Saturday, 1 November 2008

[creative-radio] To Give Life and Live - Côte d'Ivoire

To Give Life and Live - Côte d'Ivoire
This reproductive health initiative was developed by a group of 20 women
journalists in the Ivory Coast who are part of La Cellule Féminine des
Média contre le SIDA en Côte d'Ivoire (CFMS-CI). These women are using
their skills - and their connections within the media in the country - to
disseminate reproductive health and HIV/AIDS messages to other women, and
to explore new ways to reach out to their intended audience. Using what
they intend to be frank, simple language that can be easily understood,
they write articles and broadcast radio spots on various issues related to
HIV/AIDS. They then meet in smaller groups with local women to foster
dialogue on, and the raising of questions about, the articles they have
written or reports they have given.
Contact: Bakayoko Zéguéla

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