Friday, 16 January 2009

[creative-radio] Digest Number 2542

There are 7 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. Dakar, Senegal - RADIOS COMMUNAUTAIRES : Vers la mutualisation des c
From: George Lessard

2. Dakar, Senegal: Charge(e) de Projet Radio pour une Unit€ ¦é Techniqu
From: George Lessard

3. Malgr� une connectivit� am�lior�e, les radios ouest-africain
From: Ken Lohento

4. UNESCO World Press Freedom Prize
From: George Lessard

5. World's Children's Prize for the Rights of the Child (WCPRC)
From: George Lessard

6. East Timor: Community Radio Rakambia
From: George Lessard

7. Soul Beat Extra: Community Radio
From: George Lessard

1. Dakar, Senegal - RADIOS COMMUNAUTAIRES : Vers la mutualisation des c
Posted by: "George Lessard" themediamentor
Date: Thu Jan 15, 2009 10:00 am ((PST))

RADIOS COMMUNAUTAIRES : Vers la mutualisation des contenus
Le - Senegal
Les acteurs des radios communautaires d'Afrique de l'Ouest r€ ¦éunis
r€ ¦écemment € ¦à Dakar pour un atelier de trois jours organis€ ¦é par
l'Institut panos Afrique de ...

To translate the above story to English visit

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Messages in this topic (1)
2. Dakar, Senegal: Charge(e) de Projet Radio pour une Unit€ ¦é Techniqu
Posted by: "George Lessard" themediamentor
Date: Thu Jan 15, 2009 7:32 pm ((PST))

Published on The Communication Initiative Network (

Charge(e) de Projet Radio pour une Unit€  é Technique Multim€  édia

By lpalmer
Created 2009-01-15 12:49

Location: Dakar, Senegal

Application Deadline (optional): January 30, 2009
Vacancy Sector: Communication and Media
Job Level: Senior

Le cabinet PEOPLE DEVELOPMENT [1] recherche pour une organisation r€  égionale
d'appui au secteur des m€  édias, bas€  ée €  à Dakar, un(e) collaborateur(trice)
motiv€  é(e).

CHARGE(E) DE PROJET RADIO pour une Unit€  é Technique Multim€  édia

Sous la responsabilit€  é de la Direction des Programmes ; le (la) titulaire du
poste a des relations fonctionnelles avec les coordinateurs des programmes
th€  ématiques.

I. Missions

Animer et d€  évelopper, €  à l'€  échelle r€  égionale et dans les pays cibles, des
r€  éseaux de radios visant €  à la production, €  à l'€  échange et la diffusion de
programmes radio de qualit€  é et interactif ;
Faciliter et garantir les synergies et la coop€  ération entre radiodiffuseurs
Assurer un contr€  ôle de la qualit€  é €  éditoriale et technique des programmes
radios r€  éalis€  és par les membres du r€  éseau (supervision de la production,
€  éditing) ;
Renforcer les capacit€  és des radiodiffuseurs €  à produire et diffuser, en ligne
et hors ligne, une information de qualit€  é interactive et participative ;
Renforcer les capacit€  és organisationnelles des radiodiffuseurs €  à coop€  érer au
sein de pays cibles et entre ces pays.

II. T€  âches

Organiser des ateliers de formations th€  ématiques, r€  édactionnelles et
techniques (utilisation des TIC, radios en ligne, blogs, usage du mobile par
les radios) et interactifs (montage de clubs d'€  écoute) ;
Assurer la commande, la s€  élection et la mise en ligne des programmes radios
Assurer l'€  échange r€  égional ou dans les pays des programmes radio en ligne
et hors ligne ;
Contribuer €  à la r€  éalisation des outils p€  édagogiques pour les radios
(manuels, briefings, etc.) ;
Assurer la fourniture en €  équipements ;
Evaluer la qualit€  é et l'impact des activit€  és de production et de diffusion
ainsi que de formation ;
Apporter un appui technique aux Coordinateurs de Programmes th€  ématiques et
Coordinateurs locaux dans la conception, l'ex€  écution et l'€  évaluation du
volet de leurs activit€  és ;
Contribuer au d€  éveloppement de l'Unit€  é Editoriale Multim€  édia ;
Contribuer €  à la repr€  ésentation et €  à la communication institutionnelle de

III. Profil
Formation et Exp€  érience

Bac + 4 (journalisme, communication, sciences sociales et politiques) ;
Au moins 5 ans d'exp€  érience professionnelle en tant que journaliste radio
(pratique du reportage, de documentaires, de la couverture d'€  év€  énements) ;
Exp€  érience et une pratique du contexte d'op€  érations des radios locales et
des radios communautaires ;
Exp€  érience dans l'animation de clubs d'€  écoute ;
Ma€  îtrise des logiciels utilis€  és en radio et de la mise en ligne ;
Familiarit€  é avec les m€  éthodes participatives d'animation et les approches
bas€  ées sur la communaut€  é ;
Connaissance dans la Gestion de Projet (un plus) ;
Ma€  îtrise de l'outil informatique (Excel, Word, Powerpoint, Outlook,€  '¥.) ;
Parfaite ma€  îtrise de l'expression €  écrite et orale en fran€  çais ou en anglais,
et pratique de la 2nde langue (F ou A) comme langue de travail.


