There are 5 messages in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
1. Fiji is heading dangerously towards a system of permanent prior cens
From: George Lessard
2. Fellowships open for young radio journalists interested in covering
From: George Lessard
3. (Now Accepting!) Applications for NCRC Subsidy / Demande de subventi
From: George Lessard
4. Radio Centre-Ville , la radio communautaire et multilingue de Montr
From: George Lessard
5. Radijojo World Children's Radio Network goes Africa !
From: George Lessard
1. Fiji is heading dangerously towards a system of permanent prior cens
Posted by: "George Lessard" themediamentor
Date: Sun May 24, 2009 9:04 am ((PDT))
---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: [rsfasie] FIJI : Open letter from Reporters Without Borders to
Prime Minister Frank Bainimarama
From: "RSF ASIA" <>
Date: Wed, May 20, 2009 06:32
Reporters Without Borders
20 May 2009
Open letter from Reporters Without Borders to Prime Minister Frank
Commodore Frank Bainimarama
Interim Prime Minister
Fiji Islands
Paris, 18 May 2009
Dear Prime Minister,
Reporters Without Borders would like to refer you to the decline in
press freedom since you promulgated the Public Emergency Regulations
2009 on 10 April, initially for a period of 30 days. These
regulations have officialised prior censorship. Criticism of your
government has disappeared from the Fijian media. Political, social
and economic news is still being covered but journalists are not able
to play their role as Fourth Estate. Fear has taken hold within the
news media following a number of arrests of journalists and
threatening statements by officials.
The Public Emergency Regulations 2009 give the permanent secretary
for information, Lt. Col. Neumi Leweni, full powers to prevent the
media from publishing or broadcasting reports that could ¦'³give rise
to disorder ¦'´ or ¦'³promote disaffection or public alarm. ¦'´ He has warned
on several occasions that those who fail to respect the rules will be
arrested and prosecuted. The media have been told to limit themselves
to providing ¦'³positive ¦'´ news.
As a result of the regulations, which have been extended until 10
June, soldiers and information ministry officials have installed
themselves in newsrooms in order to control content and prevent
undesirable reports. Around 10 journalists and bloggers have been
arrested and several foreign journalists have been expelled.
The journalists who have been detained include Shelvin Chand and
Dionisia Turaganbeci, who were arrested on 9 and 11 May for writing
an article for the FijiLive news website that was ¦'³negative ¦'´ about
you, and Theresa Ralogaivau, who was arrested on 14 May because of an
article in the Fiji Times.
Joseph Ealedona, the head of the Suva-based regional news agency
Pacnews, announced on 14 May that it would be temporarily relocated
because of the political situation in Fiji.
Journalists based in Suva have told Reporters Without Borders about
the fear reigning in newsrooms. Some journalists even refuse to talk
as they are scared by the possibility that someone could be
monitoring what they say.
Your government seems to be considering taking direct control of
certain programmes on Fiji TV and using the Fiji Sun newspaper to
publish official information. This would be a veiled and arbitrary
form of nationalisation that jeopardises years of editorial
independence for these privately-owned news media.
As you know, the international community has adopted sanctions in
response to the promulgation and strict implementation of these
regulations. Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has tried to give
Fijians an explanation. He sent all the Fijian news media an
editorial on 13 May about the reasons for your military-backed
government ¦'²s suspension from the Pacific Islands Forum. None of the
media in Fiji carried the editorial, presumably because of censorship.
Your recent decisions suggest that you only tolerate the news media
when they do not question your management of the country ¦'²s affairs
and your government ¦'²s legitimacy. Fiji is heading dangerously towards
a system of permanent prior censorship.
These policies prevent the international community, including the
European Union, from resuming close cooperation with your country.
The repressive regulations that you have introduced are punishing the
Fijian people and jeopardising the development aid that Fiji ¦'²s
economy and society need. You have a duty to stop exposing your
country to this danger.
We ask you to lose no time in repealing the Public Emergency
Regulations, especially articles 16 (1) and 16 (2), which violate the
international human rights accords that Fiji has signed. We also urge
you, as Prime Minister, to order the security forces to withdraw from
newsrooms and to stop arresting journalists.
