Sunday, 28 February 2010

[creative-radio] 3rd Penplusbytes Global Online Course in ICT Journalism (April 20 to July 20 2010)


3rd Penplusbytes Global Online Course
in ICT Journalism (April 20 to  July 20 2010)
After successfully pioneering an online
course in ICT Journalism in 2006, The International Institute for Information
and Communication Technologies (ICT) Journalism Penplusbytes second
online course took place in 2007. Participants from Africa, Asia, North
America Europe and Australia have taken advantage of this unique learning
opportunity to grow their knowledge of ICT Journalism. We are pleased
to announce the 3rd Global Online Course in ICT Journalism (April 20
to July 20 2010). 


Course details are provided below :  


Course Objective: Participants will be exposed to the wider context
of ICTs assisted journalism including its history, how these technologies
are impacting on the world of journalism, how ICT can be used in producing
stories and how to manage change process in using innovative ICT tools. 

Course Description and Goals: This course teaches the theory and concept
of ICTs journalism; the impact of ICTs on Journalism and how to increase
excellence in journalism using ICTs as a tool. 


At the end of the course, the participants will learn four main set
of skills:  

You will learn and understand broad spectrum of ICTs tools available
for journalism 

You will learn how to research and publish content online 

You will learn that despite that the proliferation of technology for
journalism the fundamental principles of journalism still apply. 

You will learn how to use a selection of ICT tools for journalism  


Prerequisites: This course does not have any special prerequisites
though participants will need to have basic computer skills such sending
and receiving mails, managing files and browsing the Internet. The course
assumes participants are practicing journalists who have mastered journalism


Class Meeting: Participants are expected to meet online via group
discussion weekly, it is expected that a participants must devote at
least five hours per week online.  



Course Content 

Introduction to ICT Journalism – concept, theory and definition 

ICT tools for Journalism – web 2.0/3.0, wikis, blogs, podcasting,
online collaborative tools, newsroom content management system and publishing

The role of information and knowledge management in the newsroom 

Specialization in ICT Journalism  

Online Research 

Business Models of Online Journalism 

Future of ICT Journalism 



Materials : Participants will be provided with regular resources
during the duration of the course, these resources will available mostly
online or via CD ROM. 



Grading: Participants are expected to undertake weekly assignment,
participate in online discussion, make use of ICT tools and produce
a final project work to be published on Penplusbytes website. 



Certificates :  

All participants who fully successfully complete the course and would
be awarded a certificate. 



Please complete application form and write a separate one-page statement
on how this seminar will help you in meeting your journalistic and leadership


To fill out your application form online and submit your statements PLEASE CLICK HERE


Alternatively you can email completed form and statement to or for your

EMAIL : training AT 


Closing date for receipt of application and statement is 20th March


Notification of acceptance: 2nd April 2010 




Engaging, informative, and high-quality online training course
created and offered by Penplusbytes.

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