Monday, 14 December 2009

[creative-radio] UPDATE: Special Coverage of Cop 15 by Panos South Asia


Dear colleagues,

Following are the updates on the independent multimedia special coverage of COP 15 by Panos South Asia from Copenhagen.

News Reports (Texts)

1. Nepal's Summiteers fail to get global attention

2.Rift continues between nations on climate change

3. Climate change talks suspended

Audio and Visual Reports

1. Rift among developing nations - Atiq Rahman (audio/video)

2. Big developing nations not supporting small vulnerable countries (audio/video)

3. You talk of money, we talk of life (audio/video)

4. Himalayan Outcry (aduio/radio)

Hope you will enjoy, reading, listenting or watching these coverages. And we would appreciate your feedback very much.

Best regards,


----- Original Message -----
From: Kishor Pradhan
To: kishor Pradhan
Sent: Monday, December 07, 2009 9:53 AM
Subject: Special Coverage of Cop 15 by Panos South Asia

Dear colleagues,

Please be kindly informed that Panos South Asia is doing a special online coverage of COP 15 from 7-18 December 2009 from Copenhagen.

The text, radio and video coverage of COP 15 is available online at

We hope it will be useful for you and appreciate your feedback.

Best regards,

Kishor Pradhan
Deputy Director, Panos South Asia
Country Representative, Panos Nepal
Sri Durbar Tole, Patan, Lalitpur
GPO Box 13651, Kathmandu, Nepal

Tel: 977-1-5521889/5531447 (Off), Fax: 977-1-5544641
Cell: 977-9851040564


Listen online to Panos Radio South Asia at

Personal Weblog:

"Panos South Asia's vision is to make our societies inclusive, democratic
and just. We seek to renegotiate power through the media by enabling diverse
opinions, ideas and theories to be included in the debate on governance and

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VIET-NAM - DEATH PENALTY : Blogger and activist faces possible death penalty

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: RSF ASIA <>
Date: 2009/12/14
Subject: [rsfasie] VIET-NAM - DEATH PENALTY : Blogger and activist faces possible death penalty
To: asie2 Asie <>

Français :
14 December 2009


Blogger and activist faces possible death penalty

Reporters Without Borders is deeply concerned about French-educated blogger and pro-democracy activist Nguyen Tien Trung, now facing a possible death penalty under article 89 of the criminal code after the charges against him were changed to "trying to overthrow the people's government." Arrested more than five months ago, he is due to be tried at the end of the month.
"We call for Nguyen Tien Trung's immediate and unconditional release as the charges against him are entirely fabricated," Reporters Without Borders said. "Trung is a pacifist who has never endangered the Vietnamese state. He just exercised his right to free expression, a right he learned to use in France."
The press freedom organisation added: "Trung is a scapegoat. The authorities want to make an example of him in order to intimidate other Vietnamese students who want to press for more freedom when they return home after studying abroad."
Trung's family told Reporters Without Borders that his father was allowed to visit him on 10 December for the second time since his arrest. The authorities are reportedly now going to allow his family to visit him once a month. Trung seemed to be in good physical and psychological condition and did his best to reassure his father. He asked his father to bring him books, especially economics and French books. The authorities are considering the request.
A former student at the National Institute for Applied Sciences (INSA) in the northern French city of Rennes, where he got a masters in information technology, Trung was arrested at his parents' home in Ho Chi Minh City on 7 July on a charge of propaganda against the state under article 88 of the criminal code. A government TV station broadcast taped footage in which he made a confession.
He seems to have been arrested because of the pro-democracy views he posted online and, in particular, an open letter to the government about education policies.
The Trung support committee website posted an opinion piece by Philippe Echart, who was one of Trung's teachers at the INSA.
"It is strange for a teacher to realise that one his students, which whom he had a few talks and to whom he paid special attention because he was a foreigner, is now being in prison at the other end of the world, in his own country, on serious charges," Echard writes. "And why is he in prison? For expressing his views freely. For criticising university education in Vietnam. For calling for more freedoms and more democracy, as many other intellectuals in his country have."
The support committee is calling for a determined campaign on his behalf. "The worst that could happen to Trung is that people gradually forget him," the committee's appeal says. Trung's friends and family have relaunched the campaign for his release. Sign a petition at the website.


