Speak Up, Speak Out: A Toolkit for Reporting on Human Rights Issues
This toolkit from Internews is both a human rights reference guide and a
workbook for journalists and civic activists - especially those working in
situations of war or conflict, or in post-conflict areas where human rights
violations continue to occur - who want to improve their ability to report
on human rights issues in a fair, accurate, and sensitive way...
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: The Soul Beat <soulbeat@comminit.com>
Date: 2 May 2012 11:50
Subject: The Soul Beat Extra: Community Radio - May 2 2012
Soul Beat Extra: Community Radio
May 2012
For people using community radio for social change...
The SB Extra: Community Radio updates you on community radio related
programme experiences, evaluations, research, awards, trainings, and
resource materials recently placed on the Soul Beat Africa website and
within the Community Radio themesite
SB Extra: Community Radio complements The Soul Beat newsletter through a
specific focus on Community Radio and is sent out bi-monthly.
If you know someone who would be interested in receiving this free
e-publication, please forward this edition to them. They can "subscribe" by
subscribing to The Soul Beat (through the registration process) and
indicate an interest in radio. See
http://www.comminit.com/africa/user/register or send an email to
soulbeat@comminit.com with a subject of "subscribe community radio".
If you would like your organisation's communication work, research and
resource documents, or trainings and events to be featured on the Soul Beat
Africa website and in The Soul Beat newsletters, please contact
We would love to get your feedback on some of the knowledge shared in this
newsletter. After you have clicked on the summary links provided, at the
bottom of each Soul Beat Africa webpage you will see a star rating option
as well as a comments form. Please rate the content and/or let us know what
you think by sending a brief comment through the comments form. Your
feedback will be greatly appreciated and will help us to better support
your work.
You can also send any general comments to soulbeat@comminit.com We would
love to hear from you!
1. Radio Ergo - Somalia
Since 2011 Radio Ergo has been producing original humanitarian news and
information for daily broadcasts across Somalia and the Somali-speaking
region. A project of IMS Productions Aps, with support from the Swiss
Development Cooperation (SDC) and the Common Humanitarian Fund for Somalia
(CHF), the programmes are broadcast on shortwave and on FM through partner
radio stations. The programmes focus on broadly humanitarian themes:
health, food security and nutrition, farming and livestock, recovery from
crisis, children and youth, gender issues, education, refugees and
internally displaced people, and peace-building...
2. Breaking the Silence - Burundi
ADRA Denmark's Breaking the Silence children's radio programme is designed
to breaks the culture of silence around HIV and AIDS in Burundi, while also
giving children a voice. The project combines radio programming with
listening groups to promote dialogue and discussion around HIV/AIDS. The
radio shows last 30 minutes and are broadcast once a week. In addition,
once a month, a one-hour live show is produced with the participation of
both adults and children in an expert panel. All the shows include a
3. Community Media: A Good Practice Handbook
From the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
(UNESCO), this handbook, offers a collection of case studies of good
practice in community media. It intends to provide inspiration and support
for those engaged in community media advocacy and to raise awareness and
understanding of community media among policymakers and other stakeholders.
Community media are understood in this collection as independent,
civil-society-based media that operate for social benefit and not for
profit. According to the handbook, community media "provide communities
with access to information and voice, facilitating community-level debate,
information and knowledge sharing and input into public decision-making..."
Please share the summaries you like to your networks by, for example,
"liking" or sharing the summary to your Facebook page or by spreading the
word through Twitter.
4. Developing Independent Media as an Institution of Accountable
Governance: A How-To Guide
Published in June 2011, this guide is the second stage of a project by
CommGAP to examine the linkages between the media and governance reform.
The first stage of this process produced Public Sentinel: News Media and
Governance Reform, an edited volume that explored key issues surrounding
the role of the media in democratic governance and the policy interventions
that might facilitate this role. This how-to guide represents the second
stage of that process, which is meant to bridge the gap between theory and
5. Combining Local Radio and Mobile Phones to Promote Climate Stewardship
From the Centre for Development Informatics (CDI), University of
Manchester, United Kingdom (UK), with the support of the International
Development Research Centre (IDRC), this case study published in January
2012, focuses on a pilot project in rural communities on the Eastern edge
of Zambia that aimed to bring effective radio programming and mobile
phone-based interaction to these communities, in an effort to increase
their knowledge of the local deforestation issue and deepen their stake in
reversing the trend...