Un grand sens de l'organisation pour vous-m€  ême et vos collaborateurs ;
Une grande capacit€  é de travail et une r€  ésistance av€  ér€  ée au stress ;
Le go€  ût de l'innovation ;
D'excellentes qualit€  és inter-personnelles et d'animation ;
De la rigueur ;
Une fiabilit€  é dans le respect des d€  élais.

Submission Instructions:

Comment postuler?

Envoyer votre CV et une lettre de motivation (le tout sur un maximum 3
Rappeler : i) vos disponibilit€  és, ii) vos pr€  étentions salariales, iii) 3
r€  éf€  érences professionnelles, avec leur num€  éro de t€  él€  éphone et e-mail.
Joindre une version €  électronique de vos principaux dipl€  ômes et titres
professionnels (scann€  és ou en PDF).

Date limite de r€  éception des candidatures : le 30 janvier 2009, 18h GMT, €  à
l'adresse email suivante: [2] En raison du grand nombre
de candidatures attendues, seuls les candidats shorts list€  és seront
contact€  és.

Detailed Information:
Click here to visit the People Development website [3]
Source URL:

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Messages in this topic (1)
3. Malgr� une connectivit� am�lior�e, les radios ouest-africain
Posted by: "Ken Lohento" lohento
Date: Thu Jan 15, 2009 8:32 pm ((PST))

[Moderator's Note: to translate this message to your language for free ..
Please visit ]

Pour ceux qui n'aient pas eu cette information - KL


Communiqu€ ¦ï¿½ de Presse

*Malgr€ ¦ï¿½ une connectivit€ ¦ï¿½ am€ ¦ï¿½lior€ ¦ï¿½e, les radios ouest-africaines peinent
toujours € ¦ï¿½ tirer profit des TIC*

Les radios demeurent le m€ ¦ï¿½dium de communication le plus appropri€ ¦ï¿½ € ¦ï¿½ la
communication sociale et € ¦ï¿½ la communication de d€ ¦ï¿½veloppement en Afrique.
Apr€ ¦ï¿½s deux premi€ ¦ï¿½res enqu€ ¦ï¿½tes en 2001 et 2003, l'IPAO vient de r€ ¦ï¿½aliser
une nouvelle € ¦ï¿½tude sur les radios et les technologies num€ ¦ï¿½riques de
communication. Dans cette € ¦ï¿½tude, il s'agissait de faire l'€ ¦ï¿½tat des lieux
de la connectivit€ ¦ï¿½ des radios ouest-africaines aux (N)TIC (internet,
satellite, ordinateur, outils de stockage num€ ¦ï¿½rique, etc.), d'analyser
les usages mis en oeuvre, d'identifier les contraintes, opportunit€ ¦ï¿½s, et
de faire des recommandations aux diff€ ¦ï¿½rents acteurs. L'€ ¦ï¿½tude est
principalement ax€ ¦ï¿½e sur sept pays cibles (Ghana, B€ ¦ï¿½nin, S€ ¦ï¿½n€ ¦ï¿½gal, Mali,
Sierra Leone, Burkina Faso, Niger) et concerne toutes les radios
(communautaires ou associatives, commerciales, confessionnelles et
religieuses). Deux cent vingt (220) radios ont € ¦ï¿½t€ ¦ï¿½ enqu€ ¦ï¿½t€ ¦ï¿½es. Les
principaux outils de recherche utilis€ ¦ï¿½s sont le questionnaire,
l'interview, la recherche documentaire.

Les r€ ¦ï¿½sultats r€ ¦ï¿½v€ ¦ï¿½lent que, de mani€ ¦ï¿½re globale, les radios des sept pays
ont un taux d'acc€ ¦ï¿½s moyen € ¦ï¿½ l'internet (51,8 %), avec une grande
disparit€ ¦ï¿½ selon les pays et les types de radios. En effet, d'une part,
alors que le taux de connectivit€ ¦ï¿½ est de 72,2% pour les radios priv€ ¦ï¿½es
commerciales, il se limite € ¦ï¿½ 31,5% pour les radios communautaires ou
associatives. D'autre part, au niveau des pays, les radios ghan€ ¦ï¿½ennes
pr€ ¦ï¿½sentent 93,5% de taux de connectivit€ ¦ï¿½, les radios s€ ¦ï¿½n€ ¦ï¿½galaises 89,7%,
alors que seulement 20% des radios de la Sierra Leone sont connect€ ¦ï¿½es.
Au Ghana et au S€ ¦ï¿½n€ ¦ï¿½gal, pratiquement toutes les radios commerciales sont
connect€ ¦ï¿½es. En outre, 72,7% des radios communautaires s€ ¦ï¿½n€ ¦ï¿½galaises
disposent de l'Internet, alors que seulement 8,3% des radios
communautaires nig€ ¦ï¿½riennes sont dans ce cas. Les taux de connectivit€ ¦ï¿½,
toutes radios confondues, au Burkina, Faso, au B€ ¦ï¿½nin et au Mali, sont
respectivement 61,5%, 55% et 34%.