We trust you will give this matter your careful consideration.
Jean-Fran ¦çois Julliard
47 rue vivienne - 75002 Paris (France)
Tel: 331-4483-8484 / Fax: 331-4523-1151
Lettre ouverte de Reporters sans fronti ¦ères au Premier ministre Frank
Monsieur Frank Bainimarama
Premier Ministre int ¦érimaire
Iles Fidji
Paris, le 18 mai 2009
Monsieur le Premier Ministre,
Reporters sans fronti ¦ères souhaite attirer votre attention sur la
d ¦ét ¦érioration de la libert ¦é de la presse depuis que vous avez
promulgu ¦é, le 10 avril 2009, les ¦« Public Emergency Regulations 2009
¦», initialement pour une p ¦ériode de 30 jours. Ces dispositions
institutionnalisent la censure pr ¦éalable et officielle. Aujourd'hui,
dans les m ¦édias fidjiens, les critiques ¦à l'encontre de votre
gouvernement ont disparu. Si l'actualit ¦é politique, sociale ou
¦économique est toujours trait ¦ée, les journalistes ne sont plus en
position de jouer leur r ¦ôle de quatri ¦ème pouvoir. La peur s'est
install ¦ée dans les r ¦édactions apr ¦ès une s ¦érie d'arrestations de
journalistes et des d ¦éclarations mena ¦çantes de responsables officiels.
Les ¦« Public Emergency Regulations 2009 ¦» pr ¦évoient le contr ¦ôle des
m ¦édias pour emp ¦êcher la publication d ¦'²informations ¦'³susceptibles de
provoquer des troubles ¦'´. Ces r ¦égulations incitent les m ¦édias ¦à ne
publier que des informations ¦'³positives ¦'´ et donnent tous les pouvoirs
¦à votre Secr ¦étaire permanent ¦à l ¦'²Information, le lieutenant-colonel
Neumi Leweni, dans la diffusion des informations. Ce dernier a
d'ailleurs r ¦ép ¦ét ¦é ¦à plusieurs reprises que les personnes ne
respectant pas les ¦« Public Emergency Regulations 2009 ¦» seront
arr ¦êt ¦ées et pourront ¦être poursuivies.
Depuis la mise en place de ces dispositions, et leur renouvellement
jusqu'au 10 juin 2009, des militaires et des agents du minist ¦ère de
l ¦'²Information se sons install ¦és dans les r ¦édactions des m ¦édias pour
en contr ¦ôler le contenu et emp ¦êcher les informations "susceptibles de
provoquer des troubles". Pr ¦ès d'une dizaine de journalistes et
blogueurs ont ¦ét ¦é arr ¦êt ¦és et plusieurs journalistes ¦étrangers expuls ¦és.
R ¦écemment, du 9 au 11 mai 2009, les journalistes Shelvin Chand et
Dionisia Turaganbeci, accus ¦és d ¦'²avoir publi ¦é un article ¦'³n ¦égatif
envers le chef de gouvernement militaire Frank Bainimarama ¦'´ sur le
site Internet d ¦'²informations FidjiLive, ont ¦ét ¦é d ¦étenus. Quelques
jours plus tard, le 14 mai, Theresa Ralogaivau, une autre
journaliste, a ¦ét ¦é arr ¦êt ¦ée en raison d ¦'²un article publi ¦é dans le Fiji
Par ailleurs, le 14 mai, Joseph Ealedona, pr ¦ésident du conseil
d ¦'²administration de l'agence r ¦égionale Pacnews, a annonc ¦é que le
bureau de ce m ¦édia sera temporairement d ¦élocalis ¦é en raison de la
situation politique dans le pays.
Des journalistes de Suva ont t ¦émoign ¦é aupr ¦ès de notre organisation de
la peur qui r ¦ègne au sein des r ¦édactions. Certains journalistes
refusent m ¦ême de parler, effray ¦és ¦à l'id ¦ée que leurs communications
soient contr ¦ôl ¦ées.
