Thursday, 23 July 2009

[creative-radio] Launch: Vila Pisa Bem- Landmine Awareness Radio Drama


A young women returns home to find her village in the midst of a delicate
transformation. Then her young brother's disappearance starts a chain of
events that turns her whole world upside down. Step into a world of unseen
dangers, feel the pain of passion, and find love in the most unlikely
places. Welcome to Vila Pisa Bem!
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Launched in June 2009, Vila Pisa Bem (Walk Well Village), produced by CMFD
(Community Media for Development) Productions for World Without Mines
Mozambique, is a serial radio drama designed to raise awareness, disseminate
information, and encourage safe behaviours around landmines in
Mozambique.Vila Pisa Bem is a six-episode (10 minutes each) serial radio
drama. The storyline focuses on a rural community around which a demining
operation is in progress. A young village woman who has returned from
college in the city for school holidays and a young deminer are the central
characters who find themselves searching for a missing brother. Despite
landmine accidents and heavy rain that cuts the village off from the main
road to town, the two young people and the community "learn about love,
dealing with life in a mined community, and the importance of a world
without mines."  

The radio drama uses an entertainment-education strategy. Through drama and
storylines, the series intends to raise awareness about the presence of
landmines in the country and encourage people to take precautions. It
addresses issues such as safety, the impact a lack of access to medical
services can have on mine victims, real dangers of demining, high stress
levels deminers face, the importance of a community educator, children's
vulnerability to landmines accidents, and vulnerability exacerbated by
annual rains. Although the drama is designed primarily for people at risk,
i.e. rural communities, the drama also hopes to increase awareness among
policy makers, leaders, and the media. In the second half of 2009, the drama
will be broadcast in four languages - Portuguese, Shangaan, Sena, and Macua
- on 30 community radio stations across the country through the National
Community Radio Forum (FORCOM). Each participating radio station will
receive a copy of the Portuguese and relevant local dialect versions

Passados muitos anos depois do fim da Guerra em Moçambique, há ainda um
significante número de minas terrestres e explosivos não detonados no país.
Isso não causa apenas mortes e ferimentos graves, mas também insegurança, o
não aproveitamento de largas parcelas de terra afecta que o
desenvolvimento,  e os sobreviventes das minas que vivem traumatizados por
muitos anos. Como parte de iniciativas em curso para lidar com o problema,
incluindo sensibilização, será produzido um seriado radiofónico para
disseminar informação e estimular comportamentos seguros. O programa terá
seis episódios de oito a dez minutos cada, e será produzido nos mais altos
padrões de rádio, incluindo uma canção genéricada da banda Euphuro. Através
da dramatização, a série vai despertar a atenção sobre a presença de minas e
explosivos não detonados, e encorajar as pessoas a tomarem precauções.

Madalena Baptista da Silva
World Without Mines
Av. Julius Nyerere, 657- 2º- Porta 4
Tel: + 258 82 727 54 27       
Fax: +258 21 497 323
Deborah Walter
CMFD (Community Media for Development) Productions
PO Box 66193
South Africa
Tel:  +27 (0)11 615 6278

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