C'est gr€ ¦ï¿½ce € ¦ï¿½ la technologie ADSL que la majorit€ ¦ï¿½ des stations de la
sous-r€ ¦ï¿½gion se connecte, en particulier au S€ ¦ï¿½n€ ¦ï¿½gal, o€ ¦ï¿½ plus de 92 % des
stations acc€ ¦ï¿½dent au r€ ¦ï¿½seau mondial gr€ ¦ï¿½ce € ¦ï¿½ cette solution. Comme
l'illustrent les co€ ¦ï¿½ts d'acc€ ¦ï¿½s pr€ ¦ï¿½sent€ ¦ï¿½s, dans certains pays,
l'utilisation de l'internet devient de plus en plus accessible, mais
ceci se limite aux r€ ¦ï¿½gions ayant de bonnes infrastructures. La forte
p€ ¦ï¿½n€ ¦ï¿½tration de la t€ ¦ï¿½l€ ¦ï¿½phonie mobile sur le continent permet aux stations
d'en faire un outil incontournable de reportage et d'€ ¦ï¿½changes avec les
auditeurs ; cet usage remporte aujourd'hui l'adh€ ¦ï¿½sion de tous les
auditeurs de radio.

M€ ¦ï¿½me s'il a € ¦ï¿½t€ ¦ï¿½ identifi€ ¦ï¿½ environ 70 sites web de radios, celles-ci sont
encore tr€ ¦ï¿½s faiblement et de mani€ ¦ï¿½re tr€ ¦ï¿½s pr€ ¦ï¿½caire pr€ ¦ï¿½sentes sur
l'internet. Dans la plupart des pays, la diffusion en live sur internet
est tr€ ¦ï¿½s instable (streaming r€ ¦ï¿½guli€ ¦ï¿½rement inaccessible) ou inexistante,
bien que souvent annonc€ ¦ï¿½e. En outre, un grand nombre de ces sites web
ont tr€ ¦ï¿½s peu - ou pas du tout - de contenus. Le S€ ¦ï¿½n€ ¦ï¿½gal et le Ghana sont
les pays o€ ¦ï¿½ les radios disposent davantage de sites web, mais la
diffusion en direct sur l'internet est beaucoup plus stable au niveau
des radios ghan€ ¦ï¿½ennes. La pr€ ¦ï¿½sence sur le web illustre encore que ces
deux pays sont ceux dont les radios tirent davantage profit des TIC.

Par ailleurs, les services € ¦ï¿½ valeur ajout€ ¦ï¿½e du mobile, en particulier le
SMS, utilis€ ¦ï¿½ par 83,8% des stations interrog€ ¦ï¿½es, connaissent un € ¦ï¿½norme
succ€ ¦ï¿½s aupr€ ¦ï¿½s des populations. Ces nouveaux services sont consid€ ¦ï¿½r€ ¦ï¿½s
comme d'importants outils d'interactivit€ ¦ï¿½ entre stations radio et
auditeurs, et constituent de plus une source potentielle de revenus
substantiels pour l'entreprise radiophonique.

Globalement, le satellite est peu utilis€ ¦ï¿½ par les radios. Il sert
principalement € ¦ï¿½ la r€ ¦ï¿½ception des programmes. Les radios communautaires
sont les plus nombreuses € ¦ï¿½ l'utiliser, € ¦ï¿½ 57,7%, alors que cette
statistique est de 28,8% pour les radios commerciales. Le fort taux
d'utilisation de ce moyen de communication par les radios communautaires
s'explique par les appuis internationaux dont elles b€ ¦ï¿½n€ ¦ï¿½ficient dans ce
cadre. En ce qui concerne la diffusion de programmes par le satellite,
quasiment seules les radios publiques, disposant de subventions
publiques cons€ ¦ï¿½quentes, peuvent se permettre de l'utiliser, notamment
vers l'Afrique, l'Europe et les USA.

