There are 13 messages in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
1. DRC: Closures of Community Radio of Katanga (RCK) & All Gospel Radio
From: George Lessard
2. BBC World Service's "Your Story" can offer citizens equipment and tr
From: George Lessard
3. MENA DRC: Closures of Community Radio of Katanga (RCK) & All Gospel
From: George Lessard
4. Pakistan's airwaves: On militant turf, Radio Khyber "The Voice of Kh
From: George Lessard
From: George Lessard
6. Le nouvel élan des langues indiennes
From: George Lessard
7. Independent media in Afghanistan under threat
From: George Lessard
8. Climate change guide published for journalists
From: George Lessard
9. CTV reports on Whistle Radio, 102.7FM in Stoufville
From: George Lessard
10. UNESCO releases a manual for Digital archiving of radio/audio conten
From: George Lessard
11. Nepal: Handbook for exiled journalists published
From: George Lessard
12. Media Training Resources
From: George Lessard
13. Sénégal - suspension de deux mois : Oxy-jeunes et Afia FM font
From: George Lessard
1. DRC: Closures of Community Radio of Katanga (RCK) & All Gospel Radio
Posted by: "George Lessard" themediamentor
Date: Sun Mar 15, 2009 9:58 am ((PDT))
*Trois radio-télés interdites par le maire de Likasi*
* English*: Three independent radio and television stations in Likasi face
closure following mayor's
Pays/Sujet: *République démocratique du Congo*
Date: *13 mars 2009*
Source: * Journaliste en danger (JED) *
Personne(s): **
Cible(s): * station(s) de radio , station(s) de télévision *
Type(s) d'infraction(s): * suspension *
Niveau de priorité: * Flash *
(JED/IFEX) - Denis Kalondji Ngoy, maire de la ville de Likasi, a décidé, le
11 mars 2009, d'interdire, jusqu'à nouvel ordre, la RCK (Radio Communautaire
du Katanga, une propriété de la société civile locale) et la RTL4
(Radiotélévision Likasi 4, appartenant à un homme d'affaire de la ville). Il
est appuyé en cela par des autorités provinciales du Katanga. Les deux
médias indépendants, dont les responsables et journalistes ont été soumis
depuis plusieurs jours à des menaces et pressions de toutes sortes, ont
finalement accepté, le 12 mars, d'obtempérer à la décision du maire. Un
troisième média, la RPE (Radio Plein Evangile), dont l'animateur Gilbert
Nawezi a été interdit d'antenne depuis une semaine par le maire de Likasi, a
reçu également l'ordre de fermer.
Three independent radio and television stations in Likasi face closure
following mayor's orders
Français: Trois radio-télés interdites par le maire de
Country/Topic: *Democratic Republic of Congo*
Date: *13 March 2009*
Source: * Journaliste en danger (JED) *
Person(s): **
Target(s): * radio station(s) , television station(s) *
Type(s) of violation(s): * banned *
Urgency: * Flash *
(JED/IFEX) - On 11 March 2009, the mayor of Likasi, Denis Kalondji Ngoy,
ordered the closure of Community Radio of Katanga (RCK) and Radiotélévision
Likasi 4 (RTL4). The mayor's decision was supported by the provincial
authorities of Katanga. On 12 March, journalists from the two independent
media outlets, who had been threatened and pressured for several days,
finally agreed to comply with the mayor's decision. A third media outlet,
All Gospel Radio (RPE) also received orders to close. RPE host Gilbert
Nawezi has been ordered off the airways since last week.
** *
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Messages in this topic (1)
2. BBC World Service's "Your Story" can offer citizens equipment and tr
Posted by: "George Lessard" themediamentor
Date: Sun Mar 15, 2009 10:12 am ((PDT))
The BBC's citizen journalism project.
---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: [ZESTMedia] BBC World Service can offer citizens equipment and
training for Your Story project
From: "Siddhartha Kumar" <>
Date: Sat, March 14, 2009 13:41
BBC World Service can offer citizens equipment and training for Your
Story project
Posted: 12/03/09 By: Judith Townend
Your Story is the BBC World Service's citizen journalism project,
running since June 2008. Anyone can send in ideas for stories and news
reports, or personal stories, photos, audio and video.
