Thursday, 30 July 2009

[creative-radio] Fw: No More Watchdog of the Poor: PANOS RADIO SOUTH ASIA's Latest Panoscope Issue, 30 July 2009



Panos Radio South Asia | Latest Panoscope Issue, 30 July 2009
Latest Upload on Panoscope:
No More Watchdog of the Poor

In this edition, we will take you to India, to focus on what role has its vibrant media been playing in addressing the country's most pressing issue - extreme poverty. Once touted as the watchdog of the poor, the Indian media seems to be more concerned with reflecting the lifestyle of the wealthy city dwellers in their coverage. While, hunger and poverty increase in rural areas, they hardly ever make a prominent appearance in the media coverage. With over 400 million Indians living with less than a dollar a day, does the Indian media reflect the issues that are of concern to them?.
Country: India
Upload Date: 30/07/2009

Duration: 15:00

File Size: 13.7 MB


Panoscope is an independent production of Panos Radio South Asia. We're committed to providing a forum for voices, views, and issues not often heard in the mainstream media. Non-profit media, development and other organizations can download Panoscope radio magazine free of cost for air or online use. Credit should be given to Panos Radio South Asia (PRSA) an undertaking of Panos South Asia. If you have suggestions for future programs please contact us at:

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GPO Box 13651
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Tel.: 977-1-5521889/5531447

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[creative-radio] [info] Press Released single "Balerina" Efek Rumah Kaca


Tanggal 15 Juli 2009, Efek Rumah Kaca merilis single ke 3 (tiga) berjudul Balerina. Lagu ini berada pada urutan ke 12 (dua belas) di album Kamar Gelap yaitu album kedua yang didistribusikan oleh Aksara Records. Musik yang dilahirkan oleh band pop independen ini sedang digandrungi anak muda Indonesia, bahkan media pun selalu menyeroti apa yang dilakukan Efek Rumah Kaca. Semua itu memang tercipta atas pemikiran cerdas dan kepekaan Cholil (Gitar & Vokal), Adrian (Bass & Vokal Latar) dan Akbar (Drum & Vokal Latar) terhadap beragam medium yang agak berlebih di zaman ini.
Modal pemahaman yang mendalam terhadap banyak persoalan, membuat Efek Rumah Kaca mampu menciptakan lirik yang sejalan dengan harmonisasi musiknya. Bahkan melalui jam terbang panggung yang rutin, mereka kerap bersinggungan dengan potret-potret interaksi kehidupan. Karena semua itu, pemikiran trio ini lantas menjadi cukup tertantang dalam mencari kesimpulannya. Melalui talenta musik yang dihimpun pada akhirnya terjawab sudah pertanyaan tersebut, bahwa untuk mengatasi segala kegelisahan di dunia ternyata kita harus berusaha menjadi seimbang dalam semua hal.
Maka lebih lanjut lagi, rangkuman atensi tersebut secara ilustratif dikomunikasikan dengan metafora tarian Balerina sebagai judul lagu. Bagi Efek Rumah Kaca, keanggunan yang terpancar dari titian Balerina mampu mendefinisikan warna-warni ragam perjalanan tanpa harus merinci apapun tujuannya. Hidup bagai Balerina adalah alami dan jauh dari persepsi tak berdaya, karena keseriusan selalu mendominasi proses awal sampai menjadi begitu lenturnya. Lihatlah potongan lirik yang sangat lugas di bawah ini:
Berjingkat tidak teratur/ Seperti melantur/ Merendah, meninggi/ Meniti temali...Hidup bagai Balerina..
Alur tersebut disuguhkan melalui sebuah komposisi yang diakui Efek Rumah Kaca sebagai karya musik paling ceria dan sederhana selama mereka beralbum. Siapapun yang mendengar lagu Balerina baik di panggung atau hanya mendengar lewat albumnya, maka dipastikan akan hanyut terbawa ke dalam suasana yang tenang dan mengalir sehingga pesan atas liriknya jadi mudah dipahami secara utuh. Nuansa musik yang keluar saat lagu ini dimainkan perlahan mengingatkan kita kembali ke gaya bertutur The Smiths hingga R.E.M yang mengesankan lewat alunan gitar tekstural. Selamat menikmati Balerina dan membagi kebahagiaan kepada siapapun dengan memutar lagu ini di radio anda.
Tentang Efek Rumah Kaca
Efek Rumah Kaca terbentuk di Jakarta pada 2001. Telah merilis dua album yaitu Efek Rumah Kaca (Paviliun Records, 2007) dan Kamar Gelap (Aksara Records, 2008). Sejauh ini, Efek Rumah Kaca telah meraih banyak penghargaan diantaranya MTV Indonesia Award 2008, Rookie Of The Year - Rolling Stone Indonesia Award 2008, Hot & Freaky 2008 (TRAX Magazine), Nominator AMI Award 2008, dan Clas Mild Music Hero 2009.
Single "BALERINA" dapat di rikues di radio-radio dikota anda dan di
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[creative-radio] Coastal environment courses open to journalists from India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh


