Tuesday, 15 December 2009

[creative-radio] United Nations Radio (Eng, French, Spanish & etc) files available for download


United Nations #Radio:available for download

In French
In Spanish

UN Radio covers the activities of the United Nations from its
headquarters in New York and from around the world.

Issues of peace and security, development and human rights are our
concern, so stories on conflict resolution, elections, health, poverty,
education and climate change are high on our list of topics to cover.

UN Radio not only offers news and feature stories but also provides raw
audio materials (UN Audio Library website), from ongoing meetings and
events to audio stored in our archives, all free of charge.
Broadcast-quality MP3 files can be downloaded from our websites.

As part of the English UN Radio, the News Service
(http://www.unmultimedia.org/radio/news/) is an English-language
information service offering both short news and features and unedited
audio for use by journalists in newsrooms in the US and around the world.
The service offers 30- to 60-second news segments throughout the day every
weekday. The unedited audio includes coverage of meetings, news
conferences, media stakeouts and interviews, provided for journalists to
edit the material themselves to produce programming covering the United
Nations from a local perspective.

UN Radio—timely accurate reporting about the UN!

Qui sommes nous?

Notre radio est la voix des Nations unies et son but est de promouvoir «
les idéaux universels des Nations-Unies, y compris la Paix, le respect des
Droits de l'Homme, l'égalité des sexes, la tolérance, le développement
économique et social, et le respect du droit international »

Raconter le monde depuis le Siège de l'ONU

Des journaux quotidiens
Des interviews exclusives de la rédaction avec les officiels du Siège, les
chefs d'État et de gouvernement et les représentants de la société civile.
Des dossiers spécialisés sur les réunions du Conseil de sécurité et les
sessions de l'Assemblée générale.
Des comptes rendus des grands rendez-vous de l'ONU et des conférences
Des reportages et dossiers sur mesure pour nos radios partenaires
Les programmes

Des magazines et reportages de terrain sur des thèmes liés à la pauvreté,
l'immigration, les droits de l'homme, le réchauffement climatique, la
santé, la lutte contre le terrorisme, le maintien de la paix, les abus
sexuels, les femmes et les enfants dans les conflits armés.
Des programmes hebdomadaires diffusés par plus de deux cent radios
Le site Internet

Retrouvez sur http://radio.un.org/french/

Les journaux quotidiens
Les magazines hebdomadaires
Des interviews non éditées
Les meilleures émissions des Radio de l'ONU sur le terrain
Le lien avec les radios partenaires

Ecoutez quotidiennement les programmes de la Radio des Nations Unies sur
Itunes, Podemus et sur les sites web d'Afrique centrale et d'Afrique de
l'Ouest Radio.

Sobre Nosotros

Somos un servicio de noticias de radio de las Naciones Unidas. Informamos
sobre lo que ocurre en la sede y en las agencias de la ONU en todo el
mundo de una manera ágil y dinámica.

Nuestro material es gratuito y se va actualizando constantemente en
nuestra página de Internet. Aquí las emisoras pueden descargar archivos de
audio en mp3 con noticias, reportajes, entrevistas y notas de fondo.
También encontrarán coberturas especiales, conferencias de prensa,
discursos y sonidos de eventos internacionales.

El servicio de noticias de radio de la ONU les brinda la última
información sobre la lucha contra el SIDA, la promoción de los derechos
humanos, igualdad de género, medio ambiente, economía y los temas más
trascendentales que se generan en el Consejo de Seguridad o en la Asamblea

De esta manera cumplimos nuestro objetivo: "conectar la ONU con los
pueblos del mundo"

This e-mail service is edited, managed and moderated by
George Lessard http://mediamentor.ca

Make a donation via PayPal:

Creative-Radio is an independent forum for people active in or interested in the use of radio in development, in particular promoting public health, improved education, protection of the environment, improved livelihoods, good governance and conflict mitigation. Since it started in 1996, Creative-Radio has been in the forefront of radio's resurgence as a tool for social change and peace-building, and it helps promote best practice in these areas.

Creative-Radio Moderator
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Caveat Lector- Disclaimers, NOTES TO EDITORS
&  (c) information may be found @
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Developing Nations license.
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[creative-radio] UPDATE: Special Coverage of Cop 15 by Panos South Asia


Dear colleagues,

Following are the updates on the independent multimedia special coverage of COP 15 by Panos South Asia from Copenhagen.

News Reports (Texts)

1. Nepal's Summiteers fail to get global attention

2.Rift continues between nations on climate change

3. Climate change talks suspended

Audio and Visual Reports

1. Rift among developing nations - Atiq Rahman
http://www.vimeo.com/8139085 (audio/video)

2. Big developing nations not supporting small vulnerable countries
http://www.vimeo.com/8156129 (audio/video)

3. You talk of money, we talk of life
http://www.vimeo.com/8174122 (audio/video)

4. Himalayan Outcry
http://www.panosradiosouthasia.org/prsadd/prsaarchives.php?id=25 (audio/radio)

Hope you will enjoy, reading, listenting or watching these coverages. And we would appreciate your feedback very much.

Best regards,


----- Original Message -----
From: Kishor Pradhan
To: kishor Pradhan
Sent: Monday, December 07, 2009 9:53 AM
Subject: Special Coverage of Cop 15 by Panos South Asia

Dear colleagues,

Please be kindly informed that Panos South Asia is doing a special online coverage of COP 15 from 7-18 December 2009 from Copenhagen.

The text, radio and video coverage of COP 15 is available online at


We hope it will be useful for you and appreciate your feedback.

Best regards,

Kishor Pradhan
Deputy Director, Panos South Asia
Country Representative, Panos Nepal
Sri Durbar Tole, Patan, Lalitpur
GPO Box 13651, Kathmandu, Nepal

Tel: 977-1-5521889/5531447 (Off), Fax: 977-1-5544641
E-mail: kishor@panossouthasia.org
Cell: 977-9851040564

Website: www.panossouthasia.org

Listen online to Panos Radio South Asia at www.panosradiosouthasia.org

Personal Weblog: http://kishorpradhan.wordpress.com

"Panos South Asia's vision is to make our societies inclusive, democratic
and just. We seek to renegotiate power through the media by enabling diverse
opinions, ideas and theories to be included in the debate on governance and

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

This e-mail service is edited, managed and moderated by
George Lessard http://mediamentor.ca

Make a donation via PayPal:

Creative-Radio is an independent forum for people active in or interested in the use of radio in development, in particular promoting public health, improved education, protection of the environment, improved livelihoods, good governance and conflict mitigation. Since it started in 1996, Creative-Radio has been in the forefront of radio's resurgence as a tool for social change and peace-building, and it helps promote best practice in these areas.

Creative-Radio Moderator
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Caveat Lector- Disclaimers, NOTES TO EDITORS
&  (c) information may be found @
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Developing Nations license.
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