Nina Robinson, a senior broadcast journalist at the BBC World Service,
runs the project and works with individuals to pursue report ideas and
will provide them with recording equipment, and training and advice,
she says. Robinson then edits material received.
Some of it ends up on the blog and some of it ends up on air: on
Newshour, The World Today, Europe Today, World Update and Outlook.
Other bits are featured online.
"We've had contributors from all over the world," Robinson tells "Most of them have a burning issue they care about
and want to research it further by doing a report on it," she says.
For example, there was 19 year old Ricardo from a favela in Brazil on
living with violence; David Urbina who is HIV positive and covered an
AIDS conference in Mexico; Xuanxuan, a student who reported from the
Beijing Olympics; and a group of British teenage mothers who discussed
issues on World Contraception Day.
"It's all about communicating with people. I see it a bit as a
democratisation of the news process. Rather than the BBC as a news
organisation dictating the news agenda, we're listening to what people
are telling us, taking in their opinions, thoughts, sometimes
eyewitness accounts - whether they be in the form of photos, videos,
or opinion pieces."
Personal highlights for Robinson include the time she worked with
Baktash Siawash in Afghanistan - reporting on a school girl whose face
was splashed with acid by the Taliban;
and when she covered Obama's inauguration, gathering 'grassroots
Robinson also flags up a series of reports from citizen journalists on the
economy in Detroit.
See the Your Story photos of Detroit on flickr
Now, the team is working to build the blog to incorporate further with
the World Have Your Say (WHYS) blog community.
"Eventually we might have citizen journalists in every country in the
world, someone who will be available to give us an on the ground
personal view if there's a relevant news event, especially in those
hard to reach areas where we do not always have reporters - Riyadh,
Darfur, Gaza, for example," she says.
"We are continuing to send out equipment," she adds. Videos, such as
the promotional one at this link, are intended to build exposure.
Twitter is another new focus for the project - a recent blog post
described Robinson's enthusiasm for the project. "I'm trying to do
more on Twitter - I'm a convert and excited about the possibilities it
offers to reach out to a wider community."
The project works alongside other BBC projects, she says. "It fits
into other world service news programmes as part of the multimedia hub
here in news and current affairs. I offer material to programmes to
run and also offer ideas for debate and interview, so there's a lot of
communication going on. They are also asking me to get equipment to
certain people they think would make good citizen journalists."
Your Story
Your Story is a fast-developing multimedia website offering a unique place
for BBC World Service listeners and potential citizen journalists to
contribute directly to our output.
You can send us your photos, video and ideas for news stories. If you
think you would like to be one of our citizen journalists we will try and
work with you to conduct interviews and provide recording equipment,
advice and support to get your voices onto the radio and broadcast around
the world.
To find out more please visit the website and also have a look at the
photos in this Your Story flickr collection to look at what other people
have already done for us.
Messages in this topic (1)
3. MENA DRC: Closures of Community Radio of Katanga (RCK) & All Gospel
Posted by: "George Lessard" themediamentor
Date: Sun Mar 15, 2009 10:14 am ((PDT))
Trois radio-télés interdites par le maire de Likasi
English: Three independent radio and television stations in Likasi face
closure following mayor's orders
Pays/Sujet: République démocratique du Congo
Date: 13 mars 2009
Source: Journaliste en danger (JED)
Cible(s): station(s) de radio , station(s) de télévision
Type(s) d'infraction(s): suspension
Niveau de priorité: Flash
(JED/IFEX) - Denis Kalondji Ngoy, maire de la ville de Likasi, a décidé,
le 11 mars 2009, d'interdire, jusqu'à nouvel ordre, la RCK (Radio
Communautaire du Katanga, une propriété de la société civile locale) et la
RTL4 (Radiotélévision Likasi 4, appartenant à un homme d'affaire de la
ville). Il est appuyé en cela par des autorités provinciales du Katanga.
