Thursday, 5 March 2009

[creative-radio] Digest Number 2586

There are 5 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1a. Rush Limbaugh's Radio Stations and Advertisers Consider Withdrawing
From: George Lessard
1b. Re: Rush Limbaugh's Radio Stations and Advertisers Consider Withdra

2. New AMARC Africa - Coordonnateur Coordinator -coordinador AMARC Afri
From: George Lessard

3. 'Curious Minds' produce lively, award-winning youth radio i
From: George Lessard

4. World Summit on Media for Children and Youth Karlstad Sweden 2010
From: George Lessard

1a. Rush Limbaugh's Radio Stations and Advertisers Consider Withdrawing
Posted by: "George Lessard" themediamentor
Date: Wed Mar 4, 2009 7:58 pm ((PST))

Radio Stations and Advertisers Consider Withdrawing Support
for Rush Limbaugh
Jack Myers Jack Myers Tue Mar 3, 10:15 pm ET
Huffington Post

Rush Limbaugh's rhetoric has crossed the line between free speech and a
political campaign. It's appropriate and necessary for media to give voice
to political opposition, but it is inappropriate when on-air media talent
becomes the voice for a political opposition party. Limbaugh's lengthy
Castro-like speech to the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC)
was his coming out party for a run for president of the United States and
as he emerges as the new leader and voice of the Republican Party, radio
stations and advertisers have an obligation to reconsider their support.

It is essential to question whether Limbaugh should continue to have
access to the public airwaves and whether advertisers should continue to
support him. The support of advertisers could be easily perceived as a
statement of political support for Limbaugh's policies. Advertisers and
radio stations that support Limbaugh could -- and perhaps should -- be
interpreted as providing explicit support for the far right wing of
conservative politics. Giving a political party control over the press is
a dangerous precedent, and a Sustainable Free Press requires that the
people believe that media takes responsibility for the content it
delivers. An editorial voice is far different than a politician's control
over the press, which throughout history has been the first step toward


But we should not ignore Rush Limbaugh's oratory. He has taken over the
political leadership of the far right wing activist group in our country
-- a group who appear to believe the last eight years were the best in our
nation's history and a group who may count among them advocates for
violent anti-government actions. Limbaugh, in his (CPAC) speech, explained
why he believes it's acceptable to hope for the President of the United
States to fail. He essentially has called for the overthrow of the current
government, saying "it is time to take back our nation." Politicians are
subject to being voted in or out of office. Those who find Limbaugh's
political calls as the leader of the "take back the nation" campaign to be
inappropriate for a radio host have a more immediate option: to withdraw

This is a dangerous time for the American radio industry. Advertising
revenues are drying up. While leading Republican industrialists are among
those who support Limbaugh's calls for action by the wealthy few against
the government, many of these same leaders are dependent upon the Obama
Recovery Plan to bail them out of the mess they have put themselves and
the nation in. Media companies are dependent upon a national economic
recovery. Media owners must think long and hard about their role in
society and the messages they want to communicate about their support for
Limbaugh and what many consider to be his politics of hate.


The complete article may be read at the URL above.

Messages in this topic (2)
1b. Re: Rush Limbaugh's Radio Stations and Advertisers Consider Withdra
Posted by: "" mrice54656
Date: Thu Mar 5, 2009 6:51 am ((PST))

I hope the effort to take down Rush Limbaugh succeeds. He's a windbag and a
demagogue, but more than that, he's trivial. Essentially, he's just
an entertainer
who gins up policy ideas not for their efficacy in real government
and politics, but
to get a rise out of his 11 million listeners a week. For too long
trivial pursuit
maestros like Limbaugh have been leading people too inarticulate to speak and
understand for themselves, around by the nose. Rush's ravings are an instance
of the blind (he's deaf too!) leading the blinder. The big fat cigar
jutting from the
corner of the Limbaugh Mouth over a corpulent body is not exactly a positive
image for a nation concerned about Obesity and the Fat Cats of Wall Street and
the Big Three.

Mike Rice

At 10:59 PM 3/4/2009, George Lessard wrote:

