Wednesday, 20 July 2011

[creative-radio] Canadian Community Radio Funding Given Final Approval by Broadcast Regulator

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Date: 2011/7/20
Subject: CRTC Approves CRFC Plan - Le CRTC approuve le Plan du FCRC

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*In the News*: CRTC Approves Plan, Next Steps
*Actualités *: Le CRTC approuve le plan du FCRC, Prochaines étapes
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July 20, 2011

CRTC Approves CRFC Structural and Operational Plan
The CRFC is pleased to announce that the CRTC has approved the Structural
and Operational Plan and the "CRFC CCD Program: Developing Canadian Local
Regulatory Policy CRTC
In addition to describing the fund's governance and operations, the plan
proposed an outcomes-based approach for funding distribution.

Nearly one year ago to the day, the CRTC announced that the campus and
community radio sector would begin receiving mandatory Canadian Content
Development (CCD) Contributions. It was the first decision of its kind for
the sector, as, until then, there had been no dedicated funding for stations
from coast-to-coast-to-coast. In order for the CRFC to manage these
contributions for the sector, we were asked to submit a detailed structural
and operational plan that described our governance, operations, and plan for

For the last year, the CRFC has been receiving 0.5% of tangible benefits
when there is a transfer of ownership or control of commercial radio
undertakings. A complete list of Current
be found on our website. Since the 2010 decision, Canada's private
broadcasters have committed $2.9 million over seven years in mandatory and
voluntary CCD contributions.

Now that the CRTC has approved the CRFC's plan, we will begin receiving 15%
of commercial radio licensees' basic annual contributions to CCD. This will
mean at least $700,000 each year for the CRFC and the campus and community
radio sector.

The CRFC thanks the CRTC, our members, and everyone who participated in this

"It has been a long year, full of planning, research, and learning," said
CRFC President John Harris Stevenson. "The CRFC has distributed $480,000 to
47 recipients in the last three years. With this decision, we will be
distributing twice that amount every year. Today's decision is an important
step for us in reaching our vision of being a meaningful financial tool for
the development and sustainability of campus and community radio in Canada."

Next Steps
There are a few changes to be made to the Structural and Operational Plan.
As requested by the CRTC, we will submit the final version by August 22,

Additionally, as reported in May, the CRFC Board has been in strategic
planning and development mode. And now that the CRTC has approved our plan,
we can move forward in many ways. Over the next two to three months, the
CRFC will publish a three-year strategic plan, finalize a development plan
and constitute a development committee, and finalize its outcomes-based

For more information, please contact Melissa Kaestner, CRFC Executive
Director, at 613-321-3513 or, or visit our
website at<>

Le 20 juillet 2011

Le CRTC approuve le Plan relatif à la structure et à l'exploitation du FCRC
Le FCRC est heureux d'annoncer que le CRTC a approuvé le Plan relatif à la
structure et à l'exploitation et le « Programme de DCC du FCRC : Développer
le contenu canadien à l'échelle locale
réglementaire de radiodiffusion CRTC
En plus de décrire les modalités de gouvernance et de fonctionnement du
Fonds, le plan présente une approche axée sur les résultats pour la
distribution du financement.

Il y a tout près d'un an jour pour jour, le CRTC a annoncé que le secteur de
la radio de campus et communautaire commencerait à recevoir des
contributions obligatoires au titre du développement du contenu canadien
(DCC). Cette décision a marqué un tournant pour les stations de campus et
communautaires de toutes les régions du Canada, qui ne bénéficiaient
auparavant d'aucune source de financement leur étant exclusivement réservée.
Le FCRC a la responsabilité de gérer ces contributions au nom du secteur. À
cet effet, le CRTC a demandé au Fonds de présenter un plan détaillé relatif
à sa structure et à son exploitation, y compris la gouvernance, le
fonctionnement et la distribution des fonds.

Au cours de la dernière année, le FCRC a commencé à toucher un montant
équivalant à 0,5 % des avantages tangibles lors de transferts de propriété
ou de contrôle d'entreprises de radio commerciale. La liste complète
des bailleurs
de fonds<>se
trouve sur le site Web du Fonds. Depuis la décision rendue par le CRTC
2010, les radiodiffuseurs privés du Canada se sont engagés à verser 2,9
millions de dollars sur sept ans en contributions obligatoires et
volontaires au titre du DCC.

À la suite de l'approbation du plan du FCRC, le Fonds commencera à recevoir
15 % des contributions annuelles de base au titre du DCC versées par les
titulaires de licence de radio commerciale. Le Fonds et le secteur de la
radio de campus et communautaire recevront ainsi au moins 700 000 $ par

Le FCRC tient à remercier ses membres, le CRTC, ainsi que toutes les
personnes qui ont participé à l'élaboration du plan.

