Friday, 4 September 2009

[creative-radio] Kursus Menulis - Pantau


Kursus Narasi - Pantau
Angkatan VIII
25 Nop 2009 - 31 Maret 2010

ini dirancang untuk orang yang ingin belajar menulis panjang yang
memikat sekaligus mendalam. Ia juga diperuntukkan bagi mereka yang
berminat menulis esai atau narasi.

Ia mengedepankan
dasar-dasar etika jurnalisme serta belajar memahami mekanisme
verifikasi, teknik wawancara, riset, menganalisis struktur bacaan,
bahasa, penelusuran data serta editing. Ia menjadi landasan penting
dalam belajar menulis yang baik, mulai tulisan feature hingga narasi.

mulai menawarkan pengajaran genre ini pada media tahun 2001, setiap
semester sekali, selama dua minggu. Peserta maksimal 16 orang. Jumlah
ini dianggap optimal untuk sebuah metode pelatihan, yang berlangsung
selama 12 hingga 16 sesi. Setiap sesi 90-menit diformat serius namun
santai. Peserta bisa berdiskusi langsung. Total, Pantau sudah
mengadakan 16 kali kursus ini. Peserta datang dari berbagai kota, dari Banda Aceh hingga Jayapura, dari Pontianak
hingga Kucing, dari Ende hingga Kupang. Alumninya, kini mulai
bermunculan. Ada yang menulis buku. Ada yang jadi pemimpin redaksi. Ada
yang sekolah lanjut.

Pada 2006, paket semesteran tersebut
ditambah dengan paket empat bulan (lima bulan bila terpotong hari libur
nasional). Kursus ini berlangsung di Jakarta, mulai setiap Mei dan November. Pantau telah menyelenggarakan enam kali kursus dengan total peserta 108 orang.

Kursus juga terkadang diadakan di luar Jakarta berdasarkan permintaan. Di Jakarta, kursus ini diikuti berbagai kalangan.
Baik itu aktivis, pengacara, dokter, dosen, mahasiswa, arsitek, pekerja pertambangan, NGO dan lain-lain.

merangsang peserta membuat tulisan yang dalam, memikat dan analitis,
enak dibaca dan mengalir. Cerita yang analitis dibutuhkan masyarakat
untuk mengambil sikap terhadap pokok masalah.

Kursus diadakan
sebanyak 18 sesi dengan frekuensi pertemuan mingguan, setiap Rabu malam
pukul 19.00-21.00. Ini sengaja dibuat agar peserta punya waktu
mengendapkan materi belajar, membaca dan mengerjakan tugas.  Kelas
ditekankan pada banyak latihan. Kelas ini juga akan membicarakan
karya-karya klasik nonfiksi Joseph Mitchell, Truman Capote, John
Hersey, Gay Talese dan Ryszard Kapuscinski serta Pham Xuan An dari Saigon.

Tugas akhir setiap peserta menulis sebuah narasi sekitar 5.000 kata.

Kursus ini juga telah menghadirkan banyak tokoh penulis sebagai pembicara tamu. Mereka adalah Arief
Bre Redana, Daoed Joesoef, Donald K Emmerson, Fadjroel Rahman, Jean
Jacques Kusni, Julia Suryakusuma, Putu Oka Sukanta, Riri Riza, Samuel
Mulia, Martin Aleida dan Maria Hartiningsih.


Andreas Harsono --
Wartawan Jakarta, anggota International Consortium of Investigative
Journalists. Pada 1999 mendapatkan Nieman Fellowship di Universitas
Harvard. Menyunting buku "Jurnalisme Sastrawi: Antologi Liputan
Mendalam dan Memikat." Kini menyelesaikan buku "From Sabang
to Merauke: Debunking the Myth of Indonesian Nationalism," yang
membahas hubungan media dengan kekerasan etnik, agama dan nasionalisme
di Indonesia dan Timor Lorosae.

Budi Setiyono -- wartawan Jakarta , pernah bekerja untuk Suara Merdeka (Semarang ) dan majalah Pantau ( Jakarta ). Dia co-editor buku "Revolusi
Belum Selesai" yang berisi kumpulan pidato politik Presiden Soekarno
serta "Jurnalisme Sastrawi: Antologi Liputan Mendalam dan Memikat."
Kini menyelesaikan buku soal penyair A.S. Dharta dari Lembaga
Kebudayaan Rakyat.


Justina Ayu Utami -- novelis dan aktivis. Banyak karya yang telah dihasilkan, salah satunya Saman,
menjadi juara sayembara penulisan roman Dewan Kesenian Jakarta 1998.
Dalam waktu tiga tahun novel tersebut terjual hingga 55 ribu eksemplar,
dan mengantarkan dirinya mendapat kehormatan Prince Claus Award 2000
dari Prince Claus Fund, sebuah yayasan yang bermarkas di Den Haag, Belanda.
Di awal 2002, Ayu meluncurkan novel Larung, dan menulis kumpulan Esai
Si Parasit Lajang, yang diterbitkan Gagas Media, Jakarta, 2003.