>Radio Stations and Advertisers Consider Withdrawing Support
>for Rush Limbaugh
>Jack Myers Jack Myers Tue Mar 3, 10:15 pm ET
>Huffington Post
>Rush Limbaugh's rhetoric has crossed the line between free speech and a
>political campaign. It's appropriate and necessary for media to give voice
>to political opposition, but it is inappropriate when on-air media talent
>becomes the voice for a political opposition party. Limbaugh's lengthy
>Castro-like speech to the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC)
>was his coming out party for a run for president of the United States and
>as he emerges as the new leader and voice of the Republican Party, radio
>stations and advertisers have an obligation to reconsider their support.
>It is essential to question whether Limbaugh should continue to have
>access to the public airwaves and whether advertisers should continue to
>support him. The support of advertisers could be easily perceived as a
>statement of political support for Limbaugh's policies. Advertisers and
>radio stations that support Limbaugh could -- and perhaps should -- be
>interpreted as providing explicit support for the far right wing of
>conservative politics. Giving a political party control over the press is
>a dangerous precedent, and a Sustainable Free Press requires that the
>people believe that media takes responsibility for the content it
>delivers. An editorial voice is far different than a politician's control
>over the press, which throughout history has been the first step toward
>But we should not ignore Rush Limbaugh's oratory. He has taken over the
>political leadership of the far right wing activist group in our country
>-- a group who appear to believe the last eight years were the best in our
>nation's history and a group who may count among them advocates for
>violent anti-government actions. Limbaugh, in his (CPAC) speech, explained
>why he believes it's acceptable to hope for the President of the United
>States to fail. He essentially has called for the overthrow of the current
>government, saying "it is time to take back our nation." Politicians are
>subject to being voted in or out of office. Those who find Limbaugh's
>political calls as the leader of the "take back the nation" campaign to be
>inappropriate for a radio host have a more immediate option: to withdraw
>This is a dangerous time for the American radio industry. Advertising
>revenues are drying up. While leading Republican industrialists are among
>those who support Limbaugh's calls for action by the wealthy few against
>the government, many of these same leaders are dependent upon the Obama
>Recovery Plan to bail them out of the mess they have put themselves and
>the nation in. Media companies are dependent upon a national economic
>recovery. Media owners must think long and hard about their role in
>society and the messages they want to communicate about their support for
>Limbaugh and what many consider to be his politics of hate.
>The complete article may be read at the URL above.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Messages in this topic (2)
2. New AMARC Africa - Coordonnateur Coordinator -coordinador AMARC Afri
Posted by: "George Lessard" themediamentor
Date: Thu Mar 5, 2009 1:03 am ((PST))

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: [Asiapacific-general] AMARC Africa - Coordonnateur Coordinator
-coordinador AMARC Afrique
From: "" <>
Date: Wed, March 4, 2009 19:20
To: "" <>

English Follows...
Portugais sigue....
El español sigue...

Annonce : Le réseau mondial de radios communautaires accueille le
nouveau Coordonnateur de l'AMARC Afrique

Le 4 mars 2009. L'association mondiale des radiodiffuseurs
communautaires en Afrique (AMARC Afrique) annonce le recrutement de
monsieur Alymana Bathily pour le poste de Coordonnateur de l'AMARC Afrique.

Mr Bathily est un spécialiste des médias et de la communication pour le
développement avec plus de 17 années d'expérience dans la recherche, la
production, la définition des politiques et le plaidoyer, les relations
publiques et la diffusion. Il a fait des recherches approfondies sur les
médias dans l'Afrique de l'Ouest et a une expérience reconnue dans le
développement et la mise en œuvre des programmes.

En tant que coordonnateur de l'AMARC Afrique, monsieur Bathily
contribuera à la réorganisation du réseau de l'AMARC Afrique et à la
réussite de la 4ème conférence panafricaine en Côte d'Ivoire du 27 au 30
avril 2009. Il assurera le soutien au conseil d'administration de
l'AMARC Afrique et les communications avec les membres, il coordonnera
le développement des projets et l'organisation des activités du plan
stratégique défini par les membres lors de la 4ème conférence
panafricaine. Il peut être contacté à

Announcement: World Community Radio Network Welcomes the New Coordinator
of AMARC Africa

March 4th 2009. The World Association of Community Radio broadcasters in
Africa (AMARC Africa) announces the recruitment of Mr Alymana Bathily as
the new AMARC Africa Coordinator.

Mr Bathily is a senior media and communication specialist with over 17
years of experience in research, production, policy and advocacy
advisory and in public relations and outreach capacities. He has done
extensive research on the media in West Africa and has proven experience
in developing and implementing advocacy programs for progressive
communication regulations and legislation.

As the new coordinator of AMARC Africa, Mr. Bathily will support the
reorganisation of the AMARC Africa network and the success of the 4th
Pan African Conference to be held in Ivory Coast 27-30 April 2009. He
will ensure the support to the board of directors and the communication
with the members; he will coordinate project development and the
organisation of the strategic plan activities defined by the members at
the 4th Pan African Conference. He can be reached at:

Anuncio : La red mundial de radios comunitarias acoge el nuevo
coordinador de AMARC Africa

4 de Marzo de 2009. La Asociación Mundial de Radios comunitarias en
Africa (AMARC Africa) anuncia el reclutamiento de Bathily Alymana en el
puesto de Coordinador de AMARC Africa.

El señor Bathily es un especialista de medios y de la comunicación para
el desarrollo con más de 17 años de experiencia en la investigación, la
producción la definición de políticas y la abogacía, las relaciones
públicas y la diffusión. El ha hecho investigaciones detalladas sobre
los medios de comunicación en Africa del Oeste y tiene une experiencia
reconocida en desarrollo y la implementación de programas.

