"how would it be possible to get an output of 500 000 50 footer monohulls ..."
[probably not meat for C-R. C-R Moderator]
"...along the zanzibar coast "
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--- On Sun, 5/31/09, George Lessard <media@web.net> wrote:
From: George Lessard <media@web.net>
Subject: [creative-radio] Bangladesh: Waiting For The Community Radio Boom
Date: Sunday, May 31, 2009, 2:55 AM
Panos Radio South Asia airs a special report on the status of the
community radios in Bangladesh. Following a progressive and pro-radio
broadcasting law enacted by the government last year, 116 community radio
stations are waiting for the final nod to be on air.
http://globalvoices online.org/ 2009/05/28/ bangladesh- waiting-for- the-community- radio-boom/
Radio Boom? » May 27, 2009
Panos Pictures
In this edition, we are in Dhaka, Bangladesh where a sudden rise in the
operation of community radio stations is expected after the government,
for the first time, came up with a progressive and pro-radio broadcasting
law in March 2008 that allows ownership of such radio stations to the
local community. Bangladesh is the second country after Nepal, among South
Asian countries, to make such a move. So far, 116 community radio stations
are waiting their final go ahead to be on air. (15:00)
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