Les deux médias indépendants, dont les responsables et journalistes ont
été soumis depuis plusieurs jours à des menaces et pressions de toutes
sortes, ont finalement accepté, le 12 mars, d'obtempérer à la décision du
maire. Un troisième média, la RPE (Radio Plein Evangile), dont l'animateur
Gilbert Nawezi a été interdit d'antenne depuis une semaine par le maire de
Likasi, a reçu également l'ordre de fermer.
Three independent radio and television stations in Likasi face closure
following mayor's orders
Français: Trois radio-télés interdites par le maire de Likasi
Country/Topic: Democratic Republic of Congo
Date: 13 March 2009
Source: Journaliste en danger (JED)
Target(s): radio station(s) , television station(s)
Type(s) of violation(s): banned
Urgency: Flash
(JED/IFEX) - On 11 March 2009, the mayor of Likasi, Denis Kalondji Ngoy,
ordered the closure of Community Radio of Katanga (RCK) and
Radiotélévision Likasi 4 (RTL4). The mayor's decision was supported by the
provincial authorities of Katanga. On 12 March, journalists from the two
independent media outlets, who had been threatened and pressured for
several days, finally agreed to comply with the mayor's decision. A third
media outlet, All Gospel Radio (RPE) also received orders to close. RPE
host Gilbert Nawezi has been ordered off the airways since last week.
To Subcribe or remove your name:
Messages in this topic (1)
4. Pakistan's airwaves: On militant turf, Radio Khyber "The Voice of Kh
Posted by: "George Lessard" themediamentor
Date: Sun Mar 15, 2009 2:35 pm ((PDT))
Pakistan's airwaves: On militant turf, Radio Khyber offers a ...
"Until Radio Khyber started news reporting, the FM mullahs were winning the
dial wars," says Aurangzaib Khan, the manager of Media Development at
Internews Pakistan in Peshawar, an international nonprofit that trains
radio journalists ...
Peshawar, Pakistan - Kishwar yanks at her veil, caught in the sound
equipment of a cramped radio production studio, and pins it back. "It's
hard to be the voice of anything with all this cloth on my face," she
jokes, alluding to her station's tag line, "The Voice of Khyber."
Kishwar, who, like others in this story, asked to have her last name
withheld for security, is one of 15 reporters for Radio Khyber, a rare
nonextremist station broadcasting in the town of Jamrud, in the militant
stronghold of Pakistan's northwestern tribal areas. Airwaves in this
region are filled with the illegal broadcasts of "FM mullahs" preaching
about "holy war" and recruiting fighters.
Radio Khyber, launched in 2006 with government support, provides an
alternative to the hard-line clerics with its medley of local news, talk
shows, and music. But it treads carefully, trying to avoid backlash from
either the militants – who criticize the playing of music – or the
Pakistani government, which dislikes its news coverage in this sensitive
Messages in this topic (1)
Posted by: "George Lessard" themediamentor
Date: Sun Mar 15, 2009 5:43 pm ((PDT))
5 accords d'échange de programmes signés
15 Mars 2009 - Page : 6
Lu 62 fois
L'Entreprise nationale de radio sonore (Enrs) a signé cinq accords avec des
radios intercommunautaires de Lyon et de Paris pour un échange de programmes
dans le but de diversifier et d'enrichir les contenus de leurs grilles. Ces
accords ont été signés, jeudi dernier à Lyon, avec la radio communautaire
Salam et la radio intercommunautaire Trait d'union.
La même procédure a été menée, ces vendredi et samedi à Paris, avec Radio
France Maghreb, Beur FM et Radio Soleil. «*Ces accords permettent de
diversifier l'offre de nos Radios respectives et de renforcer le lien de la
communauté nationale vivant en France avec le pays natal*», a expliqué à
l'APS le directeur général de l'Enrs, M.Tewfik Khelladi.
