Topics in this digest:
1. MENA Fw: Meedan Newsletter
From: tamara aqrabawe
1. MENA Fw: Meedan Newsletter
Posted by: "tamara aqrabawe" aqrabawe
Date: Thu Dec 25, 2008 1:31 am ((PST))
Winter 2008 Newsletter
Featuring Recent Press Coverage, Update on the Public Launch, Team Updates, The Latest Conversations on Meedan
Welcome to the Meedan Newsletter - your chance to come right on in and see the Meedan workshop from the inside.
Meedan is nonprofit community of Arabic and English speakers. We feature a variety of local and global events, which you can comment on. We translate every comment submitted and any news article or blog post that you submit.
I hope you glean from it something of the energy and enthusiasm that permeates the work of our technologists, designers, translators, and partners every day. With your ongoing feedback and support we can continue to make sound steps towards our ultimate goal of a vibrant online platform for Arabic- and English-language conversation and knowledge exchange on the web.
Season's greetings, Eid Mubarak, Salam, Peace, and Happy New Year from all of us at Meedan. Thanks for reading, we hope to see you online.
- Ed Bice, Meedan CEO
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Recent Press Coverage ÂÎÑ ÊÛØíÉ ÕÍÝíÉ
We were delighted to see Meedan covered in a full-page spread in last week's "Year in Ideas" issue of the New York Times Magazine. You can read the full article online at the NYT website.
(Read it in Arabic here.)
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Talk of Meedan - ÍÏíË ãíÏÇä
Bush, Al-Zaidi and a pair of shoes
Voices on the web
Zaidi has expressed the pent-up pain and humiliation which Iraqis feel as a result of the violations committed by the occupation forces throughout five years. - Al-Azab Al-Tayyib Al-Tahir, Iraq News Agency
Al-Zaidi may have been beaten for his outburst at George Bush, but Iraqi journalists are entitled to righteous indignation. - Jonathan Steele, The Guardian
The Iraqi journalist should have asked tough or embarrassing questions to US President Bush while he was standing near Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. However, the journalist opted for shoes instead of questions. - Tariq Al-Hamid, Asharq Alawsat
Voices on Meedan
I think that the journalist wanted to tell Bush how each Iraqi feels, and it was the only way, of course its not the right way but I'm sure that he couldn't find another one. - Hiba, Syria
I know that Muntadhar Al Zaidi has become a "folk hero", but for me he's just a very courageous man but not a hero. - Siham, Morocco
I think what he did was a symbolic action to express what his people really felt about the unwanted US invasion. - Wesam, Egypt
It seems like part of the usual media circus, a pretty ineffective act, even politically, and it doesn't speak very well to the horror that we have created in Iraq. - Andy, USA
With somebody like Bush, the shoe throwing is a tickle. Because when Bush wanted to express himself to the Iraqis, he threw rockets and shells. - George, Palestine
As we say on the basketball court in my neighborhood: No harm no foul! I think it's a purely symbolic act until the shoe hits the face. - Chris, USA
Al Zaidy was not attempting to hurt Bush he was expressing the pain and the situation of losing hope that Bush caused in Iraq. - Fairuz, Syria
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Community Update ÂÎÑ ãÓÊÌÏÇÊ ÇáãÌãÚ
If there's one reason it's been an exciting month to be involved with Meedan, it's because our community and content efforts have really stepped up a gear.
Working from London, Meedan's Community and Content manager, George Weyman, has been building a distributed team of content producers and translators from across the Middle East and beyond, including Egypt, Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, Dubai, Morocco, Belgium and the United States.
George has established a system for identifying reports, blogs and opinion pieces to feature on the Meedan beta using Meedan's database of Arabic media sources along with social search tools. In the past month, George has also brought Asharq Alawsat's Iraqi editor Shadha Al-Jubori onto the team to advise on writing style and implemented a system for managing and tracking professional translator activity on the site.
Outreach continues apace, with specific focus on Meedan's volunteer translation community. Meedan now has a Meedan translators group on Facebook, with further outreach planned on other social networking sites. Meedan is also in discussions, through the Thomson Reuters Foundation, with the UNDP- backed Iraqi news agency Aswat al Iraq (Voices of Iraq) to provide translation of features. There are also discussions afoot to provide volunteer translation for partners' newsletters and reports, including Global Policy Forum and AUC journal Arab Media & Society.
If you'd be interested in volunteering to contribute to the site as a translator or content producer, or if you know of a nonprofit that could benefit from Meedan services in the future, or know of MENA-based journalists and translators who would be interested in getting involved, please contact .
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Public Launch Update ÂÎÑ ÇáãÓÊÌÏÇÊ Íæá ÅØáÇÞ ÇáãæÞÚ
Meedan's long-awaited public 'soft' launch is now slated for early 2009 after a month of intensive activity both by Meedan technologists and developers at IBM.
