Monday, 9 May 2011

[creative-radio] [info] DVD Live at Djakarta Artmosphere 2010


Live at Djakarta Artmosphere 2010 #


Sebuah karya DVD Live Konser lewat G Production Pictures telah dirilis dengan
tajuk "Live at Djakarta Artmosphere 2010". Jejak rekam konser hasil
kolaborasi dua generasi tersebut berisikan : Godbless yang bersinergi dengan Navicula, Odie Agam berkolaborasi
dengan Mocca, The Tress and The
Wild, serta Bonita, Gugun Blues Shelter berkolaborasi
dengan Sylvia Saartje, dan yang
terakhir Leonardo dengan Utha Likumahua

Djakarta Artmosphere merupakan konser yang bertujuan untuk
memberikan ruang bagi pelaku dan penikmat seni baik seni musik, fotografi, tari
dan karya seni lainnya. Serta menggabungkan dua generasi musik yang berbeda
zaman. Visi kami adalah selalu mencari kesempatan untuk mempersembahkan karya
seni yang intelektual, hingga pada akhirnya G Production sebagai penggagas dapat mengambil tempat untuk
meramaikan industri seni di Indonesia.


yang disitribusikan oleh Demajors dibandrol dengan harga Rp. 75.000,- dan dapat
dipesan melalui 0813 1008 1510 atau toko music terdekat



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Creative-Radio is an independent forum for people active in or interested in the use of radio in development, in particular promoting public health, improved education, protection of the environment, improved livelihoods, good governance and conflict mitigation. Since it started in 1996, Creative-Radio has been in the forefront of radio's resurgence as a tool for social change and peace-building, and it helps promote best practice in these areas.

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Creating audio

Creating audio

Putting together recordings of sounds to make audio content is no longer the preserve of experts. The use of audio for campaigning and advocacy is a growing phenomenon. In this chapter you will find out how anyone with a plan, an idea, some basic equipment and a little background knowledge can create and distribute engaging and good quality audio. This section will enable you to create audio content that is powerful and relevant, and to distribute it to audiences using radio, CDs, public spaces and the internet. It also provides a number of case studies that show the many ways audio can be used in human rights advocacy work.

A Zapatista radio station in Mexico. Photo by Oriana Eliçabe.

How can you use audio recordings?

You can make audio recordings and play them in public places, use them to enhance your website and broadcast them on the radio; you can distribute them as CDs, as mobile phone ringtones or as podcasts that listeners can download from the internet. Audio recordings can be educational or campaigning; they communicate in many ways.

Audio work which is broadcast via radio or podcast can be both intimate and far-reaching; both private – because people often listen by themselves while getting on with their lives – and public, because many people may be listening to them at the same time. This sort of transmission can be heard by large numbers of people who may not otherwise be exposed to your message, and provide them with compelling information while connecting them with diverse experiences and voices.


Producing informative and entertaining audio is an effective way of reaching the large and varied audiences who listen to CDs, radio stations and online broadcasts. Rural audiences tend to use radio more than any other medium, particularly if it is in their local language; people who are not literate also find audio a powerful way to access information and learn. Increasingly, people who have internet access are 'switched on' to online audio, particularly young audiences.

What resources do you need?

The cost of making audio is relatively low. You will need to have access to an audio recording device – preferably a digital one – and then access to software for editing the sounds you record into a distributable audio piece. It is also possible to record sound using old-style analogue tape recorders (such as a 'Walkman', which records onto cassette tapes), and then feed this analogue sound into a computer, which converts it into digital sounds for editing (Read more about Audacity).

Audacity is an easy-to-use audio edit or and recorder for Windows, Mac OS X, GNU/Linux and other operating systems. You can use Audacity to:

  •  Record live audio
  •  Convert analogue tapes and records into digital recordings or CDs
  •  Edit sound files in different formats together
  •  Cut, copy, splice or mix sounds together
  • Change the speed or pitch of a recording

What skills do you need?

For making your initial audio recordings all that is required is to capture the sound as well as possible, by listening carefully to your interviewee or subject and adjusting the sound input levels as necessary. The editing stage requires more skill, but is also increasingly accessible to the beginner. 

How long will it take to make your audio piece?

Audio pieces normally range in length from 30 seconds (the length of most radio or TV ads) to five minutes (the length of most news items on a radio programme). Documentaries and longer features, however, may be up to half an hour in length or more. Radio producers tend to consider that one hour of work is required for every five minutes broadcast. This rule is not a scientific assessment but one based on experience; of course this will vary enormously with the nature of the audio piece and the experience and resources of the maker/s. At least half of this time is spent sourcing and recording the piece; the rest is taken up with editing, and with distributing it to listeners. 

[creative-radio] ‘Doing Community Radio: A Toolkit for Nigerian Communities’

Farm Radio Weekly 'Doing Community Radio: A Toolkit for Nigerian

Date Posted: May 9th, 2011

Posted in: Issue #155 <>, Past
Issues <>, Radio Resource

This 80-page toolkit, written by Ayobami Ojebode and published by the
Nigeria Community Radio Coalition, explains what community radio is, and how
to set up and manage a station.

The toolkit is designed to enable community members to build viable radio
stations that create a platform for dialogue within their community. The
language and presentation of this practical resource is simple and
reader-friendly. While it focuses on Nigeria, many sections are useful and
relevant for communities and radio professionals throughout Africa.

To read the toolkit, visit<>

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Creative-Radio is an independent forum for people active in or interested in the use of radio in development, in particular promoting public health, improved education, protection of the environment, improved livelihoods, good governance and conflict mitigation. Since it started in 1996, Creative-Radio has been in the forefront of radio's resurgence as a tool for social change and peace-building, and it helps promote best practice in these areas.

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