Tuesday, 1 March 2011

[creative-radio] [info] BANGKUTAMAN Sabtu 5 Maret




Saksikan penampilan Bangkutaman Sabtu 5 Maret 2011


Jam 17.00            Tornado
cafĂ© Kemang Utara -  Pameran Seni kopikeliling.com

Jam 22.00            Blue
Corner Kelapa Gading – LA Lights Soundlist


For info & Booking

Yurai : 081399241499

Efek Rumah Kaca
Jangan Marah records

YM : yurskie_erk@yahoo.com
email : yurskie@gmail.com
Twitter : @janganmarah @efekrumahkaca @yuraiii
Pin by Japri

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