Par ailleurs, votre gouvernement semble envisager de prendre le
contr ¦ôle direct de certains programmes de la cha ¦îne Fiji TV et de
diffuser des informations gouvernementales dans le journal Fiji Sun.
Il s'agirait d'une nationalisation masqu ¦ée et abusive, mettant en
p ¦éril des ann ¦ées d'ind ¦épendance ¦éditoriale de ces m ¦édias priv ¦és.
Comme vous le savez, la communaut ¦é internationale a adopt ¦é des
sanctions pour d ¦énoncer la promulgation et l'application stricte de
ces r ¦égulations. Le 13 mai, le Premier ministre australien, Kevin
Rudd, a voulu s'en expliquer aupr ¦ès des Fidjiens. Il a envoy ¦é ¦à tous
les m ¦édias de votre pays un ¦éditorial sur les raisons pour lesquelles
le r ¦égime militaire fidjien a ¦ét ¦é suspendu du Forum des ¦îles
Pacifique. Mais cet ¦éditorial n ¦'²a ¦ét ¦é repris par aucun m ¦édia dans le
pays, selon nous en raison de la censure.
Au regard de vos r ¦écentes d ¦écisions, vous semblez ne tol ¦érer les
m ¦édias que dans la mesure o ¦ù ils ne critiquent pas votre gestion du
pays et surtout la l ¦égitimit ¦é de votre gouvernement. Le pays
s ¦'²oriente dangereusement vers un syst ¦ème de censure pr ¦éalable.
Cette politique emp ¦êche la communaut ¦é internationale, notamment
l'Union europ ¦éenne, de reprendre une coop ¦ération ¦étroite avec votre
pays. De fait, ces r ¦égulations liberticides que vous avez mises en
place punissent le peuple fidjien et hypoth ¦èquent les aides au
d ¦éveloppement dont la soci ¦ét ¦é et l' ¦économie ont tant besoin. Il est
de votre enti ¦ère responsabilit ¦é de ne plus faire peser ce risque ¦à
votre pays.
Nous vous demandons d'abroger au plus vite les ¦« Public Emergency
Regulations 2009 ¦», et notamment les articles 16 (1) et 16 (2) qui
violent les engagements internationaux souscrits par les ¦îles Fidji
en mati ¦ère de respect de l ¦'²Etat de droit. En votre qualit ¦é de chef de
gouvernement, nous vous prions d'ordonner aux forces de s ¦écurit ¦é de
se retirer des r ¦édactions et de cesser d'interpeller des journalistes.
En esp ¦érant que vous porterez une attention particuli ¦ère ¦à nos
remarques, je vous prie d'agr ¦éer, Monsieur le Premier Ministre,
l'expression de ma tr ¦ès haute consid ¦ération.
Jean-Fran ¦çois Julliard
Secr ¦étaire g ¦én ¦éral
47 rue vivienne - 75002 Paris (France)
Tel: 331-4483-8484 / Fax: 331-4523-1151
Vincent Brossel
Asia-Pacific Desk
Reporters Without Borders
33 1 44 83 84 70
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Messages in this topic (1)
2. Fellowships open for young radio journalists interested in covering
Posted by: "George Lessard" themediamentor
Date: Sun May 24, 2009 9:11 am ((PDT))
---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: [ZESTMedia] Fellowships open for young journalists interested in
covering children's issues
From: "Siddhartha Kumar" <>
Date: Fri, May 22, 2009 08:03
Fellowships open for young journalists interested in covering children's
Posted on: 12/05/2009
Children, Fellowships and Awards
Deadline: 18/08/2009
Country: Colombia, India, Kenya, Mexico, Peru, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda
Young journalists interested in covering children ¦'²s issues can apply
for the Oscar van Leer Fellowship, which will offer professional
training in journalism and children ¦'²s issues. Deadline: August 18.
Applications are invited from journalists in the following countries:
Mexico, Kenya, India (Orissa), Peru, Colombia, South Africa, Tanzania,
Uganda and the Caribbean Region.