Par manque d'information ou par m€ ¦ï¿½connaissance des TIC, il a € ¦ï¿½t€ ¦ï¿½
€ ¦ï¿½galement remarqu€ ¦ï¿½ une confusion dans certains esprits entre logiciels
libres et logiciels propri€ ¦ï¿½taires, voir m€ ¦ï¿½me au sujet du type de
connexion internet dont dispose la radio. Les besoins en formation
restent € ¦ï¿½normes et concernent tous les domaines des NTIC, en particulier
ceux de la production num€ ¦ï¿½rique, de l'utilisation basique des
ordinateurs, de l'Internet et celui de la cr€ ¦ï¿½ation ou la maintenance de
services avanc€ ¦ï¿½s de diffusion et de t€ ¦ï¿½l€ ¦ï¿½chargement en ligne. Les
coupures de courant sont particuli€ ¦ï¿½rement index€ ¦ï¿½es dans les pays ayant
les meilleures connectivit€ ¦ï¿½s comme un v€ ¦ï¿½ritable obstacle.

Plusieurs recommandations ont € ¦ï¿½t€ ¦ï¿½ faites € ¦ï¿½ l'attention de tous les
acteurs interpell€ ¦ï¿½s par le d€ ¦ï¿½veloppement du secteur m€ ¦ï¿½diatique, au
niveau national, r€ ¦ï¿½gional et international. A titre d'exemple, on peut
mentionner les recommandations suivantes :

- 1. Mettre en place, en impliquant toutes les parties prenantes, des
strat€ ¦ï¿½gies nationales et r€ ¦ï¿½gionales sp€ ¦ï¿½cifiques et d€ ¦ï¿½di€ ¦ï¿½es € ¦ï¿½ la prise en
compte des nouvelles technologies dans les radios et les m€ ¦ï¿½dias en
g€ ¦ï¿½n€ ¦ï¿½ral ;
- 2. D€ ¦ï¿½velopper la connectivit€ ¦ï¿½ dans les pays par l'augmentation de la
bande passante, la consolidation des infrastructures, l'extension de la
couverture des r€ ¦ï¿½seaux t€ ¦ï¿½l€ ¦ï¿½phoniques et la baisse des co€ ¦ï¿½ts d'acc€ ¦ï¿½s ;
- 3. Former le personnel des radios en gestion du streaming audio et
vid€ ¦ï¿½o pour favoriser la pr€ ¦ï¿½sence des radios sur l'internet ;
- 4. Favoriser la mise en place de serveurs pouvant h€ ¦ï¿½berger les sites
web des radios faisant du streaming € ¦ï¿½ des co€ ¦ï¿½ts relativement abordables ;
- 5. Renforcer l'int€ ¦ï¿½gration des TIC dans la formation des journalistes
et animateurs de radio, au niveau des structures et dispositifs de
formation acad€ ¦ï¿½mique et alternative (auto-formation, formation par les
associations et les r€ ¦ï¿½seaux de radios, etc.) ;
- 6. Faciliter les n€ ¦ï¿½gociations aupr€ ¦ï¿½s des op€ ¦ï¿½rateurs de
t€ ¦ï¿½l€ ¦ï¿½communications pour r€ ¦ï¿½duire les co€ ¦ï¿½ts d'acc€ ¦ï¿½s aux TIC aux stations
radio, en particulier celles qui sont communautaires ;
- 7. Favoriser la prise en compte de la convergence par les organes de
r€ ¦ï¿½gulation des m€ ¦ï¿½dias, en cr€ ¦ï¿½ant des m€ ¦ï¿½canismes de collaboration entre
r€ ¦ï¿½gulateurs des m€ ¦ï¿½dias et des t€ ¦ï¿½l€ ¦ï¿½communications, ou en cr€ ¦ï¿½ant des
organes de r€ ¦ï¿½gulation uniques converg€ ¦ï¿½s ;
- 8. Mettre en place des actions dans les diff€ ¦ï¿½rents pays pour une
meilleure compr€ ¦ï¿½hension et prise en compte des enjeux nationaux et
internationaux de la radio num€ ¦ï¿½rique.

Supervis€ ¦ï¿½e par le Programme TIC de l'IPAO, l'€ ¦ï¿½tude a € ¦ï¿½t€ ¦ï¿½ coordonn€ ¦ï¿½e par
Malick Ndiaye, avec la collaboration de Hyppolite Djiwan (B€ ¦ï¿½nin),
Abdoulaye Diallo (Burkina Faso), Kwami Ahiabenu II (Ghana), Aziz Diallo
(Mali), Abdourahamane Ousmane (Niger), Boubacar Khalil Ndiaye (S€ ¦ï¿½n€ ¦ï¿½gal),
Andrew Kromah (Sierra Leone).

Radios et NTIC en Afrique de l'Ouest : connectivit€ ¦ï¿½ et usages, IPAO,
octobre 2008.

Pour t€ ¦ï¿½l€ ¦ï¿½charger votre copie, allez sur

(16 octobre 2008, Programme TIC, IPAO)

Ken Lohento
Uses and Policies of Digital Technology (ICT) Programme
Panos Institute West Africa
6 rue Calmette Dakar S€ ¦ï¿½n€ ¦ï¿½gal
+221 33 849 16 66

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Messages in this topic (1)
4. UNESCO World Press Freedom Prize
Posted by: "George Lessard" themediamentor
Date: Thu Jan 15, 2009 8:43 pm ((PST))

UNESCO World Press Freedom Prize
The deadline for application is January 31 2009.