«*Ces échanges débuteront très prochainement. L'Enrs mettra à la disposition
de nos partenaires des contenus très diversifiés touchant la culture,
l'éducation, la religion, l'histoire, la découverte et la connaissance des
villes algériennes ainsi que des programmes distractifs*», a encore précisé
M.Khelladi, ajoutant que «*des interconnexions et des duplex seront
effectués lors des fêtes religieuses et autres grands événements pour
permettre aux auditeurs de la communauté algérienne d'être en contact avec
leurs familles par le biais de la radio*».
Grâce à ces Radios-partenaires, dont certaines couvrent presque la totalité
du territoire français, totalisant près d'un million et demi d'auditeurs,
l'Enrs sera présente dans les programmes de ces médias par le biais des
contenus qu'elle mettra à leur disposition.
Le DG de l'Enrs avait signé, vendredi, un accord-cadre avec l'Institut
français de l'audiovisuel (INA) sur la formation des personnels chargés de
la numérisation, l'un des vastes chantiers que lance la Radio nationale.
Un lot de copies de documents sonores totalisant 200 heures de programmes a
été remis au DG de l'Enrs à cette occasion.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Messages in this topic (1)
6. Le nouvel élan des langues indiennes
Posted by: "George Lessard" themediamentor
Date: Sun Mar 15, 2009 5:47 pm ((PDT))
Si vous mangez des *ahuacatl* (avocats) ou des *tomatl* (tomates) en
grignotant des *cacahuatl* (cacahuètes), le tout arrosé d'une tasse de *
xocolatl* (chocolat), vous pratiquez le nahuatl sans le savoir ! Le nahuatl
("parole claire, harmonieuse") reste bien vivant dans la partie orientale du
Mexique. Avec 1,5 million de locuteurs, il s'agit de la langue indigène la
plus répandue dans le pays, notamment à Mexico : c'était aussi celle des
Aztèques, et son enseignement vient d'être mis à l'honneur dans certaines
écoles par la municipalité de gauche de la capitale.
Mais c'est loin d'être la seule. Maya, zapotèque, mixtèque, otomi, tzotzil,
tzeltal, purépécha, raramuri - au total, 68 langues indiennes sont encore
parlées au Mexique par quelque 4 millions de personnes, au moins au sein de
la famille et au cours de rituels religieux. Les programmes des centaines de
radios communautaires s'avèrent aussi très importants pour maintenir cette
vitalité linguistique, dans des régions d'accès souvent difficile.* "Une
jeune génération d'écrivains écrit aujourd'hui en mazatèque*, explique Juan
Gregorio <> Regino , un poète mazatèque qui
traduit lui-même ses textes en espagnol. *La résurgence de ces langues -
dont beaucoup restent néanmoins menacées de disparition - est l'un des
phénomènes culturels les plus marquants de ces dernières années."*
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Messages in this topic (1)
7. Independent media in Afghanistan under threat
Posted by: "George Lessard" themediamentor
Date: Sun Mar 15, 2009 7:10 pm ((PDT))
Independent media in Afghanistan under threat
Emirates Business 24/7 - Dubai,Dubai,United Arab Emirates
It was the goal of Internews to train people to make media outlets entirely
Afghan-run. But not all larger external organisations have the same mission
and ...
Messages in this topic (1)
8. Climate change guide published for journalists
Posted by: "George Lessard" themediamentor
Date: Sun Mar 15, 2009 7:14 pm ((PDT))
Climate change guide published for journalists
Media For Freedom - Nepal,Nepal,Nepal
Development organization Panos London has
published an online guide for journalists and media professionals that
aims to provide clarification on climate change topics as well as advice
for journalists reporting on the issue.
The guide includes a section on "the basics," which explains the science
of climate change, a portion where journalists that attended the UN
Climate Change Conference in December, 2008, in Poznan, Poland, discuss
the difficulties of reporting on complex environmental issues, as well as
expert tips and insight on reporting on climate change.
Thirty-seven journalists from 28 developing countries attended the
Conference for free throught the Climate Change Media Partnership (CCMP),
set up by Panos, Internews and the International Institute for Environment
and Development.
For more information and to access to the guide visit here.
