Friday, 22 May 2009

[creative-radio] Digest Number 2635

There are 4 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. Jobs in Australian Community Broadcasting
From: George Lessard

2. Role and coverage of Print Media in environmental issues.

3. Community media job in Australia - Policy and Campaigns Manager
From: Salvatore Scifo

4. $10,000 for CIVR 103.5 FM, Yellowknife NT: "Recueillir et diffus
From: George Lessard

1. Jobs in Australian Community Broadcasting
Posted by: "George Lessard" themediamentor
Date: Fri May 22, 2009 6:40 am ((PDT))

Jobs in Community Broadcasting

Here are jobs posted by members of the Community Broadcasting Association
of Australia .

Messages in this topic (1)
2. Role and coverage of Print Media in environmental issues.
Posted by: "SOHAIL SANGI" sohailsangi
Date: Fri May 22, 2009 6:42 am ((PDT))

Dear All
One of the student, Ms Sana Talpur, student of Mass Communication Department University of SIndh Jamshoro, Sindh Pakistan is carrying research on Role and coverage of Print Media in environmental issues.
She needs help, in Review literature etc.
Any one can help her.
She can be reached:
Sohail Sangi
Journalist from Pakistan

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Messages in this topic (1)
3. Community media job in Australia - Policy and Campaigns Manager
Posted by: "Salvatore Scifo" salvatorescifo
Date: Fri May 22, 2009 6:42 am ((PDT))

The Community Broadcasting Association of Australia is currently
recruiting a Policy and Campaigns Manager

Please pass it on through your networks to anyone who might be interested.

Can you research, write, and communicate effectively for a wide range of media?

Do you understand the processes of consultation and policy development?

Is your well-developed political and cultural awareness backed up by significant experience in campaigning, lobbying and advocacy?

Can you identify opportunities, create effective relationships, identify and understand what motivates people in order to effect change?

If the answer is yes and you also have a strong interest in community media and an understanding of community broadcasting issues in Australia, this position is a great opportunity for you to participate in its development.

Interested in applying?

Full details available here:
Application closing date: 28 May 2009

Messages in this topic (1)
4. $10,000 for CIVR 103.5 FM, Yellowknife NT: "Recueillir et diffus
Posted by: "George Lessard" themediamentor
Date: Fri May 22, 2009 6:57 am ((PDT))

For distribution

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: [ncralist] CRFC Recipients Announced - Récipiendaires du FCRC
From: "Melissa Kaestner" <>
Date: Thu, May 21, 2009 10:59
To: "NCRA General List" <>

La version française suit le texte anglais.

Français :

For Immediate Release
May 20, 2009

CRFC Grants 20 Broadcasters $160,000 in Major Boost to Community Radio
Sector in Canada

Ottawa - The Community Radio Fund of Canada (CRFC) is extremely
pleased to announce its first group of funding recipients through two
programs launched earlier this year:

Radio Talent Development Program:
CFAD 92.1 FM, Salmo BC: "Salmo Community Radio Local News/Public
Affairs Forum" $4,700
CFUV 101.9 FM, Victoria BC: "Women's Collective Coordinator - Summer
Position" $2,970
CHLS 100.5 FM, Lillooet BC: "Radio Legends" $9,750
CHOQ 105.1 FM, Toronto ON: "Dossiers Choq" $7,350
CIVR 103.5 FM, Yellowknife NT: "Recueillir et diffuser l'information
locale, territorial" $10,000
CJAI 92.1 FM, Stella ON: "Local Oral History Broadcast Project" $2,320
CKBN 90.5 FM, Wôlinak QC: "Culture rurale" $9,600
CKOA 89.7 FM, Glace Bay NS: "The Celtic Connection Documentary Series"
CKUT 90.3 FM, Montréal QC: "Training Track at June 2009 NCRC" $8,650
CKUW 95.9 FM, Winnipeg MB: "The Winnipeg Files training/production
module of Green Planet Monitor" $5,000
NCRA (national): "GroundWire Community News Network Capacity Improvement"

Youth Internship Program:
CFRG 93.1 FM, Gravelbourg SK: "Stage radiophonique pour un jeune" $8,000
CFRO 102.7 FM, Vancouver BC: "Aboriginal Language Learning Programming
Mentorship" $10,000
CHES 101.5 FM, Erin ON: "EDHS Partnership" $10,000
CHLI 101.1 FM, Rossland BC: "Be The Voice" $9,960
CJBE 90.5 FM, Port-Menier QC: "Stage en production" $10,000
CJPN 90.5 FM, Fredericton NB: "Jeunesse radiophonique" $7,500
CJRG 94.5 FM, Gaspé QC: "La tournée régionale" $9,160
CKDU 88.1 FM, Halifax NS: "Youth Now Radio" $10,000
CKJM 106.1 FM, Chéticamp NS: "Formation de jeunes pour la relève" $5,000

The Radio Talent Development Program and the Youth Internship Program
are made possible by a contribution of Astral Media Radio through a
CRTC contribution mechanism totalling $1.4 million over seven years.
The goal of both programs is to develop innovative local interest
programming while providing mentorship, education, and/or training for

Each year, $80,000 is available under each program to the campus and
community radio sector. This year, the CRFC received a total of
fifty-four applications.

