Wednesday 25 November 2009

[creative-radio] Australian Queer Radio Hits National Waves


Australian Queer Radio Hits National Waves

JOY 94.9 is reaching out to new audiences as far as Albany, Townsville and
Whyalla with a new national GLBTIQ news radio program.

The 5-minute news program contains aims to highlight headlines targeted at
the Australian queer community.

The QNN (Q-mmunity Network News is part of Melbourne based LGBTQ radio
station JOY 94.9 and already has been picked up by 50 community stations
across the shared Community Radio Network (CRN).

"It's about getting the message of celebration and information and
education out as broadly as we possibly can," said Stephen Duns, president
of JOY 94.9.

"Mainstream news services do not adequately meet the needs of our
community, and QNN will provide this essential service for the diverse
lesbian and gay communities around the country."

Not to mention mainstream media is BORING! I hope the team at JOY 94.9
will offer something us insights that are fresh and thought provoking, and
not just another rehash of less than stellar news coverage.

QNN will be aired locally in Melbourne on JOY 94.9 at 7.05pm Monday and
10.30am Saturday, or you can pick it up from the station's website.

The national broadcasts can be heard at 11.55am Wednesday on participating

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