A lot of people have been taking interest in the Binjang Community Radio
after its first annual general meeting was held last week.
A number of residents turned up to the meeting, however with the club
consisting of 75 members, secretary treasurer Terry Hoffman was a little
disappointed there were not more present.
"I though we would get more at the meeting," he said.
"However there were a lot of apologies put in which means there is a lot
of interest but they just couldn't make it to the meeting that night."
Michael White stood down from the president's position making room for
Mumbil resident Marcus Hanney to be voted into the top job.
"The Wellington Rotary Club has provided $4000 as start-up capital," Mr
Hoffman said.
"The station is also now a member of the Community Broadcasting
Association of Australia."
The station is seeking a team of volunteers as on-air presenters,
producers and administrators.
"Anyone who is interested in volunteering, even if they would like to have
half an hour on air or as a clerical assistant should come forward," Mr
Hoffman said.
"It is all voluntary work; there is no paid labour at all.
"We would like to get as many members as we can; the more members we have
when we apply for the broadcasting licence the better it looks."
Mr Hoffman said the committee was hoping to see the station broadcasting
by the middle of next year.
Anyone who wishes to become involved can contact Marcus Hanney on 6846
7459 or Terry Hoffman on 6845 1025.
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