Thursday, 3 September 2009

[creative-radio] Humanizing Development, Global Photography Campaign


Humanizing Development
Global Photography Campaign

How do you see development? How can you portrait the human face of the
development processes? How do you show that development initiatives and
programmes improve the lives of people? This Global Photography Campaign
aims to show examples of people winning the battle against poverty, social
exclusion and marginalization. It is intended to raise awareness of the
successes in the development process. The campaign is intended to
counterbalance the frequently shown images of desolation and despair. A
photo gallery will to be permanently located at IPC-IG office and open for
public visitation. A series of photo exhibitions will also be organized in
several cities around the world. Everyone can and is strongly encouraged
to participate in this global effort and contribute with a photograph.
Join us now in showing development through a different lens! Let's promote
and share successful development initiatives!

Who can participate?

Everyone can contribute with a photograph: professional and
non-professional photographers, students, civil society activists,
government officials, UN staff members and so forth.

How can I participate?

How will the selection take place?

The Selection Committee will choose the 50 favourite photographs that best
depict the campaign themes to compose our photo gallery. Results will be
released on IPC-IG website on 30 October 2009.

The Committee will be composed of one representative from IPC-IG; one UNV
representative from headquarters in Bonn; a professional photographer with
international reputation; a representative from a partner institution
based in Africa, one in Asia and the Pacific, one in the Arab States and
another in Europe and the CIS

What happens if my picture is selected?

If your photo is chosen you will be contacted no later than 30 October
2009 by the IPC-IG. As a reward, your contribution to this campaign and
your effort in supporting its goals will be acknowledged by a wide
dissemination of your work through a range of UN communications tools:

The selected photographs and the respective contributors' names will be
highlighted in various UN communications channels, such as IPC-IG and UN
media campaigns, releases, websites and so forth.

The selected photograph will be part of UNDP and IPC-IG photo databases
and will be shared with the United Nations Department of Public
Information in New York, promoting global visibility to contributors,
their work and participation in the global campaign.

Contributors will receive a certificate jointly issued by the UNDP
International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth and the campaign

Contributors will have their names displayed at the IPC-IG photo gallery
on "Humanizing Development", which will be launched at a public event on
November 2009.

Photo exhibitions are to be organised in order to highlight the
photographs and the contributors and to promote the campaign goals.
Exhibitions are planned to be held in New York, Brasilia, São Paulo, and
other cities in the South.

Campaign Coordinator
Mr. Francisco Filho
Communications, Outreach and
Advocacy Unit, IPC-IG
Phone: (+ 55 61) 2105 5036

Ms. Giovana Lerda
Communications Assistant
Phone: (+55 61) 2105 5017

Karim Ezzeldin
Communication Associate
UNDP Egypt Country Office
1191 Corniche ElNil, World Trade Centre
Boulac, Cairo 11599, Egypt
Office: (202) 2578 4840-6
Fax: (202) 2578 4847
Direct: (202) 2580 9007

This e-mail service is edited, managed and moderated by
George Lessard

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Creative-Radio is an independent forum for people active in or interested in the use of radio in development, in particular promoting public health, improved education, protection of the environment, improved livelihoods, good governance and conflict mitigation. Since it started in 1996, Creative-Radio has been in the forefront of radio's resurgence as a tool for social change and peace-building, and it helps promote best practice in these areas.

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[creative-radio] + English/Deutsh: UNITE AGAINST COLONIAL INJUSTICE - The Caravan Conference in Jena




Caravan Platform on Colonial in Injustice with Pre-tribunal

The colonial apartheid and the double punishment of refugees and Migrants
through criminalization and persecution in Germany

Coordinated by The VOICE Refugee Forum Deutschland

The Campaign against Residenzpflicht and deportation
Felix Otto (and others) and the Refugees in Apolda coordinated by The
VOICE Jena / Caravan Hamburg

The Isolation of Refugees in lagers and heims and their struggles in the
camps to be coordinated by the Caravan for the rights of refugees and
migrants in Thueringia (Katzhütte, Gehlberg, Apolda and others) , NRW
(Remschied - Wuppertal) and Sachsen Anhalt (Möhlau) and mobilisation in
their Lagers Photo exhibitions and Films: The Caravan documentation
project on the Isolation Lagers and Camps in Thueringia

The persecution and criminalization of the refugees and migrants in
Germany and Europe

Discussions and Strategies

 Theme: We are here because you destroy our countries!
 We Set the Rules - Solidarity is our weapon!
 Discussion on alliances, support and working together in the
caravan network and the German pro colonial projects on migration and
 What is the limit of the public interest and other alternatives?

