Tuesday, 6 October 2009

[creative-radio] "Reporting Climate Change": Panos Radio South Asia | Latest Development Dilemmas Issue, 6 October 2009


Panos Radio South Asia | Latest Development Dilemmas Issue, 6 October 2009

Latest Upload on Development Dilemmas:


Reporting Climate Change

Climate change has brought the media under scrutiny about whether journalists are playing their part well in addressing this most contentious global issue. Experts assert that this is not just an environmental or some science story but more related to humanitarian disaster, world economy and international politics. Climate change activists and experts say that that a large portion of the world population is still not fully informed or educated enough to be alert about the risks faced by the earth. They say that the journalists should do more to educate people in their countries - both south and north. Panos Radio South Asia met up with climate change experts and journalists in Paris during the Broadcast Media and Climate Change Conference organized by UNESCO to discuss media's role in climate change in September. We spoke to Mike Shanahan, press officer of International Institute for Environment and Development of U-K; journalist Monjurul Ahsan Bulbul, head of A-T-N Bangla of Bangladesh; Joyeeta Gupta, professor of Climate Change Law and Policy at Institute for Environmental Studies in the Netherlands; Pema Choden, managing director of Bhutan Broadcasting Service from Bhutan; and Wijayananda Jayaweera, director of Communication Development Division of UNESCO in France.
Country: Bhutan-Bangladesh-India-Nepal.
Upload Date: 06/10/2009

Duration: 28.04 Minutes

File Size: 64.2 MB


Development Dilemmas is a radio discussion, of around half-an-hour duration. It is an independent production of Panos Radio South Asia, an undertaking of Panos South Asia. We're committed to providing a forum for voices, views, and issues not often heard in the mainstream media. Non-profit media, development and other organizations can download Development Dilemmas free of cost for air or online use. Credit should be given to Panos Radio South Asia (PRSA), an undertaking of Panos South Asia. If you have suggestions for future programs please contact us at:
Panos Radio South Asia
GPO Box 13651
Kathmandu, Nepal
Tel.: 977-1-5521889/5531447
E-mail: prsa@panosradiosouthasia.org

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[creative-radio] AMARC 10 World Conference - 8 to 13 November 2010, Argentina

*La version en français suit...*

*La version en español sigue…*

*The AMARC 10 Global Conference will be held in **La Plata**, **Argentina**

Montreal, October 5, 2009. The International Board of Directors of AMARC is
pleased to announce that the tenth World Assembly of Community Radio
Broadcasters will be held from 8 to 13 November 2010 in Ciudad de la Plata,
province of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Community Radios have come together in AMARC Argentina to host the first
Global conference of community broadcasters to be held in South America,
where community radios were born 60 years ago. Furthermore, Argentina and
the Latin America & Caribbean region is going through dynamic social changes
and has a rich in experiences to share with the world movement of community

More than 400 community broadcasters and stakeholders from over 110
countries and all regions of the global community radio movement will gather
at the AMARC 10 Global Conference from 8-13 November to, among other issues,
improve good practice in community media; explore strategies to facilitate
the establishment of enabling legal environments for community media
development, to define knowledge sharing and capa city building models for
action-research and mentoring; to reinforce content development leading to
social change; to facilitate the inclusion of women and; to encourage the
empowerment of communities through appropriation of community radio for
social justice and sustainable, democratic and participatory human

Through networking, service to members and project implementation, the World
Association of Community Radio Broadcasters AMARC, brings together a network
of more than 4,000 community radios, Federations, production centers and
community media stakeholders in more than 125 countries. The main global
impact of AMARC since its creation in 1983 has been to accompany and support
the establishment of a world wide community radio sector that has
democratized the media sector. AMARC advocates for the right to communicate
at the international, national, local and neighborhood levels and defends
and promotes the principles and interests of the community radio movement
through solidarity, networking and Cooperation. For further information
please to: http://www.amarc.org <http://www.amarc.org/>

*La conférence mondiale AMARC 10 se tiendra en La Plata, Argentine en 2010*

Le 5 octobre 2009. Le conseil d'administration international de l'AMARC a le
plaisir d'annoncer que la dixième conférence mondiale des radiodiffuseurs
communautaires se tiendra du 8 au 13 novembre 2009, à Ciudad de la Plata,
province de Buenos Aires, Argentine.

Les radios communautaires regroupées dans l'AMARC Argentine, seront les
hôtes de la première conférence mondiale des radiodiffuseurs communautaires
à se ténir en Amérique du Sud. La région a été le berceau des radios
communautaires il y a 60 années. L'Argentine et la région de l'Amérique
latine et les Caraïbes vit des changements sociaux importants et ils ont une
riche expérience accumulée à partager avec le mouvement mondial des radios

La Conférence mondiale AMARC 10 réunira du 8 au 13 novembre 2010, plus de
400 praticiens et partis prenantes des radios communautaires de plus de 110
pays en représentation du mouvement mondial des radios, afin, entre autres,
d'améliorer les pratiques des medias communautaires; de faciliter une
reconnaissance accrue des radios communautaires dans les legislations
nationales; de definer des modèles de recherche-action et de mentorat pour
l'échange de savoirs et de la formation; de renforcer le développement des
contenus aménant le changement social; de faciliter l'inclusion des femmes
et l'empouvoirement des communautés par l'appropriation des médias
communataires dans l'atteinte de la justice sociale et le développement
humain durable, participatif et d=C 3mocratique.