Messages in this topic (1)
9. CTV reports on Whistle Radio, 102.7FM in Stoufville
Posted by: "George Lessard" themediamentor
Date: Mon Mar 16, 2009 6:16 am ((PDT))
CTV Toronto: Bill Hutchison on a little radio station that's bucking the odds
Whistle Radio, 102.7FM in Stoufville, will celebrate one year on the air
on Tuesday as a community radio station. Bill Hutchison reports.
See also
Messages in this topic (1)
10. UNESCO releases a manual for Digital archiving of radio/audio conten
Posted by: "George Lessard" themediamentor
Date: Mon Mar 16, 2009 6:31 am ((PDT))
---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: [cr-india] UNESCO releases Digital archiving of audio content
using WINISIS and Greenstone software: a manual for community radio
From: "Puna Das" <>
Date: Mon, March 16, 2009 06:10
Dear Colleagues
UNESCO releases Digital archiving of audio content using WINISIS and
Greenstone software: a manual for community radio managers
UNESCO Office in New Delhi has published Digital archiving of audio
content using WINISIS and Greenstone software: a manual for community
radio managers. This self-instructional handbook is aimed at helping
managers of community and FM radio stations, public service broadcasting
agencies and any other organizations that deal with audio files create
prototype archives of digital audio documents.
Free and open source software (FOSS) helps digital inclusion of citizens
in developing countries through easy-to-get and socially useful
applications. UNESCO's information processing tools assist many grassroots
institutions in disseminating information to local communities. Digital
archive of a community radio station can be a knowledge repository
containing collective wisdom of indigenous people, as well as of regional
communities and institutions.
The South Asian sub-region is now at the nascent stage of community radio
development, with the introduction of policy frameworks in India, Nepal
and other countries. Community radio has a great development potential
across the sub-region with ever increasing number of community radio
stations. To maintain an archive of broadcasted contents is a legal
obligation as a self-regulatory mechanism, however many stations are not
equipped for doing this.. Moreover, community radio stations often need to
re-use and re-broadcast many of their archived contents.
This new publication is a reliable manual for digital archiving of
multimedia contents, with special focus on community radio contents. Its
users will find it helpful in their every-day work. The publication has
its genesis in the recommendations and proceedings of two events,
supported by UNESCO: National Consultation on Community Radio for
Practising and Potential Community Radio Operators in India and National
Consultation to Review Community Radio in Nepal, during which community
radio station managers stressed the importance of archiving digital audio
In line with the needs of the community, the manual guides users in
creating their own archives with stable, free software like WINISIS,
GenISIS and Greenstone. The book also provides the URL addresses from
where this software can be downloaded.
The manual can be downloaded here:
If you want a print copy of this book, please send a request letter to Ms.
Ajitha Vijayan, CI Sector, UNESCO, B5/29, Safdarjung Enclave, New
Delhi-110029; Fax: 011-26713001/2 along with a self-addressed A4 size
With Best Regards
Anup Kumar Das
New Delhi, India
Messages in this topic (1)
11. Nepal: Handbook for exiled journalists published
Posted by: "George Lessard" themediamentor
Date: Mon Mar 16, 2009 6:36 am ((PDT))
Handbook for exiled journalists published
A new handbook for training journalists in remote and disadvantaged parts
of South Asia is currently being printed in Nepal. It is the brainchild of
T.P. Mishra, founding president of the Bhutan Chapter of the
Bangladesh-based Third World Media Network.
The book was originally aimed at the Bhutanese refugee journalists who
work, unpaid, in the refugee camps in Nepal, but those behind it want it
made available to all journalists working in exile.
Media Helping Media has contributed a chapter on journalism and activism
for the book. In the following question and answer session, we asked T.P.
Mishra to explain his thinking behind the publication.
Q: How do people living overseas pay for and get hold of a copy?
The book will be kept online, although those browsing the online version
will be able to accessed all the full content. They will have a choice to
either buy the electronic copy or they can buy the hardcopy through Pay
Pal . Once again I request the audience to buy the copy since the fund we
collect would be best-used to promote the public's right to information.