« Nous avons connu une année chargée sous le signe de la planification, de
la recherche et de l'apprentissage, » a souligné le président du FCRC, John
Harris Stevenson. « Le Fonds a distribué 480 000 $ à 47 récipiendaires au
cours des trois dernières années. La décision rendue par le CRTC aujourd'hui
nous permettra de distribuer le double de ce montant chaque année. Il s'agit
d'une étape importante vers la concrétisation de notre vision, qui est
d'être un instrument financier important appuyant le développement et la
pérennité de la radio de campus et communautaire au Canada. »

Prochaines étapes
Le CRTC a demandé quelques modifications au Plan relatif à la structure et à
l'exploitation du FCRC. Nous lui soumettrons la version définitive du plan
au plus tard le 22 août 2011.

Par ailleurs, dans l'édition de mai du bulletin InfoFonds, nous indiquions
que le conseil d'administration du FCRC se penche sur la planification
stratégique et le développement du Fonds. L'approbation du plan par le CRTC
nous permettra de faire plusieurs progrès au cours des deux à trois
prochains mois. Nous publierons un plan stratégique triennal, finaliserons
un plan de développement et mettrons sur pied un comité responsable du
développement, et mettrons les dernières touches à l'approche axée sur les

Pour obtenir plus de renseignements, communiquez avec la directrice générale
du FCRC, Melissa Kaestner, au 613-321-3513 ou par courriel à l'adresse Vous pouvez également consulter le<>

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[creative-radio] AMARC - Asia Pacific Community Radio Training Forum 2011


World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters (AMARC) Community
Posted by: "AHM Bazlur Rahman" bnnrchq
Date: Tue Jul 19, 2011 9:27 am ((PDT))

World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters (AMARC)

AMARC - Asia Pacific Community Radio Training Forum 2011:

17 to 19 November 2011, Bangkok, Thailand

The 1st AMARC Asia Pacific Community Radio Training Forum for "Enhancing Impact of Community Broadcasting" will be held in Bangkok, Thailand from 17 to 19 November 2011.

The capacity building mega event will provide opportunity to community radio broadcasters of Asia Pacific to network with and learn from international trainers and experts about setting up community radio stations, promoting community participation, program production, production technology, and advocacy strategies for improving conditions for the development of community broadcasting.

The Training Forum will resemble a people's university where the participants can take different subjects. Outcomes of the Training Forum will have concrete productions that the participants will take home, and broadcast in their radio stations, such as radio jingles, dramas, features, interviews etc.

Announcing the Training Forum, President of AMARC Asia Pacific Ashish Sen has said that the Forum is a direct response to the capacity building needs of AMARC members in the Asia Pacific region as outlined in the AMARC Asia Pacific Regional Conference in Bangalore, India and the AMARC10 Global Conference in La Plata, Argentina. It directly addresses the key objectives of the development priorities and activity plans of community broadcasters and their partners in the region.

The AMARC Asia Pacific Community Radio Training Forum will promote gender sensitivity, strengthen community broadcasting for poverty reduction, and enhance the capacity of community broadcasters to address climate change and disaster preparedness. Sharing of ideas and learning of skills will be based on specific thematic streams so that broadcasters can directly apply their learning to address the concerns of the communities in the Asia Pacific region such as food security, right to information, good governance, empowering women, improving literacy, generating employment opportunities, improving local governance, and promoting the rights of the marginalised.

In addition to explaining concepts and principles, the Training Forum will include practical subjects such as research techniques, script writing, interviewing, editing, and using digital recording and computer based editing.

The 1st AMARC Asia Pacific Community Radio Training Forum for Enhancing Impact of Community Broadcasting will be participated by community radio leaders who will be given the opportunity to enhance their skills and be able to go back to their community and pass on the knowledge and skills acquired to their colleagues. Approximately 150 participants including members, associates, partners, donors, scholars and representatives of the civil society will participat

Further information about participating in the Training Forum and other details and registration at:

Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication now working for forming Bangladesh Delegation to join The 1st AMARC Asia Pacific Community Radio Training Forum in Bangkok, Thailand from 17 to 19 November 2011 with the support from Development Partners.


AHM. Bazlur Rahman-S21BR
Chief Executive Officer
Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication (BNNRC)
[NGO in Special Consultative Status with the UN Economic and Social Council]
Head, Community Radio Academy

House: 13/1, Road: 2, Shaymoli, Dhaka-1207
Post Box: 5095, Dhaka 1205 Bangladesh

Phone: 88-02-9130750, 88-02-9138501
Cell: 01711881647 Fax: 88-02-9138501-105

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