Sponsored by the Bernard van Leer Foundation, the fellowship program
seeks to improve media coverage of children ¦'²s rights and early
childhood development. Three fellowships will be awarded; fellowships
consist of a four-week all expenses paid professional training course
at the Radio Netherlands Training Centre in the Netherlands.
Interested applicants should submit a completed application form, a
letter of motivation, a resume and an example of their work on
children ¦'²s issues in the applicants ¦'² country.
For more information, visit or
contact Vera van der Grift at
Messages in this topic (1)
3. (Now Accepting!) Applications for NCRC Subsidy / Demande de subventi
Posted by: "George Lessard" themediamentor
Date: Sun May 24, 2009 4:51 pm ((PDT))
*[For distribution]
Applications for NCRC Subsidy / Demande de subvention CNREC*
(fran çais ci-dessous)
The NCRC is an opportunity for a diverse and representative range of
community broadcasters from all parts of Canada to converge, talk all things
radio, get hands-on training, confront our challenges, celebrate our
victories, and develop momentum to bring back to each station, strengthening
Canada's campus and community broadcasting sector. We strongly encourage
participation from people marginalized by race, ethnicity, Aboriginal
heritage, gender, age, ability, class, or sexual orientation! The conference
will also be a unique opportunity for anglophone and francophone community
broadcasters to come together - instant translation to be provided!
Au NCRC, les repr ésentant(e)s rassembl é(e)s de chaque r égion pourront
discuter, s'entra îner, confronter les d éfis du secteur, c él ébrer nos
victoires, d évelopper l' énergie n écessaire pour revitalizer nos stations et
b âtir une communaut é nationale plus forte. On encourage la participation de
ceux et celles normallement exclus par leur race, ethnicit é, autochtone,
sexe, age, capacit és r éduites, classe, ou orientation sexuel. La conf érence
sera aussi une chance unique aux produceurs/trices et aux animateurs/trices
anglophones et francophones de partager leus exp ériences - la traduction
instantan ée sera fourni!
National Campus-Community Radio Conference /
La conf érence de l'Association nationale des radios étudiantes et
May 22, 2009
CKUT Radio is pleased to call for applications seeking subsidies to cover
travel and conference fees for the fast approaching National Campus and
Community Radio Conference (NCRC), taking place in Montreal June 7-13th.
Through a grant from the Community Radio Fund of Canada, as well as funding
from TFAC of CUPE, Richmond Women's Centre, and CJLY, the NCRC 2009 Planning
Committee has funding to support the training and development of
campus-community radio talent from across Canada.
We are seeking delegates who want to attend the NCRC from June 7-13th for a
series of hands-on workshops. Applications are open to every level of
experience in radio production. We are especially seeking to distribute this
funding to First Nations, M étis, and Inuit delegates, plus ethno-cultural
programmers, people of colour, LGBTQ, women, older people, differently-abled
people, francophones, and delegates from small/rural stations who wish to
participate in the conference to develop technical skills. We will also
favor applicants who seek to gain new skills that may be brought back to
local stations.
Successful applications will receive a subsidy to cover conference fees and
a portion of travel costs.
Please submit one-paragraph noting your interests and intent to by June 1st (include '³Application for NCRC Subsidy '´ in the
subject). Notifications will be made by June 3rd.
To find out more about this year's NCRC, visit
22 mai 2009
Radio CKUT est heureuse d '²accepter des demandes de subventions servant à
couvrir les frais de transport et d '²inscription à la Conf érence nationale
des radios étudiantes et communautaires (CNREC), ayant lieu à Montr éal du 7
au 13 juin prochain.
Gr âce à une bourse du Fonds canadien de la radio communautaire, ainsi que
des subventions de la part de TFAC du SCFP, du Richmond Women '²s Centre, et
de CJLY, le Comit é de planification de la CNREC dispose du financement
n écessaire à l '²appui du d éveloppement et de la formation du talent au sein
des radios communautaires et étudiantes à travers le Canada.
