Subject: [cr-india] Community Radio Station at Konark
From: "Alokesh" <alokeshgupta@
Date: Fri, July 24, 2009 23:20
To: "CR INDIA LATEST" <cr-india@sarai.
Community Radio Station at Konark
Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, Government of India has signed a
Grant of Permission Agreement with Young India, Konark, Orissa, for
establishing, maintaining and operating a Community Radio Station at Konark
District Puri Orissa. Letter of Intent had been issued to the organization
after recommendation of Inter Ministerial Committee and seeking requisite
clearances from various Ministries. The Community Radio Station is expected
to be operational within three months as per the agreement. With this, the
number of CRS will increase to 52 in the country.
The Community Radio Station is aimed to help the people in villages around
Konark learning about water harvesting, safe water storage, water
purification, and provide herbal health facilities to the villagers. It will
also help improve governance by involving members of the community in
developmental initiatives.
The Ministry encourages setting up the Community Radio Station as it
promises to provide an opportunity to the local communities to express
themselves, share their views and particularly empower the women. Community
Radio broadcasting has developed in response to the needs to grass root
social movements, community based organization to find an accessible and
affordable means to express their own issues, concerns, cultures and
language, and to create an alternative to the state owned public broadcaster
and to growth of private commercial media.
(Press Release, PIB, Govt of India)
Alokesh Gupta
New Delhi
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