Topics in this digest:
1. GLOBAL: Disaster risk increasing, exacerbated by climate change - re
From: George Lessard
2. Panos Radio South Asia | Latest Development Dilemmas Issue, 15 May 2
From: Satish Jung Shahi
3. AFRIQUE : Média & liberté d'expression
From: George Lessard
1. GLOBAL: Disaster risk increasing, exacerbated by climate change - re
Posted by: "George Lessard" themediamentor
Date: Sun May 17, 2009 7:03 pm ((PDT))
---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: GLOBAL: Disaster risk increasing, exacerbated by climate change -
From: "IRIN" <>
Date: Sun, May 17, 2009 07:02
GLOBAL: Disaster risk increasing, exacerbated by climate change - report
MANAMA, 17 May 2009 (IRIN) - The risk of disasters occurring worldwide is
increasing due to the expansion of slums, the increasing vulnerability of
rural livelihoods to weather changes and deteriorating ecosystems, a new
UN report says.
"Exacerbating this deadly trio is the established and omnipresent threat
of climate change, impelled by greenhouse gas emissions generated by
affluent societies and individuals, with the resulting burdens falling on
developing countries and their poorest citizens," said the first UN
Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction [see:],
which was launched in Bahrain on 17 May.
This report is a collaborative effort undertaken by UN agencies and
partners, member states, the World Bank, regional inter-governmental and
technical institutions, civil society networks, academic institutions and
other UN International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR) system
"The most important finding of the report is that even without climate
change, disaster risk is still increasing worldwide. If climate change
added to these disaster risk patterns, it will be a quite catastrophic
picture," Andrew Maskrey, one of the report's authors, told IRIN.
"Risk Drivers"
The report outlined the three main "risk drivers" of disasters. It said
that inhabitants of informal settlements were increasingly at risk from
weather-related hazards.
"Urbanisation per se tends to increase the intensity of run-off during
storms leading to heavy flooding, often due to an underinvestment in
building and maintaining drains. In fact, many floods are caused as much
by deficient or non-existent drainage, as by the intensity of rainfall
itself," the report said.
"There are approximately one billion people living in informal squatter
settlements and many are at risk from disasters. These numbers are
growing by about 25 million a year worldwide," Maskrey said.
Going beyond cities, people living in rural areas who depend on
agriculture and other natural resources are vulnerable to even slight
variations in weather, let alone major changes in climate and more
resilient disease vectors, the report said. Maskrey added that such
challenges were pushing many rural folk into poverty and deprivation.
He also said that man's continued mistreatment of the world's ecosystems
would inevitably cause more disasters. "Wherever we are clearing
mangroves on the coasts, draining wetlands or deforesting hillsides, we
are really creating conditions for disaster risk."
What can be done?
The report proposes a 20-point action plan to reduce risk, focusing on:
stepping up efforts to respond to climate change; strengthening the
economic resilience of small and vulnerable economies; supporting
community initiatives; enhancing national and local governance;
encouraging the adoption of high-level development policy frameworks;
and, above all, investing in sustainable disaster risk reduction
In his opening remarks before the launch of the report, UN
Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon said the report "urges a major shift in
development thinking by emphasising resilience and pre-emptive measures".
"If the risk is actually caused by these [three] drivers; if somehow we
can address these things, we are going to reduce disaster risk, stop poor
people from getting poorer, [and] deal with the magnifying effects of
climate change," Maskrey said.
The report gives policy recommendations to the UN and governments on how
to tackle these three issues. "The report tells us that even poor
countries can do this. It is not just a question of money. The technical
measures exist and there are experiences that show that it can be done,
so it is really a question of political will," Maskrey said.
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2. Panos Radio South Asia | Latest Development Dilemmas Issue, 15 May 2
Posted by: "Satish Jung Shahi" sjshahi
Date: Mon May 18, 2009 5:32 am ((PDT))
Panos Radio South Asia | Latest Development Dilemmas Issue, 15 May 2009
Latest Upload on Development Dilemmas:
The Clock is Ticking
As the globe warms up due to the human-induced climate changes, time is running out for especially the most vulnerable countries like Nepal to prepare for the consequences of climate change. Alarm bells are ringing but climate change action continues to be delayed. In this edition of Development Dilemmas, we will focus on how Nepal is preparing itself to the climate change and what measures need to be taken. Naresh Newar moderates this session with some experts working on climate change issues. Anil Manandhar is Country Representative at WWF, Nepal; Bhusan Tuladhar is an environmentalist and executive director of ENPHO; and, Isabelle-Anne is Country Director of UNDP.
Country: Nepal.
Upload Date: 15/05/2009
Duration: 26.44
File Size: 24.4 MB
Development Dilemmas is a radio discussion, of around half-an-hour duration. It is an independent production of Panos Radio South Asia, an undertaking of Panos South Asia. We're committed to providing a forum for voices, views, and issues not often heard in the mainstream media. Non-profit media, development and other organizations can download Development Dilemmas free of cost for air or online use. Credit should be given to Panos Radio South Asia (PRSA), an undertaking of Panos South Asia. If you have suggestions for future programs please contact us at:
Panos Radio South Asia
GPO Box 13651
Kathmandu, Nepal
Tel.: 977-1-5521889/5531447
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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3. AFRIQUE : Média & liberté d'expression
Posted by: "George Lessard" themediamentor
Date: Mon May 18, 2009 6:30 am ((PDT))
Le journal électronique qui fait autorité est une plateforme de la
justice sociale en Afrique.
Pambazuka news (Ed. française) ISSN 1753-6847
16 Média & liberté d'expression
Une nouvelle chaîne d'information panafricaine, Africa 24, émettant 24
heures sur 24 dans un premier temps en français et dont l'objectif est
une diffusion internationale, a été lancée officiellement le 12 mai à
Paris. Fondée par le Camerounais Constant Nemale, également
cofondateur en 1998 d'une autre chaîne panafricaine 3A Télésud, Africa
24 est une chaîne de télévision à destination des Africains et de la
diaspora. Elle émet déjà en français depuis février 2009 vers
l'Afrique. Elle prévoit une diffusion en anglais fin 2010 et en arabe
en 2011.
Reporters sans frontières a exprimé le 14 mai son "indignation" après
"la tentative de meurtre" dont a été victime le 12 mai le rédacteur en
chef du quotidien El Wattan et présentateur de Radio Mauritanie,
Mohamed Ould Zeine. Ce dernier a été attiré dans un piège par deux
personnes qui l'ont attaqué avec des battes de base-ball, lui ont
donné plusieurs coups de couteau et lui ont frappé la tête contre un
mur. Les assaillants sont partis le laissant pour mort.
Fahamu – Réseaux pour la Justice Sociale
© Sauf indication contraire, tous les contenus publiés ici le sont
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ISSN 1753-6847
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