The CRFC would also like to thank the Selection Committee for their
work in assessing the applications. It was not an easy task as all of
the applications were deserving. None of these committee members are
affiliated with any potential recipient, including as volunteers:
- Carolyn Brown, Manager, Journals Program of the National Research
Council Canada
- Jonathan Browns, Cultural Planner, Arts Collections of the Public
Arts Program of the City of Ottawa
- Annabelle Cloutier, Directrice générale of l'Association des
producteurs francophones du Canada

For more information about the programs and the CRFC, please visit

- 30 -

Melissa Kaestner, CRFC Executive Director, (613) 321-3513,

The Community Radio Fund of Canada (CRFC) is a not-for-profit funding
organization that solicits and distributes funds geared toward the
development and sustainability of local community radio broadcasting
in urban and rural Canada. Its goal is to provide the sector with the
resources needed to continue providing local programming and community
access, as well as for the development and enrichment of this vital
component of the Canadian broadcasting system.

Pour diffusion immediate
le 20 mai 2009

Le FCRC octroie 160 000 $ à 20 diffuseurs pour stimuler le secteur de
la radio communautaire au Canada

Ottawa - Le Fonds canadien de la radio communautaire (FCRC) est
heureux d'annoncer le nom de ses premiers récipiendaires d'octrois,
dans le cadre de deux programmes lancés plus tôt cette année.

Dans le cadre du Programme pour le développement de talents radiophoniques :
CFAD 92,1 FM, Salmo, C.-B. : « Salmo Community Radio Local News/Public
Affairs Forum » 4 700 $
CFUV 101,9 FM, Victoria, C.-B. : « Women's Collective Coordinator -
Summer Position » 2 970 $
CHLS 100,5 FM, Lillooet, C.-B. : « Radio Legends » 9 750 $
CHOQ 105,1 FM, Toronto, Ont. : « Dossiers Choq » 7 350 $
CIVR 103,5 FM, Yellowknife, T.N.-O. : « Recueillir et diffuser
l'information locale, territorial » 10 000 $
CJAI 92,1 FM, Stella, Ont. : « Local Oral History Broadcast Project » 2 320
CKBN 90,5 FM, Wôlinak Qc : « Culture rurale » 9 600 $
CKOA 89,7 FM, Glace Bay, N.-É. : « The Celtic Connection Documentary
Series » 10 000 $
CKUT 90,3 FM, Montréal, Qc : « Training Track at June 2009 NCRC » 8 650 $
CKUW 95,9 FM, Winnipeg, Man. : « The Winnipeg Files
training/production module of Green Planet Monitor » 5 000 $
L'ANREC (national) : « GroundWire Community News Network Capacity
Improvement » 8 500 $

Dans le cadre du Programme de stage radiophonique pour les jeunes :
CFRG 93,1 FM, Gravelbourg, Sask. : « Stage radiophonique pour un jeune »
8,000 $
CFRO 102,7 FM, Vancouver, C.-B. : « Aboriginal Language Learning
Programming Mentorship » 10,000 $
CHES 101,5 FM, Erin, Ont. : « EDHS Partnership » 10,000 $
CHLI 101,1 FM, Rossland C.-B. : « Be The Voice » 9,960 $
CJBE 90,5 FM, Port-Menier, Qc : « Stage en production » 10,000 $
CJPN 90,5 FM, Fredericton, N.-B. : « Jeunesse radiophonique » 7,500 $
CJRG 94,5 FM, Gaspé, Qc : « La tournée régionale » 9,160 $
CKDU 88,1 FM, Halifax, N.-É. : « Youth Now Radio » 10,000 $
CKJM 106,1 FM, Chéticamp, N.-É. : « Formation de jeunes pour la relève »
5,000 $

Les programmes pour le développement de talents radiophoniques et de
stage radiophonique pour les jeunes ont été mis en oeuvre grâce à une
contribution de 1,4 million de dollars sur 7 ans d'Astral Media, par
l'entremise du volet du développement du contenu canadien du CRTC.
L'objectif de ces deux programmes consiste à favoriser la création
d'une programmation originale d'intérêt local, ainsi que la formation
et le mentorat au sein des radios communautaires et étudiantes.

Chaque année, un montant de 80 000 $ est disponible au secteur de la
radio communautaire pour chaque programme. Cette année, le FCRC a reçu
cinquante-quatre demandes.

Le FCRC souhaite aussi remercier les membres du Comité de sélection
pour leur travail d'évaluation des demandes. Il s'agit en l'occurrence
de :
- Carolyn Brown, Gestionnaire, Programme des revues du Conseil
national de recherches Canada
- Jonathan Browns, Planificateur culturel, Services parcs loisirs &
culture, Ville d'Ottawa
- Annabelle Cloutier, Directrice générale de l'Association des
producteurs francophones du Canada

Pour plus de détails concernant les programmes ou le FCRC, veuillez
visiter notre site, au:

- 30 -

Contact :
Melissa Kaestner, Directrice générale, (613) 321-3513,

Le Fonds canadien de la radio communautaire (FCRC) est un organisme
sans but lucratif qui sollicite et distribue des fonds pour le
développement et le maintien de la programmation locale dans les
radios étudiantes et communautaires, tant en zone urbaine qu'en milieu
rural. La mission du FCRC consiste à fournir au secteur de la radio
communautaire sans but lucratif les ressources nécessaires pour
continuer d'offrir une programmation locale de qualité, l'accès
communautaire ainsi que le développement et l'enrichissement de ce
secteur crucial du réseau canadien de radiodiffusion.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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