Como Coordinador de AMARC Africa, el señor Bathily contribuirá a la
reorganización de la red de AMARC Africa y al éxito de la 4a Conferencia
Pan Africana en Costa de Marfil del 27 al 30 de Abril de 2009. El
aseguraráa el apoyo al Consejo de Administración de AMARC Africa y las
comunicaciones con los miembros, el coordinará el desarrollo de
proyectos y la organización de las actividades del plan estratégico
definido por los miembros en la 4a conferencia Panafricana.. Puede
contactarle en

Anuncio : A rede mundial das rádios comunitárias acolhe o novo
coordenador da AMARC África.

4 de Março de 2009. A Associação Mundial de Radios Comunitárias em
África (AMARC África) anuncia o recrutamento do Sr Alymana Bathily para
coordenador da AMARC África.

Sr Bathily é um especialista dos médias e da comunicação para o
desenvolvimento, com mais de 17 anos de experiencia em investigação,
produção, definição de políticas e argumentação, relações públicas e
difusão. Investigou sobre os médias em África do Oeste e tem uma
experiencia reconhecida em desenvolvimento e realização de projectos.

Como coordenador da AMARC África, o Sr Bathily contribuirá à
reorganização da rede da AMARC África e ao sucesso da quarta conferência
pan africana na Costa do Marfim de 27 a 30 de Abril de 2009. Assegurará
apoio ao conselho de administração da AMARC Africa e nas comunicações
com os membros, coordenará o desenvolvimento de projectos e a
organização das actividades do plano estratégico definido pelos membros
durante a quarta conferência pan africana. Pode contacta-lo em:

Asiapacific-general mailing list

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Messages in this topic (1)
3. 'Curious Minds' produce lively, award-winning youth radio i
Posted by: "George Lessard" themediamentor
Date: Thu Mar 5, 2009 7:02 am ((PST))

'Curious Minds' produce lively, award-winning youth radio in Ghana

NEW YORK, USA, 4 March 2009 – A group of 20 youths packed together in a
small radio studio, crowded over a few microphones, are speaking with
great intensity. They laugh often and sometimes talk over each other.

VIDEO: Watch now

The young people are live on air, discussing educational reform and AIDS
education – just two of the many social topics that are covered on
'Curious Minds', a talk radio programme of the Ghana Broadcasting

'Curious Minds' has over 60 youth members who participate in all levels of
production on the show.

full article

Messages in this topic (1)
4. World Summit on Media for Children and Youth Karlstad Sweden 2010
Posted by: "George Lessard" themediamentor
Date: Thu Mar 5, 2009 7:09 am ((PST))

World Summit Karlstad Sweden 2010 has changed the congress dates to June
14-18, 2010.

World Summit on Media for Children and Youth Karlstad Sweden 2010 will be
a summit for 2000 delegates, 100 students from 100 countries preparing
with children and youth for a new mediaworld in the 21st century. It will
offer you great opportunities to network, to be part of debates, to be
interactive and to be part of workshops to share your perspective,
experience and expertise.

Central theme and strands
The central theme for World Summit Karlstad 2010 is Challenges in young
people's world of communication. This great area is divided into five
strands with the following perspectives:

Communication for change
- How, from your perspective, can communication in different media support
needed social change?

Children and young people's education and development
- How can media literacy and educational media make a difference?

Children and young people's digital content creation
- How can today's and tomorrow's media world gain quality from young
people's digital own media content creation?
- How can young children and youth of the world help improve global
understanding when creating media content?
- From the core perspectives of equity, equality, inclusion and
intercultural dialogue, what happens when young people are able to
digitally create media content?

Economics, policies and law
- From a child and youth perspective, what measures and steps must be
taken to meet the challenges of today's media world?

Ethics and social responsibilities
- In a non-regulated global media world how, in your perspective, can
quality in media for children and young people improve?

World Summits are held every three years and provide a forum for
producers, broadcasters and regulators of media for children and other
professionals and community leaders committed to the improvement of
quality media for children.

The Summit has travelled around world cities since 1995 when it started in
Melbourne, Australia. Since then it has been in London, Thessaloniki, Rio
de Janeiro, and Johannesburg. Now it's time for Scandinavia and Karlstad
to host the World Summit.

The objectives of World Summit on Media for Children and youth are:

# To achieve a greater understanding of developments in children's media
around the world.

# To raise the status of children's media.

# To draw to the attention of key players in broadcasting the importance
of issues relating to children.

# To promote a charter of guiding principles in children's media.

# To ensure the provision of programs for children will be guaranteed as
the communication revolution proceeds.

# To assist in the developing world to provide opportunities for quality
children's meda in the future.

For more information about the World Summit Foundation and the Board,
please follow the link below.

Messages in this topic (1)

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George Lessard

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