Footnote: T.P Mishra comes from a remote district of Bhutan. He fled the
country for Nepal with his family when he was six years old. He is a
graduate in journalism and mass communication, and has been a refugee
camp-based correspondent for The Bhutan Reporter (TBR) monthly. He is now
chief editor and publisher of TBR, working unpaid. He is also the founding
president of the Bhutan Chapter of the Bangladesh-based Third World Media
Network since 2006.
Messages in this topic (1)
12. Media Training Resources
Posted by: "George Lessard" themediamentor
Date: Mon Mar 16, 2009 6:45 am ((PDT))
Training resources<>
[image: Training in Kotor, Montenegro]This training section was set up by David
Brewer <> of Media Ideas International
Ltd <> in order to offer ongoing help to media
development clients in transition states, post-conflict countries, and areas
where freedom of expression is under threat.
David had undertaken a number of contracts for media development
organisations but realised that, in some cases, there were no plans to
support the media organisations involved after the projects ended.
He set about writing a number of training modules so that the media
organisations that couldn't afford to pay for further help could still build
their own capacity to survive.
Over time, others joined in and offered existing training modules, or to
write new ones. These have been added to the mix.
More are being added all the time. If you have a training module you would
like to make available, please use the contact us
let us know.
Also, because many are written on planes, in departure lounges and in
hotels, they may contain typos. The only condition for using these modules
is that if you spot any typos and errors you let us know, and that you
credit Media Helping Media (or the author if it is a module written by a
guest) with a mention and a link.
Listed below are the categories for the training modules.
- Media management<>
*( 3 items )*
This section contains a number of modules covering media management.
These modules are designed to help media business manages build strong,
independent and fiancially sustainable media operations. If you want to add
to this section, please use the contact
and your contribution will be considered for inclusion.
- Editorial
*( 9 items )*
This section contains a number of modules covering editorial ethics. They
are offered to help media organisation ensure that they offer balanced,
objective and impartial journalism that informs the public debate. If you
want to add to this section, please use the contact
and your contribution will be considered for inclusion.
- Journalism
*( 22 items )*
This section contains a number of modules covering various aspects of
journalism. They have been drawn up over a period of years and are being
continually updated and added to. If you want to add to this section, please
use the contact
and your contribution will be considered for inclusion.
- Investigative
*( 10 items )*
This section contains a number of modules covering investigative
journalism. Most have been donated to Media Helping Media by internationally
recognised experts in this field. If you want to add to this section, please
use the contact
and your contribution will be considered for inclusion.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Messages in this topic (1)
13. Sénégal - suspension de deux mois : Oxy-jeunes et Afia FM font
Posted by: "George Lessard" themediamentor
Date: Mon Mar 16, 2009 6:48 am ((PDT))
Sénégal - suspension de deux mois : Oxy-jeunes et Afia FM font les frais
de la campagne
Pape Mamadou Diéry Diallo (Stagiaire)
Samedi 14 Mars 2009 - 23:51
Deux radios communautaires font les frais de la campagne électorale. Elles
ont été sommées d'arrêter d'émettre pour avoir organisé des émissions
politiques. Le Conseil National de Régulation de l'Audiovisuel (CNRA) a
suspendu les radios Oxy-jeune et Afia FM.
Les radios communautaires Oxy-jeunes FM et Afia Fm sont aphones pour deux
mois. Elles ont été suspendues par le Conseil National de Régulation de
l'Audiovisuel (CNRA) qui a scellé leur émetteur ce samedi 14 mars 2009.
L'organe sénégalais de régulation des médias leur reproche le traitement
de l'information politique alors que leur cahier de charge ne le leur
permet pas. A une semaine de la fin de la campagne électorale, le Conseil
National de Régulation de l'Audiovisuelle (CNRA) sévit. Il a suspendu la
fréquence de deux radios communautaires dont Oxy-jeunes (Pikine) et Afia
Fm (Grand yoff). L'arrêt des programmes de ces stations FM fait suite à
une mise en demeure.
Messages in this topic (1)
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