Topics in this digest:
1. NRC's system for disseminating official time, shortwave station CHU
From: George Lessard
2. Conférence Nationale : La Radio Communautaire au service du dé
From: George Lessard
3. Free Invisible Web Tracker / Site Tracker / Visitor Tracker
From: George Lessard
4. Bolivia: Two people arrested after sabotage of community radio
From: George Lessard
1. NRC's system for disseminating official time, shortwave station CHU
Posted by: "George Lessard" themediamentor
Date: Sat Mar 7, 2009 5:32 pm ((PST))
Time to change your shortwave dial
After seventy years of broadcasting Canada's official time, NRC's shortwave
station CHU will move the transmission frequency for the 7335 kHz
transmitter to 7850 kHz. The change goes into effect on 01 January 2009 at
00:00 UTC.
CHU is a part of NRC's system for disseminating official time throughout
Canada, broadcasting 24 hours a day from a location approximately 15 km
south-west of downtown Ottawa. Listeners hear tones to mark the seconds,
voice to announce the time in French and English, and digital data to set
Full Story<>
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2. Conférence Nationale : La Radio Communautaire au service du dé
Posted by: "George Lessard" themediamentor
Date: Sat Mar 7, 2009 6:01 pm ((PST))
«Quels rôles doivent jouer les Radios Communautaires dans le Développement,
la bonne gouvernance et le processus démocratique ? » Cette phrase
interrogative était au centre des débats d'une conférence nationale initiée
en étroite collaboration entre INFORMORAC et la Radio Nederland au Training
centre de 4RGui. C'était du 17 au 18 février dernier à l'INRAP de Donka dans
la commune de Dixinn. Les participants à cet atelier, 2ème du genre étaient
venus des différents horizons du pays d'accueil.
En effet, diverses allocutions ont meublé la cérémonie d'ouverture de ce
Forum de deux jours de travaux intenses et de débats houleux entre les
séminaristes. De fructueux échanges d'idées ont été au rendez-vous. Dans son
discours, la directrice de la Radio Nederland Training, M. Tanja IJZER, a
tout d'abord apprécié le décret favorisant la libéralisation et l'émergence
des Radios Communautaires qui ont donné, selon elle, un souffle nouveau à la
Guinée. Grâce à ces stations des radios privées, dira Mme Tanja, un réel
développement du processus démocratique dans le pays est assuré surtout avec
l'avènement du CNDD au pouvoir. Pour garder certes une dynamique de
formation de qualité à-t-elle ajouté, il faut rajeunir le personnel des
radios en misant sur les jeunes diplômés afin d'accroître les revenus.
Représentant le ministre de la Communication, M. Riad Chaloub, a traduit le
message franc du gouvernement en ce qui concerne l'instauration et la
libéralisation totale des médias dont le rôle est le renforcement de l'unité
nationale. Pour conclure, M Chaloub a encouragé les partenaires au
développement pour leur assistance. Quant au formateur, M. Alassane Guissé
de l'ONG Sadjo à Dakar, il a insisté sur la réactualisation du rôle des
radios communautaires afin de pouvoir relancer le processus démocratique.
Poursuivant, l'orateur a souhaité que les collectivités locales financent
les radios communautaires pour identifier des défis, risques et menaces qui
pèsent sur la Guinée. Les représentants de certains partenaires au
développement comme M. Facély II Mara de l'UNICEF et Almamy Barry de
l'UNICEF Guinée, ont tous rendu hommage à la presse guinéenne pour le combat
qu'elle mène au service de son peuple. Ils ont tour à tour apprécié la
bataille contre la mortalité maternelle et infantile, avant de saluer
l'avènement de la junte militaire aux commandes du pays. Emboitant le pas à
ces devanciers, M. Quentin Kanyatsi de l'ONG Search for common ground, a
parlé du renforcement de capacités du secteur des médias et la dynamisation
de l'instance de régulation et de censure qu'est le Conseil National de la
Communication (CNC). Deux jours durant, les participants à ce forum national
ont travaillé sur les thèmes comme ''Les caractéristiques des radios
communautaires en Guinée, vision sur les concepts de développement et de la
bonne gouvernance. Le processus démocratique, l'analyse de la situation
actuelle en Guinée et l'identification des défis majeurs, les opportunités
qu'offre le contexte, les facteurs positifs et négatifs mais aussi les
risques et menaces qu'il faudra prendre en considération''. Toutes les
préoccupations ont été satisfaites grâce au talentueux formateur, M.