Un blogueur et militant démocrate formé en France risque la peine de mort

Reporters sans frontières a exprimé sa vive inquiétude au sujet du blogueur et militant démocrate Nguyen Tien Trung, détenu depuis plus de cinq mois au Viêt-nam et qui encourt désormais la peine de mort. Les charges retenues contre lui ont été requalifiées, il est désormais accusé de "tentative de renversement du régime du peuple" en vertu de l'article 79 du code penal vietnamien, une accusation passible de la peine capitale. Son procès devrait se tenir d'ici à la fin du mois.
"Nous demandons la libération immédiate et inconditionnelle de Nguyen Tien Trung. Les accusations proférées à son encontre sont fabriquées de toutes pièces. Nguyen Tien Trung est un pacifiste qui n'a jamais mis en danger l'Etat vietnamien. Il n'a fait qu'exercer son droit à s'exprimer librement, un droit qu'il a appris à exercer ici en France", a déclaré l'organisation. "Nguyen Tien Trung est un bouc émissaire. Les autorités souhaitent faire de lui un exemple et intimider les étudiants vietnamiens qui, après avoir étudié à l'étranger, souhaitent rentrer chez eux et demander plus de liberté."
D'après la famille du jeune militant des droits de l'homme, contactée par Reporters sans frontières, son père a pu lui rendre visite, le 10 décembre dernier, pour la deuxième fois depuis le début de sa détention. Les autorités permettraient désormais à ses proches de le voir une fois par mois. Trung avait l'air en bonne santé physique et psychologique et a tout fait pour rassurer son père. Il a demandé qu'on lui apporte des livres, notamment d'économie et de français. Une demande actuellement examinée par le régime.
Diplômé de l'école d'ingénieurs INSA de Rennes (France), Nguyen Tien Trung avait été arrêté au domicile de ses parents à Ho Chi Minh-Ville, le 7 juillet 2009, pour "propagande contre l'Etat", en vertu de l'article 88 du code pénal. Une télévision gouvernementale a diffusé des aveux enregistrés du jeune homme. Les autorités semblent lui reprocher ses écrits, notamment une lettre au gouvernement sur la politique d'éducation et ses prises de position prodémocratiques.
Son comité de soutien a publié sur son site une tribune de Philippe Echard, qui fut son professeur à l'INSA : "Cela fait tout drôle quand on est enseignant d'imaginer que l'étudiant que l'on a eu en cours, avec lequel on a eu quelques discussions et sûrement une attention particulière parce qu'il est étranger, est aujourd'hui en prison, à l'autre bout du monde, dans son propre pays, et sous le coup d'accusations graves. (…) Et pourquoi est-il en prison ? Pour s'être exprimé librement. Pour avoir critiqué l'enseignement universitaire du Vietnam. Pour avoir appelé, comme de nombreux autres intellectuels de son pays, à plus de libertés, à plus de démocratie."
Le comité appelle à la mobilisation : "Le pire qui puisse arriver à Trung, c'est qu'on l'oublie petit à petit". Les amis et les proches de Nguyen Tien Trung ont relancé les actions pour obtenir sa libération. Signez la pétition sur

Vincent Brossel
Asia-Pacific Desk
Reporters Without Borders
33 1 44 83 84 70

[creative-radio] Community radios demand an end to gender violence!


---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: [Asiapacific-general] Community radios demand an end to gender
From: "Suman Basnet" <>
Date: Sun, December 13, 2009 22:23
To: "AMARC_AP_General_List" <>

Community radios demand an end to gender violence!

Montreal, December 11th, 2009. From November 25 to December 10th, the
Women's International Network of the World Association of Community Radio
Broadcasters (AMARC-WIN) actively participated in the 16 days of activism
against gender violence with an Internet campaign to honor groups and
individuals who have committed to bringing Violence against women (VAW) to
the forefront of global attention, to encouraging everyone in their
various capacities to take action to end VAW, and to demanding
accountability for all of the promises made to eliminate VAW. The audio
documents and other information are available on

This years’ international theme of the campaign was «Commit - Act -
Demand: We CAN End Violence against Women! ».
The 16 days campaign started on November 25th with the International Day
for the Elimination of Violence Against Women; it continued on November
29th with the International Women’s Human Rights Defenders Day; followed
by December 1: World AIDS Day; December 6: the 20th Commemoration day of
the Montreal (Canada) Massacre in 1989 and ended on December 10th with the
International Human rights Day.

Community radio producers from Asia-Pacific, Middle East, Africa, Europe,
North America and Latin America and the Caribbean broadcast programs these
16 days campaign to support the effort of women and men working to put an
end to gender violence. The audio files of some of the participating
community radios and production groups in the 16 Days AMARC-WIN are
available at The programs featured include
documentaries, interviews, debates, poetry, music and much more. This
multilingual broadcast campaign mobilizes community radios around a global
issue and encourages them to use new communication technologies such as
the Internet to extend the reach of their voices.

The AMARC Women's International Network is a large assembly of women
communicators working to ensure women's right to communicate through and
within the community radio movement. AMARC is an international
non-governmental organization serving the community radio movement, and
linking more than 4,000 community radios in over 110 countries. AMARC aims
to support, defend and promote the interests of community broadcasters
through solidarity and international cooperation. For further info <>

_____________ via / thanks to / from: ________________________
Asiapacific-general mailing list

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This e-mail service is edited, managed and moderated by
George Lessard

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Creative-Radio is an independent forum for people active in or interested in the use of radio in development, in particular promoting public health, improved education, protection of the environment, improved livelihoods, good governance and conflict mitigation. Since it started in 1996, Creative-Radio has been in the forefront of radio's resurgence as a tool for social change and peace-building, and it helps promote best practice in these areas.

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