Campaign and Protest

Land and Air protest against the deportation Airlines (Air France and
others), deportation Flights and against the inhumane treatments and the
brutality of the to be deported Asylum political prisoners by the German
police, prison warders and social workers.

2009 Mumia Info: The Campaign and the struggle of Mumia Abu Jamal in the
death row of the Pennsylvania prison in (USA) will be presented with
information on the latest court decision.

Motivating Exhibitions of Refugee and Migrant Protest Actions
Photo Exhibition in Grünoskwi Spot
From the 6th to 21th September 2009 Open at 2pm everyday in
Schillergäschen 5, Jena
Exhibition and information on Oury Jalloh in Günoskwi Entertainment: 5
Schillergäschen, Jena.
Photo Exhibition of Initiative Memory of Oury Jalloh from The Plataforma,
The VOICE Berlin, Umbruch-Bildarchiv Berlin, Marco Pra and Thomsen Kriska
-Thomsen Design.
Music: African Beats, Acoustic und Percussions

Live Band Concert with Inouss Landozz from Togo/NRW. Writer, Singer,
Componist and Percussionist.
Inousses Landozz is Aledjo KADARA in the north of Togo- born artist with a
real name Bebou S. Inoussa, showed his great musical talent already at a
very young age
Friday, September 11, 2009, at 9 pm. Grünowswki Garden Park -
Schillergäschen, Jena

About 45 activists have confirmed their participation from the various
cities of the Caravan network in Germany: Jena, Apolda, Reimscheid,
Hamburg, Bremen, Wüppertal, Weimar, Halle-Saale, Marke, Nurmberg , Berlin.

Original background of participating activists: from Iran, Kurdistan,
Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Syria, Guinea, Cameroon, Palestine, Afghanistan,
Azerbaijan, Iraq, Turkey, Palestine, Israel, Sri Lanka and Poland.

Participants could inform us on their interest on discussion about any
specific country and on the engagement of the activists. The Caravan
Network Co organizing Activists and facilitators of the Conference:

From Bremen: Sunny Omwenyeke, Seid Seid ; from Berlin: Mbolo Yufuyi, Mai
Zaidani; from Möhlau: Salomon Wantchoucou; from Marke / Dessau: Maman
Salissou Oumarou; from Wuppertal: Araz Ardehali, from Frankfurt: Aitak
Barani, from Jena: Osaren Igbinoba, Dr. Magsud Agaev, from Hamburg: Ralf
Lorenzo, - Hamburg, from Göttingen: Tawfik Lbebidy; from Kiel: Selam
Shanan, Gassen Lbebidy

The conference input text: On Colonial Injustice and the Continuity of
Barbarity in Germany

All events begins daily at 10 am - 9 pm.
Discussions on the Campaign and the Pre-tribunal events will take place on
September 10 to 12, 2009. - Eating and recreation session in
Schillergäschen 5, at The VOICE Jena.

Please confirm your participation at:, Tel.
0049 (0) 176 24568988.

The Conference will take place in University of Jena (Old building)
Address: Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Fürstengraben 1, 07743 Jena

The VOICE Refugee Forum Jena
Adresse: Schillergässchen 5, 07745 Jena
Tel. Handy 0049(0) 17624568988,
Fax: 03641 / 42 02 70,
Gegründet: 1994, Arbeitsweise: Kampagnen,Aktionen, Vernetzung.
Publikationen: E-Newsletter

Subject: +English/Deutsh: Karawane Konferenz "Vereinigt gegen Koloniales
Unrecht" in Jena
From: "The VOICE Refugee Forum" <>
Date: Thu, September 3, 2009 1:38 pm
To: "The VOICE Refugee Forum" <>

UNITE AGAINST COLONIAL INJUSTICE - The Caravan Conference in Jena, 09. -
13.09.09 >>



Plattform der KARAWANE über koloniales Unrecht mit einem Aufbau-Tribunal zu

Die koloniale Apartheid und die Doppelbestrafung von Flüchtlingen und
MigrantInnen durch Kriminalisierung und Verfolgung in Deutschland
Koordiniert von The VOICE Refugee Forum Deutschland

Die Kampagne gegen die Residenzpflicht und Abschiebungen
Felix Otto und andere und die Flüchtlinge in Apolda. Koordiniert von the
VOICE Refugee Forum Jena und KARAWANE Hamburg

Die Isolation von Flüchtlingen in Lagern und ihre Mobilisierung in den
Lagern Koordiniert von der KARAWANE für die Rechte der Flüchtlinge und
MigrantInnen in Thüringen (Katzhütte, Gehlberg, Apolda und weiteren),
Nordrhein-Westfalen (Remscheid , Wuppertal) und Sachsen-Anhalt (Möhlau)

Diskussionen und Strategien
- Leitmotiv: Wir sind hier, weil ihr unsere Länder zerstört
- Wir setzen die Maßstäbe - Solidarität ist unsere Waffe!
- Diskussion über Allianzen, Unterstützung und Zusammenarbeit im KARAWANE
Netzwerk und die deutschen pro-kolonialen Projekte der Migration und der
- Was sind die Grenzen des öffentlichen Interesses und was sind Alternativen?

