Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Re: [creative-radio] Looking for women's radio programs broadcast on community radio stations


Mungu Fm Radio an upcoming broadcast   Station is focused and involves on women issues.An introdctory letter was actually sent to WINGS.
Mukeya Liwena

From: George Lessard <mediamentor@gmail.com>
To: Creative Radio List <creative-radio@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Monday, 9 January 2012, 22:05
Subject: [creative-radio] Looking for women's radio programs broadcast on community radio stations

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Nan Rubin <nanrubin@aol.com>
Date: 9 December 2011 12:59
Subject: [Stubblefield] Looking for women's radio programs on community
To: WBAIProducers@yahoogroups.com, nceorg@prometheusradio.org,

A request from Frieda Werden, from the Grassroots Radio list.


* * * * * * *
*Nan Rubin*
*Community Media Services*
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-----Original Message-----
From: Frieda Werden <wings@wings.org> <wingsATwingsDOTorg>
To: grc <grc@peak.org>
Sent: Fri, Dec 9, 2011 9:46 am
Subject: [grc] Looking for women's radio programs on community radio

If your station has a women's radio program, or if you know stations that
have them, would you drop me a line? Thanks much!

Frieda Werden, Series Producer
WINGS: Women's International News Gathering Service http://www.wings.org

Via the Stubblefield mailing list.
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Re: [creative-radio] Looking for women's radio programs broadcast on community radio stations


Dear George,

I am providing some of the downloadable link to women's radio programmes.

You may find many more programmes on women issues at www.edaa.in which is
an audio exchange bank for Community Radio Stations.

With best regards,
Tej Prakash

On Tue, Jan 10, 2012 at 11:35 AM, George Lessard <mediamentor@gmail.com>wrote:

> **
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Nan Rubin <nanrubin@aol.com>
> Date: 9 December 2011 12:59
> Subject: [Stubblefield] Looking for women's radio programs on community
> radio
> To: WBAIProducers@yahoogroups.com, nceorg@prometheusradio.org,
> stubblefield@prometheusradio.org
> A request from Frieda Werden, from the Grassroots Radio list.
> Nan
> * * * * * * *
> *Nan Rubin*
> *Community Media Services*
> 212-569-3391
> * Community Media * Digital Archives *
> * Project Coordination * Strategic & Technology Planning *
> * Policy Analysis * Feasibility Studies & Assessments *
> * Foundation & Government Grants *
> www.nanrubin.com
> www.thirteen.org/ptvdigitalarchive
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Frieda Werden <wings@wings.org> <wingsATwingsDOTorg>
> To: grc <grc@peak.org>
> Sent: Fri, Dec 9, 2011 9:46 am
> Subject: [grc] Looking for women's radio programs on community radio
> If your station has a women's radio program, or if you know stations that
> have them, would you drop me a line? Thanks much!
> --
> Frieda Werden, Series Producer
> WINGS: Women's International News Gathering Service http://www.wings.org
> _______________________________________________
> Via the Stubblefield mailing list.
> For list options or to unsubscribe, please visit:
> http://lists.prometheusradio.org/listinfo.cgi/stubblefield-prometheusradio.org
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


*With Best Regards, *
*Tej Prakash Yadav*
*m - *+91 - 9818557709**

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Creative-Radio is an independent forum for people active in or interested in the use of radio in development, in particular promoting public health, improved education, protection of the environment, improved livelihoods, good governance and conflict mitigation. Since it started in 1996, Creative-Radio has been in the forefront of radio's resurgence as a tool for social change and peace-building, and it helps promote best practice in these areas.

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