Alassane Guissé. Au sortir de cet atelier, les séminaristes ont souhaité
auprès des autorités et les partenaires au développement, le renforcement
des capacités des ressources humaines des radios communautaires et des
bonnes volontés au fonctionnement des radios rurales communautaires, la mise
en place d'un réseau national des journalistes, l'appui technique et la
subvention. A retenir qu'avec l'appui inconditionnel des partenaires
notamment la RER, l'UNICEF, le PNUD, le Search for common ground, Faisons
ensemble, le Plan Guinée, la rencontre de Conakry s'est déroulée dans les
conditions meilleures.
*AUTEUR:*Mohamed Damba
2009-03-07 10:13:30
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3. Free Invisible Web Tracker / Site Tracker / Visitor Tracker
Posted by: "George Lessard" themediamentor
Date: Sat Mar 7, 2009 6:15 pm ((PST))
Free Invisible Web Tracker / Site Tracker / Visitor Tracker
What exactly is a web tracker (also known as a visitor tracker or site
tracker), and why do you need one?
The idea behind a web tracker is very simple and has been around for many
years. Essentially you place a small piece of code on your website, when
someone visits your website, that small piece of code is executed and the
visitor's public details (ip address, browser, operating system, referrer,
page title and url etc) are analysed and stored for reporting to you
The great advantage of web trackers are that they are better at tracking
'real people' as they track browsers NOT server requests. This often means
a web tracker will have a significantly lower count than standard log file
analysis. But it offers a more realistic figure of the visitors to your
website and far more detail. At StatCounter our web tracker is provided in
real-time so it's even better still.
A web tracker also records your visitors if they return to the same page
twice or more. This does not happen with log files. Your page would be
already cached in your browser. No request would be sent to the server.
That user activity would go unreported. Thanks to web trackers and their
use of a random javascript number - your counter is forced to load each
time and your visitor is tracked.
As web trackers only track 'real people', it is not able to tell you when
a search engine spider is indexing your website. For information like this
you need a good log analyser.
StatCounter.Com can produce far different results to standard log file
analysis. This is not surprising as our system is designed to track
browsers NOT server requests. This can result in a significantly lower
count than standard log file analysis. But it offers a more realistic
figure of the visitors to your website and far more detail and it is
provided in real-time!
So how do they differ?
A big factor is the placement of the StatCounter tracking code. You can
use StatCounter to only track the pages you want by simply placing it on
the pages you want to track. Log file analysis will track all server
requests by default.
If you have very large, slow loading pages it is recommended to place the
tracking code closer to the top of the page instead of the bottom. Or a
visitor may exit your page before the page finishes loading and the
tracking script will never have been loaded.
Framed websites can cause a big problem for log file analysis resulting in
an over-inflated count. When a visitor visits a singe page that could
often be recorded as 3 visits - loading the main frame, a side frame and a
footer. StatCounter does not have this problem.
Cached pages are another huge problem for log file analysis this time
resulting in a very poor undercount of visitors. Often your own local ISP
will keep a cache of many websites you visit regularly. This speeds up
your use of the web - unfortunately no server request is made to your
website when this happens. And your visit will go uncounted. This does not
happen with StatCounter with the use of javascript and a random variable
each time.
Web Proxies - many users, most noticeably AOL users access the web through
a web proxy. Their ip address can change on each request to your website
so log file analysis could not accurately count your unique visitors.
StatCounter does both - we use a simple cookie and the user's ip address.
Robots - the requests made to your website by robots will be recorded in
your log files but it will not be recorded by StatCounter.
Overall StatCounter provides a far more detailed, accurate count and
tracking of behavior of the 'real' visitors to your website than standard
log file analysis.
Of course the only way to experience our advanced web tracker for yourself
is to register right now for your free account.
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4. Bolivia: Two people arrested after sabotage of community radio
Posted by: "George Lessard" themediamentor
Date: Sat Mar 7, 2009 6:27 pm ((PST))
Bolivia: Two people arrested after sabotage of community radio
Reporters without borders (press release) - France
... the investigation into the sabotage of the community radio Radio
Rurrenabaque, on 4 September 2008, in the department of Beni, north-eastern
Colombia. ...
5.03 - Bolivia: Two people arrested after sabotage of community radio
Reporters Without Borders today noted the arrest on 3 March 2009 of two
suspects, Juan Carlos and Saul Herrero Abrego, in the investigation into
the sabotage of the community radio Radio Rurrenabaque, on 4 September
2008, in the department of Beni, north-eastern Colombia. The two brothers
are reportedly members of the Beni Civic Committee that abducted and held
a journalist on the public radio network Red Patria Nueva during a wave of
violence in the autonomous regions. Elsewhere, Reporters Without Borders
condemned as shameful the behaviour of the mayor of Santa Cruz in eastern
Bolivia, Percy Fernandez, who insulted and assaulted journalist Marcia
Cedeño, of privately owned Unitel television during a press conference on
2 March 2009, as he did with a photographer the previous week.
More on Bolivia at
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