Published on The Communication Initiative Network (

UNESCO World Press Freedom Prize

UNESCO World Press Freedom Prize
Region Global
Deadline Date January 31, 2009

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
(UNESCO) invites member states, regional and international organisations,
and professional and non-governmental organisations working in the field
of journalism and freedom of expression to nominate candidates for the
UNESCO World Press Freedom Prize.

The US$25,000 award honours a journalist or organisation that has made a
notable contribution to the defence and promotion of press freedom
anywhere in the world, especially if this involved risk. The prize is
awarded every year on World Press Freedom Day.

Organisations can nominate a maximum of three candidates. Self-nominations
are not accepted.

The deadline for application is January 31 2009.

Application Information

Click here [1]to download a nomination form in RTF format.

Click here [2]for more information.
Previous Winners

Click here [3]for information on last year's winner.
Programme for Freedom of Expression, Democracy and Peace

1, rue Miollis, 7573
Cedex 15
Tel: 33 1 45 68 42 12
Fax: 33 1 45 68 55 84
UNESCO Communication and Information website [5]
[6] [7]

UNESCO website [2] on November 18 2008.

Placed on the Communication Initiative site December 05 2007
Last Updated January 14 2009

* Global
* Democracy and Governance
* Africa
* Media Development
* Awards
* 2009
* January
* Global
* Community Media
* Computing and Internet
* Film and Video
* News Media
* News/Information
* Print
* Radio
* Rights
* Television
* United Nations
* Journalist/Journalism

Source URL:


Messages in this topic (1)
5. World's Children's Prize for the Rights of the Child (WCPRC)
Posted by: "George Lessard" themediamentor
Date: Thu Jan 15, 2009 8:49 pm ((PST))

Published on The Communication Initiative Network (

World's Children's Prize for the Rights of the Child (WCPRC)

World's Children's Prize for the Rights of the Child (WCPRC)
Deadline Date
March 1, 2009

The World's Children's Prize for the Rights of the Child (WCPRC) is
awarded to three individuals or organisations for outstanding
contributions on behalf of the rights of the child. The election of
finalists is structured as a worldwide educational and empowerment process
for the rights of the child and democracy and gives the world€ ¦'²s children
an opportunity to present the prizes that are awarded for outstanding
contributions on behalf of the rights of the child.

Through the World€ ¦'²s Children€ ¦'²s Prize the children have the opportunity to
learn about and demand respect for their rights, meet role models fighting
for these rights, and take part in the Global Vote. The prize sums are
used in support of economically disadvantaged children. Nearly 50,000
schools with 21.5 million students in 94 countries are registered as
Global Friend schools of the WCPRC, including millions of students from
the vulnerable situations. Students at these schools are entitled to vote
in the "Global Vote" - an election to decide the recipient of one of the
prizes: the Global Friends' Award. In the Global Vote 2008 6.6 million
children voted.

The other major prize, the World's Children's Prize, is awarded by an
international Children's Jury. The children on the jury are selected as
experts in the field of children's rights through their own first-hand
experiences as child soldiers, slaves, and refugees.

Three finalist candidates are put forward each year. The World's
Children's Honorary Award goes to the finalist who does not receive either
the Global Friends' Award or World's Children's Prize. All three prize
laureates receive part of the prize money to use for their work on behalf
of the rights of the child.

WCPRC was founded by Swedish organisation Children's World, but is open to
all schools and organisations in the world. There are more than 500 Adult
Friend organisations in some 40 countries, including non-governmental
organisations (NGOs), departments of education. and media projects
supporting the WCPRC. Adults (organisations, companies, and individuals)
may support WCPRC as Adult Friends and may also nominate prize candidates.

The deadline for nominations for the 2010 prize is March 1 2009.
Application Information

People (children and adults) or organisations can be nominated for WCPRC.
Self-nominations will not be accepted. All Global Friends and Adult
Friends may submit nominations. All children under 18 whose school becomes
a Global Friend can take part in the global vote for the Global Friends'
Award. Click here [1] for more information about becoming a Global Friend.

Click here [2] for more information about becoming an Adult Friend.

Click here [3] for more information on nominating a candidate for the
World's Children's Prize for the Rights of the Child.
Previous Winners

Click here [4] for information on previous laureates.
World's Children's Prize for the Rights of the Child

Box 150
SE-647 24
Tel: 46 159 129 00
Fax: 46 159 108 60
WCPRC website [6]
[7] [8]

Press release from WCPRC, April 13 2005, and the WCPRC website [11] on
November 20 2008 and an email from Magnus Bergmar to The Communication
Initiative on November 24 2008.