Kampagnen und Proteste
Proteste zu Land und in der Luft gegen Deprtationsfluglinien (Air France
und andere), gegen Charterdeportationen und die unmenschliche Behandlung
und die Brutalität der abzuschiebenden politischen Flüchtlingsgefangene
durch die deutsche Polizei, Gefängniswärter, Ärzte, Sozialarbeiter ...
Die Kampagne und der Kampf von Mumia Abu Jamal in der Todeszelle im
Gefängnis in Pennsylvania/USA im aktuellen Stadium

Ergreifende Bilddokumentationen der Protestaktionen von Flüchtlingen und

Fotoausstellung und Informationen der Initiative in Gedenken an Oury Jalloh
von plataforma Berlin, The VOICE Berlin, Umbruch-Bildarchiv, Marco Pra und
Thomsen Kriska Design im Grünowski Entertainment, Schillergässchen 5, Jena

weitere Bild und Textdokumentationen des KARAWANE Dokumentations-Projekts
über die Isolationslager in Thüringen

Live-Konzert mit Inouss Landozz from Togo / NRW. Autor, Sänger, Komponist
und Percussionist. Music: African Beats, Acoustic und Percussions im
Grünowski Garten, Schillergäßchen, Jena. Freitag 11.9.2009 um 21:00Uhr.

Bisher haben 45 AktivistInnen aus unterschiedlichen Regionen ihre
Teilnahme bestätigt. Sie kommen aus Städten und Orten, an denen das
KARAWANE-Netzwerk in Deutschland aktiv ist: Jena, Apolda, Remscheid,
Hamburg, Bremen, Wuppertal, Weimar, Halle-Saale, Marke, Nürnberg, Berlin.

Die ursprüngliche Herkunft der teilnehmenden Aktivistinnen und Aktivisten
ist Iran, Kurdistan, Sierra Leone, Syrien, Guinea, Kamerun, Palästina,
Afghanistan, Azerbajan, Irak, Türkei, Palästina, Israel, Sri Lanka,

TeilnehmerInnen möchten uns über ihr Interesse an Diskussionen über jedes
bestimmte Land und über das Engagement der AktivistInnen informieren.

Die Aktivistinnen und Aktivisten, OrganisatorInnen, ModeratorInnen des
KARAWANE-Netzwerkes sind:
Aus Bremen: Sunny Omwenyeke, Seid Seid ; aus Berlin: Mbolo Yufuyi, Mai
Zaidani; aus Möhlau: Salomon Wantchoucou; aus Marke / Dessau: Maman
Salissou Oumarou; aus Wuppertal: Araz Ardehali, aus Frankfurt: Aitak
Barani, aus Jena: Osaren Igbinoba, Dr. Magsud Agaev, aus Hamburg: Ralf
Lorenzo, aus Göttingen: Tawfik Lbebidy; aus Kiel: Selam Shanan, Gassen

Einen Inputtext für die Konferenz findet ihr in englischer Sprache:
On Colonial Injustice and the Continuity of Barbarity in Germany

Bitte bestätigt Eure Teilnahme:
Tel. 0049 (0) 176 24568988

Die Konferenz findet in der Universität Jena (Altbau) statt:
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Fürstengraben 1, Jena.
Die Hauptdiskussionen und das Vortribunal: 10. - 12. September 2009,
zwischen 10:00 und 21:00 Uhr.


The VOICE Refugee Forum Jena,
E-Mail: *
Adresse: Schillergässchen 5, 07745 Jena,
Tel. Handy 0049(0) 17624568988 *
Fax: 03641 / 42 02 70


The VOICE Refugee Forum Jena
Adresse: Schillergässchen 5, 07745 Jena
Tel. Handy 0049(0) 17624568988,
Fax: 03641 / 42 02 70,
Gegründet: 1994, Arbeitsweise: Kampagnen,Aktionen, Vernetzung.
Publikationen: E-Newsletter

This e-mail service is edited, managed and moderated by
George Lessard

Make a donation via PayPal:

Creative-Radio is an independent forum for people active in or interested in the use of radio in development, in particular promoting public health, improved education, protection of the environment, improved livelihoods, good governance and conflict mitigation. Since it started in 1996, Creative-Radio has been in the forefront of radio's resurgence as a tool for social change and peace-building, and it helps promote best practice in these areas.

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