Nous sommes à la recherche de d él égu és/ ées qui aimeraient assister à la
CNREC du 7 au 13 juin pour une s érie d '²ateliers pratiques. L '²appel est
ouvert aux candidat(e)s de tous les niveaux d '²exp érience en production
radio. Nous cherchons particuli èrement à offrir ce soutien à des
d él égu és/ ées autochtones, m étis, inuit, ainsi qu '²à des programmateurs/euses
d '²origines ethnoculturelles et de minorit és
visibles, des personnes LGBTQ, des femmes, des personnes âg ées, des
personnes handicap ées, des francophones, et des d él égu és/ ées de petites
stations ou stations rurales qui aimeraient participer à la conf érence afin
de d évelopper leurs habilet és techniques. Nous accorderons aussi la priorit é
à ceux et celles qui d ésirent acqu érir de nouvelles habilet és qui peuvent
ensuite être mises en pratique à leur station de radio locale.
Les candidat(e)s s électionn é(e)s recevront une subvention qui couvrira les
frais d '²inscription à la conf érence et une portion des frais
de transport.
Veuillez soumettre un paragraphe d étaillant vos int ér êts et motivations à avant le 1er juin (avec « Demande de
subvention CNREC » dans l'objet). Nous communiquerons avec les candidat(e)s
d '²ici le 3 juin.
Pour en savoir plus sur la CNREC 2009, consulter le
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Messages in this topic (1)
4. Radio Centre-Ville , la radio communautaire et multilingue de Montr
Posted by: "George Lessard" themediamentor
Date: Sun May 24, 2009 9:17 pm ((PDT))
Radio Centre-Ville, la radio communautaire et multilingue de Montr ¦éal,
recherche un directeur g ¦én ¦éral
Responsabilit ¦és :
Sous l ¦'²autorit ¦é du conseil d ¦'²administration, le directeur g ¦én ¦éral est
responsable de la gestion de la station, de la planification, de
l ¦'²actualisation et de l ¦'²évaluation des programmes et activit ¦és de la
station, le tout en conformit ¦é avec les orientations et les politiques
¦émises par le conseil d ¦'²administration.
Exigences :
Le candidat devra poss ¦éder un dipl ¦ôme universitaire et une exp ¦érience
pertinente en gestion ainsi qu ¦'²une bonne connaissance du milieu
communautaire. Les personnes poss ¦édant un ensemble de formation et
d ¦'²exp ¦érience pertinentes seront consid ¦ér ¦ées. Le candidat devra ¦être
bilingue. De plus, la ma ¦îtrise d ¦'²une ou plusieurs autres langues
-portugais, espagnol, grec, cr ¦éole, cantonais ou mandarin - serait un
Profil :
Gestionnaire et leader reconnu, cr ¦éateur de partenariats. Habilet ¦és
relationnelles, interpersonnelles et d ¦écisionnelles ¦élev ¦ées. Qualit ¦é de
rassembleur, mobilisateur, communicateur. Capacit ¦é ¦à d ¦évelopper
d ¦'²excellentes relations avec les groupes communautaires et les
Adresse de retour :
Les personnes int ¦éress ¦ées sont invit ¦ées ¦à faire parvenir leur offre de
service et leurs attentes salariales, avant le 29 mai 2009, 16:30, ¦à
l ¦'²adresse suivante :
Comit ¦é d ¦'²embauche, Radio Centre-Ville
5212 boulevard Saint-Laurent
Montr ¦éal (Qu ¦ébec) H2T 1S1
ou encore par courriel ¦à
Seuls les candidats consid ¦ér ¦és seront invit ¦és ¦à une entrevue.
N.B. L ¦'²usage du genre masculin est purement conventionnel et non-exclusif.
Messages in this topic (1)
5. Radijojo World Children's Radio Network goes Africa !
Posted by: "George Lessard" themediamentor
Date: Mon May 25, 2009 8:39 am ((PDT))
---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Radijojo goes Africa
From: "Das Kinderradio. RADIJOJO" <>
Date: Mon, May 25, 2009 06:11
Press release
Radijojo World Children's Radio Network
Haus der Jugend Berlin-Mitte
Reinickendorfer Str. 55
13347 Berlin, Germany
For immediate release
¦· RADIJOJO World Children's Radio finds new partners in Sub-Saharan Africa.