Placed on the Communication Initiative site April 14 2005
Last Updated January 14 2009

* Global
* Early Child Development
* Africa
* Awards
* 2009
* March
* Global
* Academic Institutions
* Children
* NGOs
* Recognition and Awards
* Rights
* Sweden

Source URL:


Messages in this topic (1)
6. East Timor: Community Radio Rakambia
Posted by: "George Lessard" themediamentor
Date: Thu Jan 15, 2009 11:54 pm ((PST))

Tanks for your information in East Timor our community radio every years we
are make advocacy for child rights, how to chill access for water and
sanitation, health education, civil register, nutrition, etc every year we
produce 25 - 30 title of program this program support financial from UNICEF,
all program we invite children produce they are on program, our staff just
facilitated, if so our organization can be participate also this


Eurico Pereira
Director of community Radio Rakambia
East Timor
Hand Phone; +670 7243674
Street Kampung Alor Dili - East Timor

Radio Rakambia

Looking at political and economic aspects, Timor-Leste has an influence on
its people's lives in the development of information, mainly in the media
sector. Freedom of the press is very important, because structurally the
media plays an important role in disseminating information about policies
which affects people's lives. Presence of the media outlets, ether print,
electronic or online media are providing information to all the country's

Rakambia Community Radio was established on January 10, 2001 in which the
Timorese Journalists Association (TLJA) also held its first national
congress and the Rakambia Radio helped conducted a live transmission to the
congress. This radio community station founded by ex-Timorese student
activists who were under the auspicious of the Timorese Youths and Students
Council (DSMPPTT) during the Indonesian occupation where the students had
never learnt about journalism. The Rakambia Radio is committed to
transmitting people's aspiration and voices through both local and
international news reporting, as well as other relevant programs. Rakambia
Radio also committed to providing information to the Timorese people through
youths and students.

The Rakambia Radio and other media outlets are making efforts to reach all
the country's remote areas that are facing geographical problems, such as
mountains being major challenge to the radio broadcast to be reached. It was
set up to help serve people by providing information and through its entire
capacity; the Radio Rakambia is on air with its news and cultural program as
part of Timorese people's tradition.

Vision and Mission of the Rakambia Radio

The Radio Rakambia's vision:

Creating a democratic and respectful of Timorese people on human rights,
value of humanization, culture and religion.
In reaching this vision, the Rakambia Community Radio will exercise its role
as an independent body to serve people by providing them educative,
informative and entertaining programs to the Timorese people in the nation
The Radio Rakambia aims to better develop its mission through the motto of
"Haktur Lia Los, Haburas Rai-tasi Timor Loro Sa'e".

Basic principles of the Rakambia Radio are as follows:

Looking for and raising Timorese voiceless people
Providing fair and balanced information for different level of people.
Being a place for capacity building for Timorese youths in the field of
Transmitting information to the people and spreading information broadly.
To help improve the country's national development program, mainly in the
field of information.
Being a centre for broadcasting training for the youths and students
Being an educative and informative place for people generally

Building Community Radio

Community Radio is a powerful medium in Timor due to the literacy issues of
the community and the passion for the historic and local language Tetum.
Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA is supporting two community radio stations in East
More at...

Until now, most community radio stations have broadcast only music for a few
hours a day, so the Radio Rakambia stories mark the first regular news
broadcasts some communities have ever heard. Given the high rates of
illiteracy in many rural areas, radio news is the only type of news
available to many Timorese. The CDs are accompany by transcripts, which the
local stations can translate into local language if they wish.

Three afternoons a week, six more seasoned journalists from the newspapers
Diario Nacional and Timor Post attend advanced training. The media group
that owns Diario Nacional is thinking of starting its own radio station, and
the staff wants to learn radio skills. Five more journalists from the Center
for Investigative Journalism in Timor-Leste are also taking classes.

"They're a more complicated group to deal with, because they are already
experienced reporters," says Carrascalao. "All of them have talent as
journalists, but I can't say yet which will become good radio reporters."

More at...



Radio Rakambia was set up in January 2001 as a response to East Timor's need
for information, education and entertainment. Its social ethic is based on a
deep respect for human rights, humanitarianism, culture and religion and
community. Its aims are to give voice to the people of East Timor, to
provide balanced information from all fields of the community, to develop
journalistic talent and broadcasting training
in the Timorese youth, to assist East Timor's development in the area of
education, and to provide entertainment to the people.

As can be expected under the political circumstances and historical tragedy
of East Timor, the people at Radia Rakambia are still struggling to eat and
ferment the foundations of their radio station. Though they have received
some training from a BBC journalist they have no funding and rely on
donations. They operate in one room which becomes unbearably hot at midday.
The room contains their studio, one computer and "everyone just sleep on the
floor at night." An associate of Timorlink has been kindly providing money
from her pay-packet just so they can eat each month.

