Sunday, 15 November 2009

[creative-radio] NSW, Australia: Binjang radio takes first steps forward


A lot of people have been taking interest in the Binjang Community Radio
after its first annual general meeting was held last week.

A number of residents turned up to the meeting, however with the club
consisting of 75 members, secretary treasurer Terry Hoffman was a little
disappointed there were not more present.

"I though we would get more at the meeting," he said.

"However there were a lot of apologies put in which means there is a lot
of interest but they just couldn't make it to the meeting that night."

Michael White stood down from the president's position making room for
Mumbil resident Marcus Hanney to be voted into the top job.

"The Wellington Rotary Club has provided $4000 as start-up capital," Mr
Hoffman said.

"The station is also now a member of the Community Broadcasting
Association of Australia."


The station is seeking a team of volunteers as on-air presenters,
producers and administrators.

"Anyone who is interested in volunteering, even if they would like to have
half an hour on air or as a clerical assistant should come forward," Mr
Hoffman said.

"It is all voluntary work; there is no paid labour at all.

"We would like to get as many members as we can; the more members we have
when we apply for the broadcasting licence the better it looks."

Mr Hoffman said the committee was hoping to see the station broadcasting
by the middle of next year.

Anyone who wishes to become involved can contact Marcus Hanney on 6846
7459 or Terry Hoffman on 6845 1025.

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[creative-radio] New community Radio Broadcasting For Goolwa, South Australia


New community Radio Broadcasting For Goolwa, South Australia


The Australian Communications and Media Authority has made spectrum
available for a new community radio broadcasting service in Goolwa, South

Two aspirant community radio groups are active in Goolwa and currently
operate on temporary community broadcasting licences, alternating on the
one frequency.

'Spectrum congestion in the Goolwa region means that the ACMA has been
unable to identify more than one suitable frequency to accommodate
interest in community broadcasting in the area,' said Chris Chapman,
Chairman of the ACMA.

'After considering all the information before it, the ACMA believes that
an additional community radio broadcasting service would add to the
diversity of radio broadcasting services available at Goolwa. In addition,
new services of this type are likely to have a positive effect on
innovative programming and coverage of matters of local significance.'

Now that the licence area plan has been varied, the ACMA will commence the
allocation process for the long-term community broadcasting licence at

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Creative-Radio is an independent forum for people active in or interested in the use of radio in development, in particular promoting public health, improved education, protection of the environment, improved livelihoods, good governance and conflict mitigation. Since it started in 1996, Creative-Radio has been in the forefront of radio's resurgence as a tool for social change and peace-building, and it helps promote best practice in these areas.

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[creative-radio] Controversy and conversation continue about the transparency of microcredit lending organizations


Controversy and conversation continue about the transparency of
microcredit lending organizations
Confusion on Where Money Lent via Kiva Goes [Free registration may be

Microfinance programs harness Web to connect borrowers and lenders

Kiva is Not Quite What It Seems

Innocuous Changes vs. Grand Designs

Microfinance Gateway [pdf]


Since Muhammad Yunus and the Grameen Bank were jointly awarded the Nobel
Prize in 2006 for their work on microcredit lending, a number of
institutions working on similar issues have received a great deal of
attention and press coverage. One such organization is Kiva, which was
founded in 2005 by Matt and Jessica Flannery. Kiva prides itself on serving
as a link "between small individual lenders and small individual borrowers",
and on their website visitors can select the person they would like to
support. Recently, this personal connection came under question by David
Roodman, a research fellow at the Center for Global Development. In a
lengthy blog post, Roodman questioned the direct one-to-one relationship
between the lender and the borrower, while remaining largely positive about
Kiva's mission. Some commentators have continued to raise the question of
transparency, and in the wake of the news, Kiva amended a statement on their
website to state simply "Kiva connects people through lending to alleviate
poverty." This controversy has not been bad for Kiva, and the president of
Kiva, Premal Shah, commented this week "If anything, it has drawn more
people into the nuance and beauty of this model of microfinance. It's highly
imperfect, but it's like a 3 ½ year-old child: it has a lot of potential."

The first link will take users to an article from this Monday's New York
Times which talks about this recent controversy surrounding Kiva. The second
link leads to an article from the Mercury News that provides additional
background on the nature of microfinance programs and their mission. Moving
on, the third link leads visitors to David Roodman's original blog post
about Kiva. The fourth link will whisk users away to a post on creating a
"real marketplace for development" by Dennis Whittle, the CEO of Global
Giving. The fifth link leads to the Microfinance Gateway homepage. Here
visitors can learn about how microfinance works in different countries
around the world, read papers from their online library, and peruse
announcements from the microfinance industry. The last link leads to the
homepage of Kiva, and it's well worth looking at some of the profiles and
success stories featured here. [KMG]

>From The Scout Report, Copyright Internet Scout 1994-2009.

This e-mail service is edited, managed and moderated by
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