Coastal environment courses open to journalists from India, Sri Lanka,

Posted on: 29/07/2009

Deadline: 21/08/2009

Country: India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh

Journalists from India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh can now apply for a
two-part environmental journalism course focusing on coastal
management in the region and its relation to the global environmental
situation. The first course will be held in Tuticorin from October 26
to November 6, and the second from April 19 to 24, 2010.

Participants will learn the basic tools in covering environmental
issues with special emphasis on coastal and marine environments.
Methods of reporting and planning will be discussed and practiced. The
course will also provide an opportunity for participating journalists
to interact and network with scientists and experts involved in the
region's environmental and coastal challenges.

All participants will be assigned a story or investigative project
during the first course, and depending on fulfilment, participants
will be selected to take part of the second step. The results will be
presented at the follow-up course.

The course is being organized by Fojo (the Institute for Further
Education of Journalists) of Sweden, in cooperation with the Suganthi
Devadason Marine Research Institute (SDMRI) of India.

Financial support in terms of a return ticket, accommodation and
boarding will be provided to select participants. For more
information, click here.
For an application form, e-mail
or click here

This e-mail service is edited, managed and moderated by
George Lessard

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Creative-Radio is an independent forum for people active in or interested in the use of radio in development, in particular promoting public health, improved education, protection of the environment, improved livelihoods, good governance and conflict mitigation. Since it started in 1996, Creative-Radio has been in the forefront of radio's resurgence as a tool for social change and peace-building, and it helps promote best practice in these areas.

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[creative-radio] A California Company Receives Patent for Podcasting


VoloMedia, Inc.
800 W. California Ave.
Suite 110
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
408-732-VOLO (8656)

VoloMedia, a podcast analytics, advertising, and
distribution company, just received a patent for "providing episodic
media," including podcasts. According to the company, which filed for the
patent in November 2003, U.S. Patent 7,568,213 covers all episodic media
downloads, not just the RSS-dependent downloads that power today's
podcasts. VoloMedia CEO Murgesh Navar says that the company doesn't plan
to go after individual podcasters, but that the company plans to "work
collaboratively with key participants in the industry." We do wonder,
however, if VoloMedia can really claim to have invented podcasting in
2003, given that the concept was already under development by Dave Winer
and others in late 2000 and early 2001.

The only company mentioned specifically in the announcement is Hulu (as an
example for a content platform that might one day offer episodic,
downloadable content), but in an interview with NewTeeVee's Chris
Albrecht, Navar also revealed that the company is already in talks with
Apple and a number of TV networks.



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Creative-Radio is an independent forum for people active in or interested in the use of radio in development, in particular promoting public health, improved education, protection of the environment, improved livelihoods, good governance and conflict mitigation. Since it started in 1996, Creative-Radio has been in the forefront of radio's resurgence as a tool for social change and peace-building, and it helps promote best practice in these areas.

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