Meedan's UI designer Chris Blow has led the visual effort, product managing the implementation of an enhanced user interface with IBMers Darren Shaw and Juan Allos. Chris's designs bring added user value to the Meedan platform, reinforcing the core user functionality of geo-tagged media sharing and cross-language conversation through a cleaner, simpler UI.
Complementing Chris's vision for a new look Meedan has been the work of CTO Anselm Hook. Anselm's success in incorporating open layers to the Meedan platform has paved the way for a unique visualization of world events, media and related conversations plotted on a spinning globe.
Meedan's internationally-acclaimed technologist Anas Tawileh has been producing a documentary architecture of all the systems that comprise the Meedan enterprise. The modular architecture Anas is proposing with hybrid translation at its core will provide Meedan with a firm foundation from which to launch future projects with partners, as well as across the wider web, towards the goal of enhancing interaction across the Arabic-English language divide online.
The team now plans to sprint towards public launch early in 2009. You can help get the Meedan platform on the web by coming on to beta test the site. For more information contact
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Team News ÃÎÈÇÑ ÇáÝÑíÞ
Ed Bice, CEO, is making the public launch his only new year's resolution.
Anselm Hook, CTO, is expanding the colo to handle the new translation servers.
Anas Tawileh, VP Engineering, is discovering old haunts across the Middle East.
Chris Blow, UI designer, is drinking too much coffee, again.
Yvonne Burgess, COO, is refreshed and energized after the team retreat.
George Weyman, Community Manager, is reveling in the joys of the Alexa toolbar.
Joseph Jones, Publishing Intern, is looking into a summer intensive at MIIS.
Translators: Mariam and Asma El in Belgium and Morocco, Marwa Al-A'sar in Egypt, Marilyn Chbeir in Lebanon, Boushra Bathish, Fariza Saadeh and Hiba Traifeh in Syria, Marianne Makram in Dubai
Content Producers: Fadi Abu Sada and George Rishmawi in Palestine, Mariam and Asma El in Belgium and Morocco, Richard Cozzens in Syria, Evan Hill, Susan MacDougal, Gregg Carlstrom and Josh Adland in the USA, Magdy Samaan and Mohamed Abdelbaky in Egypt
Steering Committee: Capping an excellent month of progress, Meedan welcomed three new members to the Meedan Steering Committee. Dr Saidam Sabri, Dr. Osama El Ansari, and Dr. Muna Abu Sulayman join MacArthur Foundation President Jonathan Fanton and IBM Foundation President Stanley Litow on this committee.
Dr Saidam Sabri became the minister of telecoms and IT for the Palestinian Authority in 2005 serving in the ninth Palestinian cabinet, liberalizing the telecom market and launching the Electronic Palestine Initiative. In May 2006, he established the first innovation group in Palestine under the umbrella of Birzeit University known as the Birzeit Innovation Group (BIG). He also founded the Palestinian e-Republic and co-founded the Palestinian Society for Re-cycling and Environmental Development.
Dr Osama El Ansari is the former Chairman of the Board of Trustees for the Network of Syrian Scientists, Technologists and Innovators Abroad (NOSSTIA). He was formerly a member of the Board of the Association of International Bond Dealers, Vice Chairman of the International Securities Market Association and an advisor to the Muscat Stock Exchange. He is also Professor of Finance at the Higher Institute of Business Administration in Damascus, an EU-funded project
Muna Abu Sulayman serves as Executive Director of the Alwaleed Bin Talal Foundation, the philanthropic arm of HRH Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal's Kingdom Holding Company. As a co-host of one of MBC TV's most popular social programs, Kalam Nawaem, she is a prominent media personality in the Middle East and abroad. In 2005, she became the first woman in Saudi Arabia to be appointed by the United Nations Development Program as a Goodwill Ambassador.
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Funding and Partnerships
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Meedan funding continues to explore multiple avenues for funding. Having secured a significant grant for general project support from MacArthur Foundation in August, Meedan has made a number of proposals to Middle East foundations that promote valuable work in the fields of global dialogue, reconciliation and technology. The Doris Duke Foundation and IBM Foundation are both continuing their generous support for Meedan in 2009, with IBM agreeing to provide access to translation software for Meedan through 2012.
Discussions are also ongoing with the Cambridge Inter-faith Programme and Co-exist Foundation to employ Meedan translation tools to the task of translating theological texts from Christianity, Islam and Judaism onto the web. Finally, there are conversations slated with the BBC World Service Trust to open up Meedan's social networking tools to younger Arabic speakers on the web.
If you know of funders who might be interested in supporting Meedan's efforts, or if you yourself would like to donate to a specific component of the project (translation, partner programs, mobile applications such as the iPhone) or the project in general, please contact
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