The Timorese at Radio Rakambia are extremely determined to develop and
expand their community service. Borrowing some speakers, the group travel to
various districts of East Timor to broadcast information to the more rural

Materials Needed
* They wish to build a new building (US$15,000),
* to purchase a bigger transmitter,
* to complete their FM studio equipment and
* add AM equipment to reach all of East Timor.
* US$1000 funding for their annual evaluation forum attending by people from
many districts.
* US$5,555 yearly administration costs.

Civic Education Campaign Hits the Road (January 30, 2008)

A civic education road show called "If You Want to Know, Find Out Yourself"
is currently traveling to Timor-Leste's villages, attracting huge crowds of
people. Through its support to local organizations Insight Timor Leste
(ETIS), Bibi Bulak, and Radio Rakambia, USAID's Small Grants Program
encouraging the Timorese people to be pro-active in seeking out important
information they need to become good citizens.

The three NGOs have one thing in common€  '·they're all experienced in
delivering civic education messages. For this campaign, they are hitting the
road with a multi-media repertoire: a civic education radio drama regarding
the National Parliament and its roles and functions; a series of civic
education videos on the justice system, environmental protection and youth
in crisis; and documentaries about the Parliamentary elections and women in
Parliament. Combining education with entertainment, the groups also perform
musical concerts and conduct interactive quizzes that help deliver the


Radio Rakambia is covering 22 locations in the country's eastern districts,
including Manatuto, Baucau, Viqueque, and Lautem.

Worked with Radio Rakambia to produce first national news programming for
broadcast by radio stations outsidethe capital; helped students create and
operate first college radio station; created corps of Timorese journalism
trainers. Launching country's first journalism school.

Partner: Timor-Leste Media Development Institute.
Fellow: Maria Gabriela Carrascal€  ão-Heard


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Messages in this topic (1)
7. Soul Beat Extra: Community Radio
Posted by: "George Lessard" themediamentor
Date: Fri Jan 16, 2009 6:20 am ((PST))

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Soul Beat Extra: Community Radio
From: "The Soul Beat" <>
Date: Fri, January 16, 2009 02:59

Soul Beat Extra: Community Radio
January 16 2009

For people using community radio for social change...


The Soul Beat (SB) Extra: Community Radio updates you on community radio
related programme experiences, awards, trainings, evaluations, research
results and resource materials recently placed on the Soul Beat Africa

SB Extra: Community Radio complements The Soul Beat newsletter through a
specific focus on Community Radio.

For further information on Community Radio in Africa visit Soul Beat
Africa's Community Radio Theme site -

If you would like your organisation's communication work or research and
resource documents to be featured on the Soul Beat Africa website and in
The Soul Beat newsletters, please contact


If you know someone who would be interested in receiving this free
e-publication, please forward this edition to them. They can "subscribe"
by subscribing to The Soul Beat (through the registration process) and
indicating an interest in community radio. See


1. Special Edition Kenya - Conflict Sensitive Journalism
This handbook is designed to be a practical everyday guide, which seeks to
contribute to the theoretical refinement and practical realisation of
conflict sensitive journalism for Kenyan media practitioners covering

2. The Broadcasting Independence Handbook: Lessons from the South African
This handbook focuses on the transformation from state to independent
broadcasting in South Africa, and the lessons that can be drawn from this
transformation for the Southern African Development Community (SADC). The
handbook is designed for SADC-wide civil society organisations, as well as
independent and community media...

3. Tuvuge Rwatu (Speak Openly) - Uganda
This radio programme, which airs in the local language Lufumbira, is based
on the English language model of Straight Talk. The serial programme aims
to promote sexual and reproductive health issues for youth...

4. Media as Partners in Education for Sustainable Development
This training kit seeks to provide media professionals with basic
information about key priority issues for sustainable development. It also
provides practical exercises to inspire investigative reporting, and draws
links to existing experience that may enrich the information resources of
media professionals...

5. Using Radio for Budget Advocacy: Stories from Azerbaijan, Guatemala,
Georgia, Indonesia, Kenya, and Uganda
This article describes civil society organisation€ ¦'²s efforts to use radio
as part of larger budget advocacy and budget literacy efforts by civil
society groups in Azerbaijan, Guatemala, Georgia, Indonesia, Kenya, and
Uganda. The article states that radio has been effective in disseminating
budget information, raising awareness on budget issues, and delivering
specific advocacy messages to particular populations where lack of
literacy and of television transmission are issues...

6. In Kidi Ya Chanza (When the Drumbeat Changes You Must Change Your
Dance-Steps) - Nigeria
This is a radio drama series which is designed to assist smallholder
farmers in northern Nigeria to adapt to climate change. It aims to provide
information on new methods, alternatives, and options to encourage
improved farmer (both male and female) adaptation to the effects of
climate change...