¦· Plans for "RADIJOJO Africa" confirmed.
¦· The first children's radio bridge between Namibia and Germany raises the
international attention of governments and of civil society
Windhoek/Berlin, May 22th -
With yet another innovative project and a whole series of new
partnerships, Radijojo World Children's Radio Network (Radijojo) is
boosting its engagement on the African continent: Radijojo has
successfully implemented the first radio bridge of children in Germany and
Namibia. Some of the content in 60 minutes segments produced for kids
by kids included culture, school life as well as the colonial history:
Marginalized children from migrant families in the African quarter of
Berlin did some research on a street named after the German colonialist
named Luederitz. They found out about the unjust ways in which Luederitz
had seized Namibian land and then the students discussed their findings
with the district mayor of the Center of Berlin, Dr. Hanke. He agreed
with them that the street should be renamed.
Nevertheless, this process has not yet lead to a political decision, but
the kids symbolically renamed the street themselves with a self-painted
street sign made out of paper where they transformed it from "Luederitz
Street" into "NAMIBIA STREET"!
To make this a real bilateral children's radio project, Radijojo staged
the first direct call-in phone session through the Internet between
German and Namibian children ever organized.
Radijojo did happen to find an excellent partner in Windhoek that
contributed to the project, her name is Esther and she is a young Uitani
Children's Radio reporter. She did a presentation about her hometown and
was also quite interested in the outcome of the Luederitz' project in
Germany. Her personal contribution was very impressive too, she conducted
her very own interview with Mr. Sam Nuyoma, the "father of the Namibian
nation" on the same day! She referred to Mr. Nuyoma's advice saying that
she would fight anyone who would try to recolonize her country. She had a
chance to display her happiness and excitement when she found out that
her fellow radio kids at Uitani's Children's Radio would now be joining
the World Children's Radio Network.
This week, Thomas Roehlinger, founder and chief editor of the German based
non-profit-organization presented the project to the the Namibian Minister
of Education, Mr.Nangolo Mbumba, as well as to the Subregional Summit of
Community Media in Windhoek:
"The reaction to our work was simply excellent. More than 20 community
radios, multimedia centres, schools all across Southern Africa immediately
asked for cooperation - additionally to the dozens of partnerships with
Africa that we have already launched. We are overwhelmed by this huge
interest in joining our initiative for the kids in Africa and all over
the world!", Mr. Roehlinger said in Windhoek after talks with officials of
UNESCO, the Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA), the World
Association of Community Radios (AMARC) and other organizations.
As a consequence of this intense and ongoing demand, Radijojo plans to
implement an African chapter to the World Children's Radio Network:
Therefore, Radijojo is calling for international donors, governments and
NGOs to support the development of RADIJOJO Africa that could be based in
Windhoek or Johannesburg.
Mr Roehlinger: "A small but effective team on the ground of African kids
working in radio can empower ten of thousands of kids in more than 20
African countries to share and learn regularly within this global
educational platform for children by children. Please give them this
chance - help us to make this vision come true! "
The output of the projects and the new partnerships will subsequently be
released on our freshly redesigned global website (in the Namibia / Africa
section) and on our German main site
We would like to thank the following organizations for their support:
UNESCO, MISA, AMARC Africa, Foerderband, Nord-Sued-Bruecken Foundation,
the City of Berlin, Base FM and Uitani Children's Radio, Windhoek and many
other friends and supporters in Africa and Europe.
For further information, audio and photos inquiries please contact
For proposals of projects and support, please contact
To support RADIJOJO AFRICA financially, please donate to:
Radijojo gGmbH code RADIJOJO AFRICA
Bank Account # 333 69 01
Bankcode.100 205 60
Institute:Bank f ¦ür Sozialwirtschaft
IBAN : DE 841002 0500 003 336901
Please inform us when you disseminate this press release.
Feel free to contact us at any time.
Thomas Roehlinger, MBA
Founder and Chief Editor
Radijojo World Children's Radio Network
Haus der Jugend Berlin-Mitte
Reinickendorfer Str. 55
13347 Berlin, Germany
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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