués réunis dans l'Afrique de l'ouest ont exprimé leur préoccupation
devant l'absence de la radio communautaire dans la plus grande démocratie
de l'Afrique, le Nigeria. L'AMARC Afrique appèlle la présidence et l'État
à reconnaitre le droit humain fundamental qui est la liberté d'expression
et de remplir la promesse de metre sur pied des radios communautaires au

Mise sur pied en 1997, l'AMARC Afrique est la section africaine de
l'AMARC. Elle regroupe plus de 400 membres directs de radios et
fédérations dans tout le continent. Le principal impact de l'AMARC depuis
sa fondation en 1983 a été d'accompagner et d'appuyer l'établissement d'un
secteur mondial de la radio communautaire. L'AMARC fait plaidoyer pour le
droit à la communication au niveau international, national, local et de
quartier et défend et promeut les intérêts du mouvement des radios
communautaires à travers la solidarité, le réseautage et la coopération.

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This e-mail service is edited, managed and moderated by
George Lessard

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Creative-Radio is an independent forum for people active in or interested in the use of radio in development, in particular promoting public health, improved education, protection of the environment, improved livelihoods, good governance and conflict mitigation. Since it started in 1996, Creative-Radio has been in the forefront of radio's resurgence as a tool for social change and peace-building, and it helps promote best practice in these areas.

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