7. Labour Community Radio Project - South Africa
The Labour Community Radio Project is an initiative of Worker's World
Media Productions (WWMP), which has been running since 2002 in South
Africa. The show has a labour focus, but also deals with issues ranging
from housing, education, healthcare and work to political and economic

8. Learning by Ear € ¦'¶ Africa
This is a series of educational radio programmes developed by Deutsche
Welle, Germany's international broadcaster, and journalists and authors
from across sub-Saharan Africa. The entertainment-education based
programmes look at issues related to 10 different educational themes, and
are produced in Kiswahili, Hausa, Amharic, English, French, and

9. Cobertura Eleitoral Respons€ ¦ável em Angola - Manual do Jornalista
(Responsible Election Coverage in Angola - Manual for Journalists)
This handbook on responsible election reporting for media practitioners is
designed to be a practical guide for journalists engaged in election
coverage, providing specific tools and practical exercises to make the
theory concrete. The manual emphasises points including: impartiality,
media code of conduct, and rights and obligations of journalists...



Which of the options below best describe the role played by community
radio stations in elections in Africa? [you may choose more than one]

* supportive of democratic processes
* potential is underutilised
* potential is ignored completely
* abused by political parties
* biased
* uninformed

To vote and send comments go to and see the Top Right
side of the page.


10. Solar Radios for Women in South Kivu - Democratic Republic of the Congo
This project involves the distribution of solar radios to listener's clubs
and women€ ¦'²s networks in 8 rural districts within the province of South
Kivu in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The aim of the project is to
enable members of distant communities to share knowledge and experiences,
in particular with respect to farming practices and HIV/AIDS...

11. Farm Radio Weekly - Africa
This is a news and information service initiated by Farm Radio
International (FRI) which strives to provide rural radio organisations in
sub-Saharan Africa with news and resources that help them meet the
information needs of small-scale farmers and farming families...

12. Radios et NTIC en Afrique de l'Ouest: Connectivit€ ¦é et Usages (Radio
and ICTs in West Africa: Connectivity and Uses)
This publication by the Panos Institute West Africa (PIWA) looks at how
new information communication technologies (ICTs) and radio can be used in
combination with each other. It presents the findings of research
involving 220 radio stations in West Africa: Benin, Burkina Faso, Ghana,
Mali, Niger, Senegal, Sierra Leone, and Togo...

13. CNN MultiChoice African Journalist 2009 Awards
Deadline: February 16 2009
The Cable News Network (CNN) MultiChoice African Journalist competition
aims to reinforce the importance of the journalists€ ¦'² role in Africa and
recognise and develop journalistic talent across all disciplines.

14. UNESCO World Press Freedom Prize
Deadline: January 31 2009
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
(UNESCO) invites member states, regional and international organisations,
and professional and non-governmental organisations working in the field
of journalism and freedom of expression to nominate candidates for the
UNESCO World Press Freedom Prize.


Soul Beat Africa is not just seeking information on new projects, but we
also like to keep the existing project information on our website up to
date. If your project is featured on the Soul Beat Africa website, and if
you think it requires an update, please send information to We will then feature it in the next Soul Beat Extra

15. Breeze FM € ¦'¶ Zambia
This is a private community radio station in Chipata, Zambia. The
station's coverage is shaped by its public service mission, which involves
providing access to up-to-date development-related information that aims
to foster growth at personal, family, and community levels...

16. Association of Journalists Against AIDS in Tanzania (AJAAT) € ¦'¶ Tanzania
The Association aims to ensure correct and up-to-date information in the
media related to the prevention, treatment, and care of HIV/AIDS in
Tanzania. It does this by developing journalistic expertise and knowledge
about HIV/AIDS through training and mentoring programmes, a website,
knowledge resources, advocacy, and a competition...

17. Ushikwapo Shikamana € ¦'¶ Kenya
This was an entertainment-education radio soap opera which was broadcast
in Kenya for 5 years, ending in June 2004. The show, which focused on
issues such as HIV/AIDS, teen sexuality, and gender, revolved around life
in 3 typical Kenyan settings: an urban centre, a city's outskirts, and a
rural area where there are few opportunities for education and gainful

18. Urunana (Hand in Hand) Radio Soap - Rwanda
This is a radio soap opera that works with local audiences to develop
interactive weekly programmes that promote positive attitudes to women's
reproductive and sexual health. The content is audience-led, with
researchers visiting audience groups in Rwandan villages to chat to
listeners about their health concerns...


For more information, see:

Community Radio Theme Site

Edutainment Theme Site


To "subscribe" to the Community Radio Extra please go to and indicate an interest in
community radio. Or you can send an e-mail to
indicating that you would like to receive to the Soul Beat Extra:
Community Radio. Also if you know someone who would be interested in
receiving this free e-publication, please forward this edition to them.

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This e-mail service is edited, managed and moderated by
George Lessard

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Creative-Radio is an independent forum for people active in or interested in the use of radio in development, in particular promoting public health, improved education, protection of the environment, improved livelihoods, good governance and conflict mitigation. Since it started in 1996, Creative-Radio has been in the forefront of radio€  '²s resurgence as a tool for social change and peace-building, and it helps promote best practice in these areas.

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