Ayu juga pernah menjadi wartawan di majalah Humor, Matra, Forum Keadilan dan D&R. Di masa Orde Baru, ia turut mengagas berdirinya organisasi wartawan Aliansi Jurnalis Independen (AJI) yang memprotes pembredelan majalah Tempo, Editor dan Detik pada Juni 1994. Ayu, yang juga mantan Finalis Wajah Femina 1990 itu, kini bekerja di jurnal kebudayaan Kalam dan di Teater Utan Kayu.


bisa dari berbagai latar belakang disiplin ilmu, minat atau profesi.
Kursus ini banyak diikuti oleh kalangan aktivis, wartawan, dokter,
pengacara, mahasiswa, dosen, peneliti, manajer dan sebagainya. Biaya
kursus 4 juta rupiah dan bisa diangsur selama kursus.

dibatasi 18 orang untuk memudahkan lalu-lintas ide dalam kelas. Peserta
diharapkan mengirim biodata dan contoh tulisan agar instruktur bisa
mengenal background dan kebutuhan masing-masing peserta. Peserta juga
diminta mengerjakan tugas membaca, latihan meliput, serta menulis
pekerjaan rumah.

Informasi hubungi:
Siti Nurrofiqoh
Program Officer
P a n t a u
Jl. Raya Kebayoran Lama
No 18 CD Jakarta Selatan 12220
Telp/Fax. 021 722-1031/021- 7221055
Website. www.pantau.or. id
Mobile. 0813 82 460 455 – 0858 1414 5669

Berselancar lebih cepat. Internet Explorer 8 yang dioptimalkan untuk Yahoo! otomatis membuka 2 halaman favorit Anda setiap kali Anda membuka browser. Dapatkan IE8 di sini!

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Re: [creative-radio] Humanizing Development, Global Photography Campaign


gday Kevin,
how is it doing ? after that long time no talk as i didnt spend 2 summers in california, being presently in singapore, planning to get surfboards built in schools at the age of 13 or 14 for boys in middle class, catching up with a factory of woven fibers of a cousin of my mother to cover foam breads dedicating to surfboards, how is doing Igor Gaignault, and your hulls in the bottom of your house ? i dont have his address anymore, but if you re willing to tell him about that, it would be excellent
i pass to interested parts of such a subject
by the way, i discovered i had plenty of bank accounts in switzerland (from my grand father) and was there recently and planning to have a chalet someday in grindewald or zermatt :-)
saludos !

francois leca
cap de bleu
siret 380 69898500021
ape 926 c
6 rue emile zola 83000 var, europe of the 27
asb bank account new zealand 12-3066-0248387 BIC ASBBNZ2A

--- On Fri, 9/4/09, George Lessard <> wrote:

From: George Lessard <>
Subject: [creative-radio] Humanizing Development, Global Photography Campaign
Date: Friday, September 4, 2009, 5:48 AM


Humanizing Development
Global Photography Campaign

How do you see development? How can you portrait the human face of the
development processes? How do you show that development initiatives and
programmes improve the lives of people? This Global Photography Campaign
aims to show examples of people winning the battle against poverty, social
exclusion and marginalization. It is intended to raise awareness of the
successes in the development process. The campaign is intended to
counterbalance the frequently shown images of desolation and despair. A
photo gallery will to be permanently located at IPC-IG office and open for
public visitation. A series of photo exhibitions will also be organized in
several cities around the world. Everyone can and is strongly encouraged
to participate in this global effort and contribute with a photograph.
Join us now in showing development through a different lens! Let's promote
and share successful development initiatives!

Who can participate?

Everyone can contribute with a photograph: professional and
non-professional photographers, students, civil society activists,
government officials, UN staff members and so forth.

How can I participate?
http://www.ipc- photo/index. htm

How will the selection take place?

The Selection Committee will choose the 50 favourite photographs that best
depict the campaign themes to compose our photo gallery. Results will be
released on IPC-IG website on 30 October 2009.

The Committee will be composed of one representative from IPC-IG; one UNV
representative from headquarters in Bonn; a professional photographer with
international reputation; a representative from a partner institution
based in Africa, one in Asia and the Pacific, one in the Arab States and
another in Europe and the CIS

What happens if my picture is selected?

If your photo is chosen you will be contacted no later than 30 October
2009 by the IPC-IG. As a reward, your contribution to this campaign and
your effort in supporting its goals will be acknowledged by a wide
dissemination of your work through a range of UN communications tools:

The selected photographs and the respective contributors' names will be
highlighted in various UN communications channels, such as IPC-IG and UN
media campaigns, releases, websites and so forth.

The selected photograph will be part of UNDP and IPC-IG photo databases
and will be shared with the United Nations Department of Public
Information in New York, promoting global visibility to contributors,
their work and participation in the global campaign.

Contributors will receive a certificate jointly issued by the UNDP
International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth and the campaign

Contributors will have their names displayed at the IPC-IG photo gallery
on "Humanizing Development" , which will be launched at a public event on
November 2009.

Photo exhibitions are to be organised in order to highlight the
photographs and the contributors and to promote the campaign goals.
Exhibitions are planned to be held in New York, Brasilia, São Paulo, and
other cities in the South.

Campaign Coordinator
Mr. Francisco Filho
Communications, Outreach and
Advocacy Unit, IPC-IG
Phone: (+ 55 61) 2105 5036

Ms. Giovana Lerda
Communications Assistant
giovana.lerda@ ipc-undp. org
Phone: (+55 61) 2105 5017

Karim Ezzeldin
Communication Associate
UNDP Egypt Country Office
1191 Corniche ElNil, World Trade Centre
Boulac, Cairo 11599, Egypt
Office: (202) 2578 4840-6
Fax: (202) 2578 4847
Direct: (202) 2580 9007

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

This e-mail service is edited, managed and moderated by
George Lessard

Make a donation via PayPal:

Creative-Radio is an independent forum for people active in or interested in the use of radio in development, in particular promoting public health, improved education, protection of the environment, improved livelihoods, good governance and conflict mitigation. Since it started in 1996, Creative-Radio has been in the forefront of radio's resurgence as a tool for social change and peace-building, and it helps promote best practice in these areas.

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