Dear Activists, Supporters, Friends and to all receivers of The VOICE
Info_ Newsletters.
We are appealing to you to support and contribute to our solidarity
campaign for Felix Otto, a member of The VOICE Refugee Forum in Jena. He
could be forcefully deported soon from Germany to Camerun. Felix Otto
situation remains quite critical in the deportation prison in Suhl.
We are amazed with the volume of solidarity extended to him in the prison
in Goldlauter/Suhl since the campaign started. He did informed us that he
is inspired and motivated with the solidarity demonstrated for his freedom
since his arrest on the 30th of March this year.
We remain with him in his struggle for unconditional freedom from
deportation prison and from any detention here or any were else.
We do hope that your support will encourage us all to keep the protest on
and to inform others
Solidarity is our weapon!
Please send your protest letter and support to make our call public
In Solidarity We Remain
Osaren Igbinoba
The VOICE Refugee Forum
English/Deutsh: The VOICE Online on Why Felix Otto Is In Prison: A Thesis
on Colonial Injustice and Crimes Against Humanity in Germany
The VOICE Online on Felix Otto's Imprisonment:
Fax Campaign for the Immediate Freedom of Felix Otto from Deportation Prison:
Information in Deutsch und English Neu Faxkampagne against the deportation
Why Felix Otto Is In Prison: A Thesis on Colonial Injustice and Crimes
Against Humanity in Germany
For many people living outside of Europe or the United States, countries
like Germany are all too often seen as a sort of paradise, a place where
human rights and dignity are respected and where people are entitled to
the basic amenities of a right to life (access to employment, education,
housing, basic social services, etc.). Moreover, the idea is both
understood and propagated that, contrary to many countries of Africa, Asia
or Latin America, all people are treated equally and discrimination, if it
exists, is kept to a minimum.
In fact, laws even exist on a European level which make discrimination of
people based on their race or heritage, among other aspects, a violation
of both European and, as a result, national law. Even the very first
article of Germany's national constitution states, "Human dignity is
Yet as millions of people from all over the world have come to realize,
the promise of rights and dignity have proven to be nothing more than a
bitter illusion; yet another lie, another broken promise in a long chain
of abuses and injustices which have characterized the relationship between
Europe and the United States with the rest of the world.
For instance, Germany is considered to be a country which supposedly
represents both the best and worst of Europe; worst for its role in the
Holocaust and the targeted elimination of millions of human beings
throughout the European Continent and best for having overcome that
legacy, confronted its past and created a new role for itself as a primary
defender of human rights throughout the world.
Yet as we will see in the article below, either these principles are
simply not applied or, as in the case of the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights, certain groups of people were not the intended beneficiary
of such efforts at ensuring that the dignity and humanity of all human
beings be respected as unassailable.
In this particular case we will be focusing on the issue of
Residenzpflicht, also known as the Obligatory Residence Law. On the books
since 1982, Germany is currently the only European country to apply this
law to asylum-seekers. Much more than a law to determine the residence of
asylum-seekers, Residenzpflicht is used as a weapon of repression to
control the movement of asylum-seekers and ensure that they remain
intimidated into staying in their designated places of residence or be
punished for not doing so.
One example is the case of Felix Otto. Otto is an African asylum-seeker
from Cameroon. Full Text: >>>
More Texts in English:
Residenzpflicht: Dt. / Eng.
Liebe Aktivistinnen und Aktivisten, Unterstützerinnen und Unterstützer,
Freundinnen und Freunde und alle, die den Newsletter von The VOICE Refugee
Forum erhalten,
wir rufen euch auf unsere Solidaritätskampagne für Felix Otto zu
unterstützen und euren Beitrag, wie klein oder groß er auch sein mag dazu
beizutragen. Felix Otto ist ein Mitglied von THE VOICE Refugee Forum in
Jena. Er könnte bald von Deutschland nach Kamerun abgeschoben werden.
Seine Situation in der Abschiebehaft in Suhl bleibt weiterhin sehr
Wir sind erstaunt über die große Solidarität, die ihm in Abschiebehaft in
Goldlauter, Suhl seit dem Beginn der Kampagne zuteil wurde. Er hat uns
informiert und gesagt, dass er durch die praktische Solidarität seit
seiner Verhaftung inspiriert und motiviert ist.
Wir verbleiben mit ihm im Kampf für die bedingungslose Freiheit aus dem
Abschiebehaft hier und überall.
Wir hoffen, dass eure Unterstützung uns weitere Kraft gibt, um den Protest
zu stärken und andere Menschen zu informieren.
Solidarität ist unsere Waffe!
Bitte sendet eure Protestbriefe und unterstützt uns um unseren Ruf nach
Freiheit weiter zu verbreitern und öffentlich zu machen.
In Solidarität verbleiben wir.
Osaren Igbinoba
The VOICE Refugee Forum
The VOICE Online zu Felix Otto Inhaftierung:
Informationen in Deutsch und English Neu Faxkampagne gegen deportation -
Sofortige Freilassung und Abschiebeschutz für Felix >>>
The VOICE Online zu Weshalb Felix Otto im Gefängnis ist: Eine Abhandlung
über koloniales Unrecht >>>>
Residenzpflicht: Dt. / Eng.
Mehr in Deutsch
The VOICE Refugee Forum Jena
Adresse: Schillergässchen 5, 07745 Jena
Tel. Handy 0049(0) 17624568988,
Fax: 03641 / 42 02 70,
Gegründet: 1994, Arbeitsweise: Kampagnen,Aktionen, Vernetzung.
Publikationen: E-Newsletter
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