6. Report Shows Internews Radio Stations in Southern Sudan Most Trusted by
According to audience research surveys conducted by the BBC World Service
Trust, three radio stations in Southern Sudan, established and supported by
Internews, are the "most trusted and important sources of information in
their communities". The stations include: Mayardit FM in Warrap, Naath FM
in Unity, and Nhomlaau FM in Northern Bahr el Ghazal. The radio stations,
staffed by local Sudanese trained by Internews, broadcast a variety of
news, information, and music programming in local languages for an average
eight hours a day...
For knowledge and resources on D & G and communication, visit Soul Beat
Africa's Democracy and Governance Themesite -
The themesite offers communication-related knowledge in the following D & G
focus areas: Civic Engagement; Rights and Justice; Media and D & G; Gender
Empowerment; Conflict and Peace; Anti-Corruption; Freedom of Information;
Elections; and Parliaments.
For information specifically on Media and D & G see
7. CTA Rural Radio Packs
The Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation ACP-EU (CTA)
uses radio packs (short interviews with agricultural experts, extension
workers, technical advisers working for non-governmental organisations
(NGOs), veterinarians, and personnel from Ministries of Agriculture, as
well as researchers about agricultural techniques) as a communication tool
to provide information to African, Caribbean, and Pacific (ACP) rural
communities. The Rural Radio Resource Pack Programme began in 1991 and
produces sets of 5 "packs" per year. There are over 50 packs available to
date at the centre...
8. Speak Up, Speak Out: A Toolkit for Reporting on Human Rights Issues
This toolkit from Internews is both a human rights reference guide and a
workbook for journalists and civic activists - especially those working in
situations of war or conflict, or in post-conflict areas where human rights
violations continue to occur - who want to improve their ability to report
on human rights issues in a fair, accurate, and sensitive way...
9. Radio and SMS To Increase Awareness on Deforestation - Uganda
In February 2012, Text to Change, World Wide Fund for Nature's Earth Hour,
and Trac FM collaborated to use mobile technology and radio to address the
impact of the charcoal trade on deforestation in Uganda. Two radio stations
in Uganda asked their listeners to participate in polls which focused on
the country's charcoal trade in order to find out their opinion.
Participants were able to respond on a toll free short code. The results
were instantly available to in-studio guests, and were subsequently
published in other media...
10. Peace Through Development (PDEV) Chad - Chad
In 2008, Equal Access began working in Chad as the media partner in the
Peace through Development (PDEV) project. Using participatory radio
methodologies, the Equal Access team of Chadian producers engages listeners
through the production of three weekly radio series on youth, good
governance, and religious tolerance. These programmes are complemented by
civil society strengthening and engagement activities such as listening and
dialogue groups and capacity building for the Chadian radio sector...
11. Radio for Peacebuilding Africa Awards 2012
Deadline: May 11, 2012
The Radio for Peacebuilding Africa (RFPA) is seeking entries from African
radio broadcasters for their 2012 annual awards, recognising the best radio
programmes contributing to peace in Africa. The RFPA Awards particularly
celebrate radio programmes that help to reduce group and community
tensions, enhance and give value to shared interests, break down listener
stereotypes, or provide positive role models. Three prizes will be awarded
in each category. The first prize is 600 Euros, the second 300 Euros, and
the third 150 Euros...
For more information on Community Radio, see:
Community Radio Theme Site
See also:
Edutainment Theme Site
If you have received this from another source, and would like to subscribe
to The Soul Beat and SBA Extra: Community Radio, please visit
http://www.comminit.com/africa/user/register or email soulbeat@comminit.com
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Creative-Radio is an independent forum for people active in or interested in the use of radio in development, in particular promoting public health, improved education, protection of the environment, improved livelihoods, good governance and conflict mitigation. Since it started in 1996, Creative-Radio has been in the forefront of radio's resurgence as a tool for social change and peace-building, and it helps promote best practice in these areas.
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