À travers le réseautage, le service aux membres et l'implémentation de
projets, l'Association mondiale de radiodiffuseurs communautaires (AMARC)
réunit plus de 4,000 radios communautaires, fédérations, groupes de
production et alliés de radios communautaires en plus de 125 pays. Le
principal impact de l'AMARC depuis sa fondation en 1983 a été d'accompagner
et d'appuyer l'établissement d'un secteur mondial de la radio communautaire.
L'AMARC fait plaidoyer pour le droit à la communication au niveau
international, national, local et de quartier et défend et promeut les
principes et les intérêts du mouvement des radios communautaires à travers
la solidarité, le réseautage et la coopération. Pour de plus amples
informations visitez http://www.amarc.org

*La Conferencia Mundial AMARC 10 se realizará en La Plata, Argentina en

Montreal, 5 de octubre de 2009. El Consejo de Administración Internacional
de AMARC se complace en anunciar que la décima Conferencia Mundial de Radios
Comunitarias se realizará del 8 al 13 de noviembre del 2009, en la Ciudad de
La Plata, provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Las radios comunitarias agrupadas en AMARC Argentina serán anfitrionas del
primer encuentro mundial de radialistas en Sudamérica. A mérica Latina fue
la cuna de las radios comunitarias hace 60 años. Actualmente, la región vive
cambios sociales importantes y tiene una rica experiencia acumulada que
compartir con el movimiento mundial de radios comunitarias.

La Conferencia Mundial AMARC 10 reunirá del 8 al 13 de noviembre de 2010 a
más de 400 radialistas comunitarios y sus aliados de más de 110 países en
representación del movimiento global de radios comunitarias para, entre
otros temas, mejorar las prácticas de los medios comunitarios; explorar
estrategias para aumentar el reconocimiento legal para el desarrollo del
sector; para definir modelos de acción-reflexión e intercambio de saberes y
de formación; para reforzar el desarrollo de contenidos conducente al cambio
social; para facilitar la inclusión de las mujeres y; favorecer el
empoderamiento de las comunidades a través de las radios comunitarias en
búsqueda de la justicia social, el desarrollo humano sostenible, democrático
y participativo.

A través del trabajo en red, del servicio a sus miembros y el desarrollo de
proyectos, la Asociación Mundial de Radios Comunitarias (AMARC) reúne una
red de más de 4.000 radios comunitarias, federaciones, centros de producción
y aliados de radios comunitarias en más de 125 países. La principal
incidencia global de AMARC desde su fundación en 1983 ha sido de acompañar y
apoyar el desarrollo de un sector mundial de radiodifusión comunitaria que
ha democratizado el sector de medios de comunicación. AMARC aboga por el
derecho a la comunicación a nivel local, nacional e internacional y defiende
y promueve los principios y los intereses del movimiento de radios
comunitarias a través de la solidaridad, el trabajo en red y la

Para mayores informaciones visite: http://www.amarc.org


* * * * * * *
Nan Rubin
Community Media Services
4700 Broadway #2J
NYC NY USA 10040

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This e-mail service is edited, managed and moderated by
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Creative-Radio is an independent forum for people active in or interested in the use of radio in development, in particular promoting public health, improved education, protection of the environment, improved livelihoods, good governance and conflict mitigation. Since it started in 1996, Creative-Radio has been in the forefront of radio's resurgence as a tool for social change and peace-building, and it helps promote best practice in these areas.

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[creative-radio] AMARC ASIA PACIFIC 2nd REGIONAL CONFERENCE February 20-23, 2010 - Bangalore, India



Community Radio for Sustainable development and Good Governance

February 20-23, 2010 - Bangalore, India

The 2nd AMARC Asia Pacific Regional Conference has been postponed
to*February 20-23, 2010
*. The event was scheduled to take place from 10-13 October 2009. The
location of the conference remains unchanged and will be held in Bangalore,
India. The organisers made this decision to enable more people to
participate in the conference so that the community radio movement in the
region is consolidated and strengthened.

The 2ND AMARC Asia Pacific Conference : Community radio for Sustainable
Development and Good Governance, will bring together community radio
broadcasters, activists, academics, policy makers, and representatives of
the donor community and governments to review the development of the
community broadcasting in the Asia Pacific region in the last 4 years. It
will take a careful look at thematic areas of development such as the
empowerment of women within the CR sector, the role of community
broadcasting in peace building, it's role in the face of global climate
change and at times of natural disasters as well as for poverty eradication.
The regional conference will address practical issues such as capacity
building in areas of management, technology, community participation,
monitoring and evaluation, media convergence, and networking and the
conference will recommend steps that will ensure the way forward for the CR
sector in the region. The 2nd Regional Assembly of AMARC Asia-Pacific will
be held in conjunction with the Regional Conference.

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This e-mail service is edited, managed and moderated by
George Lessard http://mediamentor.ca

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Creative-Radio is an independent forum for people active in or interested in the use of radio in development, in particular promoting public health, improved education, protection of the environment, improved livelihoods, good governance and conflict mitigation. Since it started in 1996, Creative-Radio has been in the forefront of radio's resurgence as a tool for social change and peace-building, and it helps promote best practice in these areas.

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