Panos Radio South Asia | Latest Panoscope Issue, 14 August 2009
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The Forgotten Soldiers
In this edition, we will focus on the issue of equality in the British Army between its loyal Gurkhas and the English soldiers. For nearly 200 years, the Nepali men have been serving in the British Army to which they have remained so fiercely loyal and have sacrificed their lives side-by-side their British comrades in the battlefields from the First and Second World Wars, and most recently in Afghanistan and Iraq. But now, the loyal British Gurkhas are forced to fight an old battle: a fight against injustice done to them by the British government. They are struggling to end the utterly discriminatory policy of the British in relation to benefits. Although they did the same soldiers' job, they got so little pay and pension as compared to their British counterparts.
Country: Nepal-U.K
Upload Date: 14/08/2009
Duration: 15:00
File Size: 13.7 MB
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